[Blogs] Fnatic blogs: melen#1

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    • [Blogs] Fnatic blogs: melen#1

      I’d like to start with an introduction of myself. My name is Romi Gunawan, nicknamed melen. I was born on October 23, 1983 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am the youngest child in my family with 2 brothers. We liked to play a game as the “Three Musketeers” (like the movie title hehe ^.^) when we were young. This year is my last year in University. I am an undergraduate student of University Tarumanegara and my major study is Economic Management.

      Source: fnatic.com
    • Sry für semi-Offtopic aber weiß jemand was die in Indonesien fürn Alphabet nutzen?Das arabische oder nen eigenes oder sonstwas?interressiert mich jetz ma.

      War nett zu lesen aber iwie nix neues und die Gesichter hinter Xcn kannte ich schon. Naja trotzdem witzig gemacht
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