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    • Greulich schrieb:

      Alex- schrieb:

      Letztes Wochenende mit Wheel of time angefangen. Gefällt soweit ganz gut, gibt so ein chilliges Gefühl beim lesen. Irgendwie stehe ich auch inzwischen auf nen langsamen Aufbau bei Stories.
      Nach Buch Zwei ausgestiegen.Zu klassisch, der Stoff.
      Hab mir jetzt auch mal audible gegönnt, falls es eng werden sollte. Autofahrten, bzw. so ne Hörbuchstunde vorm schlafen gehen, laufen immer.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Alex- ()

    • Ich habe mal wieder einer Klasse zum Abschied ein Gedicht geschrieben. Die 7a war meine absolute Lieblingsklasse. Ich hatte so viele schöne Momente mit ihnen, da wollte ich mich in dieser Form bei jedem Einzelnen bedanken. Ich möchte es euch nicht vorenthalten, da ich wirklich stolz drauf bin. Die Namen wurden natürlich geändert. Zusätzlich gibt es für die Insider noch Zusatzinfos, damit ihr manche Witze verstehen könnt.

      Theme war Einhörner, da dies auch zu so einem Running Gag innerhalb der zwei Jahre war, in denen ich die Klasse im Englischunterricht hatte. Bei Grammatikerklärungen, auf Arbeitsblättern und auch im Unterrichtsgespräch sind immer wieder Einhörner vorgekommen.

      Falls es euch zu lang ist, könnt ihr auch einfach die letzten 6 Strophen lesen, die fassen alles schön zusammen.

      My little Unicorns
      By Matlok

      I came to this class, you were cute and quite small,
      But look at you now: you’ve grown taller you all!
      Here is a something that I promised you,
      I hope you’ll enjoy this poetic review.

      Let’s start with Susanna, a jubilant girl,
      Her eyes sparkle brightly like the sun on a pearl.
      She’s open and quirky, can play the guitar,
      She’s everything nice and not one bit bizarre.

      We’ll continue with Bea, she really was able,
      To silently read a book under her table!
      She can ride these bikes which have only one wheel,
      Now that is impressive and almost surreal.

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      Ich habe Bea einmal erwischt, wie sie während ich etwas erklärt habe, unter dem Tisch etwas gelesen hat. War ihr natürlich peinlich, aber "Das Buch war gerade so spannend". War eine lustige Situation.

      Have you ever seen a cool bookworm with glasses?
      This Clara is one and impresses masses,
      Not only with drawings and writing and smiles,
      ‘Cause for all of her friends she’d walk one thousand miles.

      The Julia of this class sure does like to talk,
      When I reprimand her all she does is gawk.
      But she is beamish and whenever grinning,
      You just have to like her right from the beginning.

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      Julia hat immer viel geschwätzt und wenn man sie ermahnt hat, hat sie einen immer wie ein Goldfisch angeschaut.

      Her buddy Jenna is one heck of a giant,
      And by doing her homework she’s also reliant.
      In most of the lessons I had the impression
      She wants to play hockey, her love and her passion.

      Let’s talk about boys and there’s one Thomas here,
      Not once he’s been angry throughout the whole year.
      He’s tall and he’s strong, he is cheerful and nice,
      To have him as a friend is my piece of advice.

      Christoph is awesome as is his last name,
      Soccer or English? On top of his game!
      He sometimes was good at distracting his buddies,
      But never neglected one bit of his studies.

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      Christophs Nachname ist derselbe wie meiner.

      Better at soccer and he calls it football,
      Is Ben and I’ve heard he’s the best of you all.
      Sometimes he chirped like a chatty canary,
      But often I used him as my dictionary.

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      Ben hat einen irischen Vater und spricht gutes Englisch. Ich habe ihn oft nach Wörtern gefragt, die mir spontan nicht eingefallen sind.

      With outdoorsy boys we are not finished yet:
      Elias here is a hockey maniac.
      In his favorite game: one of Germany’s best!
      But I felt in English he was sometimes stressed.

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      Elias hat in der Deutschlandauswahl der Jugend in Feldhockey gespielt.

      ‘What’s your favorite sport?’ you don’t have to ask twice,
      Liam is oftentimes fighting on ice.
      But he’s also funny and cool and attractive,
      In a couple of years the girls will become active.

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      Liam spielt SEHR viel Eishockey. Beim Vortrag der letzten zwei Zeilen hat die Klasse getobt vor lachen und er hat sich geniert das T-Shirt über sein Gesicht gezogen, aber auch gelacht.

      Riding on horses gives Julian pleasure,
      To have him in class is like having a treasure.
      He is without doubt the most diligent boy,
      He even helps others with gusto and joy.

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      Julian hat sein eigenes Pferd und geht damit Lehrern wie Schülern auf die nerven. Er ist ein sehr guter Schüler, aber baut sein Pferd in jede Geschichte und in jede Wortmeldung ein.

      Theo is not only kind and athletic,
      When I read what he wrote I cry out „Fantastic!“
      He has his own airport and builds model planes,
      But he’s out of space that is one of his pains.

      Dennis is smart and he’ll probably beat you
      At video games with his enormous IQ.
      He raises his hand only once in a while,
      Please do it more often and do it with style!

      The last boy is Anton and it is exciting
      To read what he wrote with his stunning handwriting.
      He is supercool and a very good friend,
      To spend time with him is what I’d recommend.

      Now back to the girls and here we have one,
      Whose smile makes you happy like rays from the sun.
      Her name is Sarah and boy is she awesome,
      But also real pretty like a cherry blossom.

      One of her intimate friends is called Lina,
      She earned her looks from the goddess Athena.
      But she’s not Greek she is Canadian,
      In English superb at this gymnasium.

      The third in their close-knitted group is called Tora,
      Mystical people would see her bright aura.
      She is sympathetic and also terrific,
      Smiles like a madman and is never horrific.

      Let’s not forget Lena, the shy and tall Miss,
      The good friend to many, who’s sadly amiss.
      She was rarely here and that is a pity,
      I hope she’ll return, this girl who is witty.

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      Lena ist krankgeschrieben und hat lange bis zum Schluss gefehlt, arbeitet aber viel von zu Hause aus.

      A fabulous girl is called Leonie Tilling,
      Her brain is so full: does not need a refilling.
      Three times an “Um” is what you will hear,
      Before she speaks up like the brilliant Shakespeare.

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      Leonie ist brilliant, macht aber immer "Ähm ähm ähm" bevor sie dann spricht.

      Next up is Shirin, as crazy as cute,
      She’s gorgeous and kind but not really mute.
      She often plays horse and is one fine tap dancer
      Asks one million questions which I will then answer.

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      Shirin ist ein Plappermaul und sie fragt die ganze Zeit irgendwelche Fragen. So viele, dass die anderen dann schon "Oh Mann!" sagen.

      Jasmin is clever and good at ballet,
      In a couple of years she’ll dance at Broadway.
      Her laugh is quite catchy, you have to join in,
      She is really lovely and always has been.

      The small one is Lucille, with her puppy eyes,
      She melts all our hearts, especially of guys.
      She’s assiduous and a fantastic writer,
      By reading her homework my day will get brighter.

      Her best friend Susanne always dresses groovy,
      She looks like the starlet from a famous movie.
      But not only looks but brains she possesses,
      ‘She’ll somehow get famous’ is one of my guesses.

      Intelligent people is the theme of this class,
      Kristin is more so, but not a smart-ass.
      She is as perky as pretty and funny,
      Is sometimes chatty, but cute as a bunny.

      The last one is Solveig and she is brilliant,
      Even after five pages her hand is resilient.
      She writes like Rowling or E. Hemingway,
      She’s able to charm and not only portray.

      You almost made it but I am in pain,
      The “Unicorns” word is destructing my brain!
      There just is no rhyme, and believe me, I tried,
      But let’s think about words to this beast that we’ve tied:

      Rainbowy hair and its farts smell like candy,
      Boys cannot ride it, not even a dandy.
      To girls it is nicer and will safely fly,
      Can also do magic with the blink of an eye.

      It is really rare or it doesn’t exist,
      This creature of magic, by fantasy kissed.
      But what if it does? What if it is real?
      If I ever saw one, how would I feel?

      Nah, I don’t think so. Let’s focus on things,
      That are just as charming but do not have wings.
      That do smell like candy and give me great joy,
      Who make my heart jump may it be girl or boy.

      Yes, it is you, my dear 7a,
      Without a doubt you have shown me the way,
      That magic in classes can surely exist.
      Believe me when I say that you will be missed.

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      Beim Vortragen ist hier kurz meine Stimme gebrochen, konnte mich aber gerade noch fangen. Männertränen, hui.

      All of you kids are damn special to me,
      But class is now over, you’re finally free.
      There’s just one more thing I might want to add:
      Thank you for all the good times we have had.

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