Neue Dotalicious Regeln

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  • Neue Dotalicious Regeln

    Due to the fact that we at DLG are always striving to better our games for our users we have decided on the following changes to DotA and our in game rules for better balance.
    With these changes we expect much more even and enjoyable games that ultimately will benefit everyone.

    #1a- Potm is now banned in all SL1/2/3 games and is now only allowed in SL0.
    #1b - Potm may only be played by people with less than 47% win
    Explanation: Anyone with even low skills is able to play potm so easily and in such an overpowered way that it completely skews our win % in games. She has a 5sec stun that deals far too much damage. This in itself is OP if anything. The fact that she has a global invis ulty makes her not suitable for public games where wards and dusts are not nearly purchased enough. Therefore only lowest of low skill users are from now on allowed to play her and only in SL0 games since they don't count towards game statistics.

    #2a - SF is now also banned in the exact same way as Potm.
    Explanation: He is one of few heroes who has a channeling ulty that doesn't go off CD if interrupted and Icefrog in his retarded brain still hasn't understood that this MUST be nerfed. 900dps for the same mana cost in a huge AoE as a normal heroes single 300dps stun or blast is so OP that our lower skilled users who can't afford to buy bracers etc simply don't stand a chance. Until both SF and Potm are nerfed they are banned in the above criteria. This should even out our game statistics and raise the level of enjoyment for everyone.

    #3 The highest EXP player on each team must from now on buy 1 set of obs wards before creep spawn and preferably place them. Not purchasing (after purchase giving to another player to place is fine) will lead to 1 days ban.
    Explanation: Since that player has the highest EXP he is also considered the most skilled and therefore won't need as much starting gold or health Regen in lane. He will also be able to most quickly farm up gold to compensate for this early extra cost. This in the long run will greatly increase the quality of our games. Does not apply to SL0 as everyone there is so horribly low. Exception is if a SL2 or SL3 player plays SL0 then this obs purchase rule still applies.

    gerade gelesen. finde ich so ziemlich lächerlich, dass potm und sf gebanned werden ~~
    dotalicious macht sich mit den regeln ziemlich lächerlich. nur weil kaum dust/wards gekauft werden, wird die potm gebannt (global invis ulti UHHHHHHH)
    genau wie mit sf. ulti bekommt keinen cd, wenn es interrupted wird~~
    was meint ihr dazu?

    roflgrins schrieb:

    ...und bei den Clashes geht bei einem Bosscaster ruhig auch ein bisschen mehr Doubletime, damit du möglichst viel kommentieren kannst.
  • lol das is ne verarsche, genau so könnten sie tiny bannen, oder panda, oder dusa, oder void, odermagnus.. oder enigma, die haben alle nen clashbreaker spell...
    potm ulti ist wie ein smoke of deceite, nur das er bei atk/spells dispelled und nicht bei enemy hero/tower in 850 range, da können sie smoke of deceite auch bannen..
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