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    • S2S hat einen Sponsor!

      Seit heute steht fest, dass der Multigaming Clan Xeo Divine ein neues DotA-Team in seinen Reihen hat.
      Nachdem sie sich am 09.03.`09 erst von dem Team IDP getrennt haben, nehmen sie nun Shop2Shop auf.
      Sie werden von nun an auch gleich in die Pick-League einsteigen, an Farm4Farm teilnehmen und in dem IDEC "End of Time" - Turnier mitspielen.

      Ihr aktuelles Lineup:

      Mehdi ''Anfere'' Meslouhi (Manager)
      Boris ''NozG'' Sikic (Captain)
      Morten ''Nilk'' Pettersen
      Dominik ''Lacoste_'' Stipic
      Eddie ''Swoopie'' Johansson
      Oscar ''Sond'' Eklöf
      Fredrik ''Snyft'' Larsson
      Olsson ''Pajkatt'' Lille

      Statement von Anfere, dem Xeo DotA Manager:
      Early this week, we made the announcement of droping our Dota Squad. While its been only few days since, we are already back to business with a new roster !
      Xeo Divine is proud to announce that Shop 2 Shop will be joining the multigaming, and will represent us as our new Dota Team.Shop 2 Shop also known as the Avid Clan is well known of the Dota esport community, and have been around for quite some time. They were also known as DmZ until recently when they parted ways with Diamondz.
      Shop 2 Shop is currently attending the pick league div 1 and the Idec tournement, and starting of today, they will play under our tag on those events and for the futur tournements !
      We wish our new team good luck and hope they will feel at home fast and adapte well to their new organisation.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von OxMxFxG ()

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