Heat wave coming!

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    • Zagdil schrieb:

      Nein, ich pick meistens nen Str mit Stun. Tidehunter, Leoric, sehr viel Beastmaster. Hab dann meistens so 20 Assists. Sowas spiel ich auch am liebsten. Carries suck ich erst recht.^^

      okay :chinese:

      Dass sie jetzt schon Huskar und Jakiro implementieren hätte ich nicht gedacht.
      Jakiro > all btw ;)
    • man kann ab jetzt auch player reporten ahahaha :thumbsup:

      sehn auf jeden fall top aus die helden besonders gefallen mir aber echt die spell animationen, firefly und thd ulti sind einfach genial!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kunnia- ()

    • Ja, den auch.

      Aber wir kommen langsam vom Thema ab, der Thread heißt ja nicht "Wie und warum Zagdil scheiße spielt" ;)

      Auf Jak freu ich mich jedenfalls am meisten. Jo, Reportfunktion ist gut, aber ich glaube kaum, dass die "Betatester" bannen oder dergleichen werden. Ausserdem werden wohl viele einfach Noobs für schlechtes Spielen reporten. Mit dem Voicechat kanns aber schon echt nervig sein, weil es so Spasten gibt, die dann ständig Noob oder Geweine in den Chat brüllen. Manners sind imo schlimmer als bei DotA, weil gute Spieler und Totalanfänger frontal aufeinanderprallen.
      The verdict is not the end
      It is only the beginning
      Strong will shall keep spreading
    • alle sehn richtig cool aus, vorallem jakiro. aber man müsste echt noch was an ihm tun.. ich find den icepath einfach viel zu weak. wenn der länger wäre könnte man damit richtig gut initiaten aber der castet so langsam das es echt hart ist ohne vorstun irgendwas zu treffen. und dann machts einfach keinen schaden :(
      02:29 [Allies] (kky-) romanolf paleyhitler
      02:36 [Allies] (Nv.Azen-) lol
      02:36 [Allies] (Fear.wc3) HITLER
      02:37 [Allies] (nfinity.rmN) ???

      #6 supan668
      Why many people call pgg "pegege"????

      #8 croozer
      #6 cause PeGeGe in Russian,like a Be-Ka-Be=))
    • Grade n paar Minuten Jak gespielt und muss sagen, so geil das Model und das Soundset ist (zweistimmig, "we die as we lived... together!"), er spielt sich glaube ich noch ätzender. Die Bewegungen sind zwar jetzt flüssig, aber er braucht ewig bis er irgendetwas macht und bei mir funktionierte grade nicht mal Dual Breath canceln, wenn die Gegner nach 1,5s doch mal zur Seite laufen. Ka ob das an mir liegt.
      The verdict is not the end
      It is only the beginning
      Strong will shall keep spreading
    • playless schrieb:

      Hat Batrider da forcestaff mit Lasso benutzt? Das geht doch in WC3 nicht oder?


      Hier ist übrigends der vollständige Changelog:

      Spoiler anzeigen
      • Added Batrider, Huskar, and Jakiro!
      • Ancient Apparition: Fixed a bug with Chilling Touch attack speed reduction display.
      • Ancient Apparition: Fixed a recent bug with Ice Trail path debuff happening a little too early
      • Beastmaster: Fixed Call of the Wild resummoning showing up as a deny.
      • Broodmother: Fixed Poison Sting from affecting Wards.
      • Broodmother: Fixed the wrong web sometimes getting removed when a new one is added.
      • Broodmother: Fixed the Spiderlings and Spiderite passive abilities working on buildings and mechanical units.
      • Broodmother: Fixed Spawn Spiderlings not being a projectile.
      • Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger being purgable.
      • Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger bonus damage being considered as base damage.
      • Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot interaction with alled units and neutrals.
      • Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot not stunning magic immune units.
      • Clockwerk: Fixed the Hookshot target sometimes being able to run away before he arrives.
      • Clockwerk: Fixed cases where Hookshot would drop you to a lower level if your target was near a ledge
      • Enigma: Fixed Greater Eidolon movement speed.
      • Enigma: Fixed Dire Eidolon armor.
      • Faceless Void: Fixed Chronosphere's interaction with various passives
      • Juggernaut: Fixed Blade Dance working on wards.
      • Kunkka: Fixed Torrent slow not lasting as long as it should.
      • Kunkka: Fixed X Marks The Spot ignoring Linken's Sphere
      • Kunkka: Fixed X Marks The Spot vision revealer not working.
      • Kunkka: Fixed Ghost Ship not having vision.
      • Kunkka: Fixed Ghost Ship's allied buff not reducing spell damage.
      • Mirana: Fixed vision around Arrow when it impacts.
      • Pudge: Fixed cases where Hook would drop the pulled target to a lower level if your target was near a ledge
      • Queen of Pain: Fixed bug in Shadow Strike slow falloff.
      • Queen of Pain: Fixed Scream of Pain not hitting units in fog of war
      • Queen of Pain: Fixed Shadow Strike not being castable on regular units
      • Queen of Pain: Fixed Scream of Pain not hitting invisible units.
      • Queen of Pain: Fixed Shadow Strike not allowing you to deny heroes.
      • Razor: Fixed Eye of the Storm not hitting invisibile units.
      • Riki: Fixed Backstab working on mechanical units.
      • Riki: Fixed Smokescreen working on Ancients.
      • Riki: Fixed the timing on Blink Strike damage.
      • Skeleton King: Fixed Aegis not working on him once he levels up Reincarnation.
      • Skeleton King: Fixed Vampiric Aura on mechanical units.
      • Skeleton King: Fixed Vampiric Aura on denies.
      • Weaver: Fixed sometimes coming out of his invisibility for Geminate Attack.

      • Fixed Heart of Tarrasque health regeneration from stacking.
      • Fixed various items and abilities not interrupting channeling when used
      • Fixed being able to revive a courier by upgrading it after it dies.
      • Fixed courier stopping in its position whenever the hero it's delivering items to teleports.
      • Fixed bug that caused illusions generated from a disconnected player to be controllable by the enemy team
      • Fixed Siege units being considered as heroes for Bloodbath's distance check
      • Fixed Chronosphere freezing other units you own
      • Fixed issue that caused issued commands to not be executed immediately.
      • Fixed a slight delay on many commands given to heroes.
      • Fixed Monkey King Bar from proccing on towers.
      • Fixed bloodstone charges stopping at 30.
      • Fixed Armlet active bonus continuing after dropping the item.
      • Fixed Creep Stats reseting after reaching 500.
      • Fixed gold bounty values on creeps after that lane's barracks is down.
      • Fixed Necronomicon not killing its previous units when used again (from Refresher, Tinker's Rearm, etc).
      • Fixed Necronomicon Mana Burn ignoring Linken's Sphere
      • Fixed Fountain mana regeneration being too slow
      • Enabled Broodmother, Skeleton King and Queen of Pain in Captain's Mode.
      • Fixed various stats on necronomicon units
      • Fixed Satyr Hellcallers to only consider units in its vision for deciding when to cast shockwave.
      • Fixed interaction with Roshan on Rocket Flare and Mana Void.
      • Fixed Heart, Urn of Shadows, and Dagger not being properly Disabled by Haunt.
      • Fixed a performance hitch when creating illusions.
      • Fixed towers not revearling invisible non-hero units (spiderlings, hawk, etc).
      • Wildkin Warchief's Tornado will now follow the target enemy you right-click instead of giving an error message.
      • Fixed Kobold Taskmaster HP.
      • Fixed Centaur Outrunner Armor and Damage.
      • Fixed Attack type on Centaur Chief.
      • Fixed small wolf's attack, armor and attack range.
      • Fixed Enraged Wildkin level and XP bounty.
      • Fixed Acquisition range on various neutrals.
      • Fixed various minor inconsistencies on unit stats.

      • Added a commendation system, which allows you to commend players who made your game a happier experience, and report anyone being hostile. You can commend or report a player by clicking their name in the main menu, in-game scoreboard or end game score screen.
      • Added shop hotkey labels for shop category buttons.
      • Clicking or control clicking a unit now selects all units of that type onscreen instead of globally.
      • Player Perspective now shows shop and shop search text.
      • Tiny's Toss will now show an error message if he has nothing near him to toss when he reaches cast range.
      • When disarmed (Ghost Scepter, Decrepify, etc.), you can now right-click or attack-move-click on enemies to move toward them. The "Can't Attack" error will not appear until you reach attack range of the enemy.
      • Shift-queued orders that become invalid by the time they are executed will now show an error message.
      • Added an error message for when your shift-order-queue is full.
      • Fixed a problem where certain orders could be ignored if a player tried to execute them just before they became invalid, especially with a slow connection to the server. An appropriate error message will now be displayed in these cases.
      • Fixed losing key input when you search the shop with the chat up
      • Fixed a bug where you could swap a stash item with a channeling teleport scroll and still finish the teleport.
      • Fixed not being able to see your last hit gold effect through fog of war.
      • Fixed playing gold sound and visuals for things that give zero gold bounty.
      • Fixed a control group bug when Enchantress takes one of Chen's converted units.
      • Improved the accuracy of matchmaking parties of players. Note that this may increase party matchmaking wait time.
      • In matchmaking, servers are now selected before matches are ready.
      • Tooltip hover for hero stats and gold is more responsive.
      • HP Bars no longer lose some accuracy when the target is very low HP.
      • Fixed Necronomicon Level 2 & 3 Manaburn hotkey not working.
      • Added a new hotkey setting to select all units you own other than your hero (unbound by default).
      • Fixed the scoreboard and stats panels not updating while the game is paused.

      • Added a specific minibash effect for extremely short stuns.
      • Updated Queen of Pain's base attack to better match her color scheme.
      • Updated shadow strike.
      • Fixed lifesteal effects not being owned by their owner which resulted in them not properly culling in fog of war.
      • Added Spell Block effect to Roshan.
      • Adjusted the tower projectile collision so that projectiles will actually reach towers before exploding.
      • Detailed outer cliffs.
      • Added falling rock lava splashes added to dire base background.
      • Added Dire side moths.

      • Frost Armor sound effect now plays when the buff is refreshed.
      • Added Broodmother's Spiderling's voice code.
      • Heroes can now talk while dead as long as they just want to comment on a Victory or Loss.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented heroes from commenting on a rune pickup.

      • Bots will now attack non-hero enemies.
      • Bots now want to attack couriers and Juggernaut Bot's Healing Ward.
      • Bots are now very unlikely to break off attacking when the target is stunned or slowed.
      • Bots will now buy dust/gem when playing against Sand King.
      • Increased the bonus-to-attack when a human pings a target.
      • Increased the impact of human pings for lane defends and pushes.
      • Fixed issue where tower pings from Dire players weren't working.
      • Pinging enemy heroes will also increase the desire for a Team Roam.
      • Tightened up the precision of pinging -
      • bots should no longer think you're asking for a lane push when you ping on an enemy that's near a tower.
      • Bots now know to move to healing auras if they need some healing and aren't desperately retreating. Currently works with Juggernaut's Healing Ward and Witch Doctor's Restoration Aura.
      • Bots will now prioiritize interrupting units that are channeling.
      • Fixed a number of cases where bots were getting stuck trying to use an item on an invalid (magic immune, invulnerable, etc) target.
      • Improved bot target-selection logic for Eul's Scepter.
      • Improved bot Diffusal Blade usage -
      • it will no longer cast it on retreating targets that have an incoming stun.
      • Improved Orchid usage -
      • bots will now use it to break channels.
      • Improved Urn usage -
      • bots will no longer worry about using it on allies that are being hit by creeps.
      • Bots now take damage on their own Barracks and Ancient much more seriously.
      • Bots are now better about defending the proper lane when in-base.
      • Bots should tunnelvision less on tower pushes when enemy heroes are nearby.
      • Slightly increased bot desire to attack the enemy Ancient.
      • Bots will no longer do Roshan when any lane needs to be defended.
      • Bots now announce when they're leaving Roshan.
      • Human players now need to be a bit further into a lane to claim it for laning purposes at the beginning of a game.
      • Bots should spam chat less about roaming and returning.
      • Bots should be much less likely to go for runes if a human with a bottle is on their team.
      • Fixed Tiny's build so he will use his final grow.
      • Fixed bug that was causing bots to be too timid late-game if they happened to be in a lane.
      • Decreased lane push desire when there are enemy heroes nearby.
      • Fixed a bug where bots didn't think they could purchase their next item if it would require selling an item.
      • Bots should be significiantly more likely to spot farming targets and roam to gank as a team.
      • Reduced spamminess of bot chat when pushing a lane.
      • Reduced bot willingness to tank a tower.
      • Slightly reduced the desire to push a tower when their potential co-pushers aren't nearby.
      • Fixed bots repurchasing a courier when their flying courier uses shield.
      • Bots should be better about picking stuff up from base late-game when they don't have any more pressing desires.
      • Added Team Roam chat announcements.
      • Bots will no longer defer all runes to humans with bottles when all the human heroes are dead.
      • Increased attack desire when a number of nearby allies are attacking, which makes bots more decisive in teamfights.

      Bester Change: HP Bars no longer lose some accuracy when the target is very low HP. hat mich beim lasthitten richtig genervt.
    • KinA. schrieb:

      Warum Huskar?
      Wollten Sie nicht erstmal die guten Helden machen?
      I miss brewmaster.

      Wtf? Ob ein Held im competitive gespielt wird oder nicht heißt noch lange nicht ob ein Held gut oder schlecht designed ist. Tatsache ist dass aus nem sample von 9 Millionen Games in den letzten 6 Versionen Huskar nach Potm, SF und Pudge der viert meist gespielte Held im Spiel ist noch vor Venge oder Earthshaker und er wird mehr als doppelt so oft gespielt als der durchschnittliche DotA Held. Huskar ist einer der bliebtesten Helden überhaupt.

      Kirdissir schrieb:

      @Jakiro Ulti: Ich find, dass die Castanimation ziemlich gleich ist von der Zeit her, aber es breitet sich doch wesentlich schneller aus (so kommts mir mal vor)

      Das ist einfach nur die WC3 engine, Macropyre richtet Schaden an BEVOR der visual effect in DotA 1 wirklich da ist. Tatsächlich sind alle cast times sowie turnrate genau gleich. Trotzdem sagen die meisten der Held fühlt sich flüssiger an was aber komplett auf flüssigere animationen zurück zu führen ist. Dual Breath fällt deshalb jetzt unangenehm negativ auf imo im Vergleich zu DotA 1 obwohl er genau gleich ist.
      Happiness, more or less, it's just a change in me, something in my liberty.
    • Chairraider schrieb:

      Das ist einfach nur die WC3 engine, Macropyre richtet Schaden an BEVOR der visual effect in DotA 1 wirklich da ist. Tatsächlich sind alle cast times sowie turnrate genau gleich. Trotzdem sagen die meisten der Held fühlt sich flüssiger an was aber komplett auf flüssigere animationen zurück zu führen ist. Dual Breath fällt deshalb jetzt unangenehm negativ auf imo im Vergleich zu DotA 1 obwohl er genau gleich ist.

      Wenn Icefrog das sagt muss es ja wohl stimmen, so stop hate Jakiro :pinch: