Forget DotA Cup #24

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    • Rules for Forget DotA Cup #24.

      - GGClient is the default platform for all games.

      - Map vers; 6.67c

      - Game mode : -cm

      - Each team has 15 minutes to show up, If they aren't @ #forget or hasn't contacted/responded to their opponents the other team will recieve an default win.

      - If a player disconnects the team can either, use the hero and all his items as they are OR teamsell the items from hero itself, you are not allowed to take the items and sell them on another hero than the leaver, you are not allowed to take the items and use them on another hero aswell.

      - Teams must save after First Blood and should save frequently during a match in order to compensate for disconnects.

      - Maximum of two euls/guinsoos per team.

      - Only one Necronomicon per team.

      - Only two Mekansms per team.

      - Backdooring is ALLOWED

      - No flaming/disbehaving.

      All results must be pm'ed to hjort @ quakenet
      Solange Menschen denken, dass Tiere nicht fühlen, müssen Tiere fühlen, dass Menschen nicht denken!

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