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    • Was ich (auf den ersten schnellen Blick) interessant finde:

      - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions

      - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 to 100/120/140% instead


      - Black hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff [[[GG ex Panzer :) ]]]


      - EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units


      - Phase Shift autocast removed


      - Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1)

      - Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36


      - Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150

      - Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220

      Ogre Magi

      - Added Aghanim's Scepter

      Gives his other head the ability
      to cast a more primitive version of Fireblast. It has a constant (not
      modified by ultimate/level) 275 damage, 1.5 second stun, 20 cooldown,
      400 manacost. It can trigger multicast. This is an independent 5th skill
      added to his ability card.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von JuiCe-- ()

    • [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64] [aggron_64]

      Naga Siren
      - Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism
      Rip Tide now casts in a 450 aoe around naga and all of her illusions. Enemies can be fully affected by the Illusion's aoe. The effect does not stack. No longer uses cast point.

      Ability Code: A2KU

      Nerubian Assassin
      - Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell
      Urna Swarm will be reused for a future hero.

      Spiked Carapace:
      Temporarily enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, causing him to prevent and reflect the next player based damage instance and stuns the target. Lasts 4.5 seconds.

      Duration: 4.5 seconds
      Damage return: 100% (after resistance on your hero)
      Stun: 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4
      Cooldown: 10
      Manacost: 50

      Note: Only triggers on player based damage, both physical and magical. Does not prevent status debuffs. Spikes visually grow out of the hero when he is in this state.

      Ability Code: A2KO

      - Added Wisp, Disruptor and Rubick to CM

      - Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop

      - Removed Unexplored Fog of War

      Scheint alles in allem ganz nice zu sein...
    • invoker nerf, xin nerf, dark seer nerf, kleiner furion nerf. war zu erwarten.
      seltsamer lion hex change/nerf - warum?
      slithice riptide buff ist schön, aber der held ist immer noch ein krüppel im vergleich zu dem, was er vor dem remake war :(
      ogre aghanims wird wohl erst interessant wenn schon ein bloodstone am start ist, gibt dem helden aber dann einen recht dicken bonus.

      wann werden eigentlich die balance-changes von dota1 auf dota2 übertragen?
    • Einige Changes sind wohl alles andere als Minor.

      Furi Nerf zu gering, Ember wird man sehen müssen,gar nichts bei Phoenix :thumbdown:

      - Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35
      - Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
      - EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units
      - EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
      - Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure
      - Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact
      - Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
      - Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20

      Exort Quas bis 4, danach Exort Wex dürfte damit wohl Pflicht sein. Wann da erste Wex?

      - Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond the max range


      Rip Tide Change is cool. NA klingt verdammt geil. Ogre Aga wtf :D

      - Phase Shift autocast removed
      - Phase Shift manacost removed
      - Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds

      Wird das Leben auf der Lane ganz schön einfacher machen. Dafür halt kein Zeus Ulti Dodge mehr.

      - Attack range increased from 650 to 700

      Obs das jetzt reißt?

      - Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150


      - Mjollnir's Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like Infernals)
      Richtig starker Buff für Sylla.

      Tranquil Boots
      - Can now be disassembled
      Sange & Yasha
      - Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled

      Sehr gut, war super nervig wenn man Vlads gebaut hat. Aber für wen ist Manta und Halberd interessant?

      - Removed Unexplored Fog of War

      Hotkeys gibts im Laufe des Tages irgendwann, jetzt geh ich erstmal pennen, gute Nacht.
    • mensch Ice sonen thread haben wir schon! :P

      Dann nutze ich mal die Chance fürn systematisches +1 mit ausführlicher Changelog auseinandernehmerei:

      Spoiler anzeigen
      - Armor increased by 1
      - Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 130/200/270/340

      - Flame Break is now a targeted AoE spell. Ein cooler change, vorallem wenn man das push-back vom Flamebreak mit einbezieht.

      Bone Fletcher
      - Death Pact damage bonus increased from 4/6/8% to 5/6.5/8%
      - Death Pact hp bonus increased from 50/60/70% to 50/65/80%

      - Quill Spray damage cap increased from 180 to 220 defintiv nützlicher buff.

      Centaur Warchief
      - Great Fortitude strength bonus increased from 12/24/36 to 15/30/45
      - Return base damage increased from 16 to 16/18/20/22

      - Power Cogs HP/Mana drain increased from 55/70/85/100 to 60/90/120/150 IMO auch ziemlich stark.

      Crystal Maiden
      - Freezing Field AoE increased by 100 (Explosion AoE adjusted to keep damage probabilities equivalate)

      Dark Seer
      - Wall of Replica illusions take 300% damage (up from 250%)
      - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus no longer creates allied illusions
      - Wall of Replica Aghanim bonus now increases illusion damage from 70/80/90 to 100/120/140% instead
      weiß nicht ob mir die changes gefallen. Nen bisschen schwächer machts ihn bestimmt, aber ichf andcool das es auch illusions vom Team gemacht hat.

      Doom Bringer
      - Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275 Halt noch stärkere damage spikes in den passenden momenten. Sonst aber nichts besonderes.

      - Base Intelligence increased by 3
      - Arcane Bolt bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x
      - Arcane Bolt manacost decreased from 90 to 70
      - Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17
      Klingt okay, hab den aber noch nie gespielt weil DotA2.

      Drow Ranger
      - Silence AoE increased from 275 to 300

      Ember Spirit
      - Armor reduced by 1
      - Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19
      - Flame Guard health barrier reduced from 100/250/400/550 to 50/200/350/500
      - Fire Remnant damage decreased from 140/180/220 to 120/160/200
      - Searing Chains targets decreased from 3 to 2 random units

      - Black hole now prevents heroes being Forced out with Force Staff
      Sehr cool. Force staff ist sowieso nen minimum zu stark.

      - Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 150/200/250
      - Teleportation manacost no longer decreases per level (constant 50)
      Ich finds eigentlich in ordnung, find furi aber auch nicht so schlimm wie manch andere ihn finden.

      Goblin Shredder
      - Timber Chain damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 100/140/180/220

      - Homing Missile maximum damage (at 2k range) increased from 100/200/300/400 to 110/220/330/440
      - Rocket Barrage damage increased from 10/13/16/19 to 11/14/17/20

      - Chaos Meteor damage increased from 80+Exort*30 to 80+Exort*35
      - Chaos Meteor land time decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
      Die Meteor buffs finde ich gut so!
      - EMP can no longer hit Invulnerable/Tornadoed units find ich ziemlich bescheiden. Und zusammen mit den anderen nerfs eventuell auch etwas zuviel des guten. Wex Quas voker soll ja auch spielbar bleiben.
      - EMP cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
      - Sun Strike damage type changed from Magical to Pure
      - Sun Strike now reveals the area it will hit before the damage impact
      - Tornado cooldown increased from 25 to 30 seconds
      - Tornado Damage decreased from 77.5+(Wex+Quas)*23 to 70+(Wex+Quas)*20
      Sun Strike buff und nerfs aufn Wex Invoker, werden den Quas/Exort build, den ich eh schon beinahe gleichwertig fand einfach enorm nach vorne bringen. Mir wäre ein nerf für Coldsnap (initial stun removed) lieber gewesen, zusammen mit einem Zahlennerf für EMP (und eventuell Tornado)

      - Omnislash now gives Juggernaut 200 flying vision during its duration
      Sehr cooler change, flying vision kommt immer gut und hier verhindert es das Jugg Ulti nur wegen fog of war abbricht.

      Keeper of the Light
      - Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2

      - Torrent AOE increased from 200 to 215
      - X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 20 to 16 seconds
      - Ghost Ship stun duration increased from 1.2 to 1.4

      - Psi Blades bonus range increased from 40/100/160/220 to 60/120/180/240

      Legion Commander
      - Moment of Courage cooldown increased from 0.9 to 1.2

      Lina Inverse
      - Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 30/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70
      - Fiery Soul movement speed bonus increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7%

      - Voodoo cooldown increased from 13 to 15
      - Voodoo manacost increased from 110/140/170/200 to 125/150/175/200
      - Voodoo duration increased from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
      Finde ich ganz nett. so unetrscheidet er sich auch ein bisschen mehr von Rastha's hex.

      - Moon Glaive damage decrease per bounce decreased from 35% to 30%

      - Skewer will now cast in the direction you targeted if you cast it beyond the max range

      - Split Shot now shoots 5 arrows instead of 4

      - Morph passively grants 3/4/5/6 agility and strength
      - Wave Form now properly dodges projectiles Zusammen mit anderen rot markierten einfach meien Highlights.

      Naga Siren
      - Changed Rip Tide cast mechanism

      Nerubian Assassin
      - Urna Swarm replaced with a new spell Der hier könnte meiner Meinugn nach ein bisschen zu stark sein, erlaubt aber nette counter mit summons(wenn ichs richtig verstanden habe.)

      - Heartstopper damage increased from 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2
      - Sadist level 4 mana regen increased from 48 to 60

      Ogre Magi
      - Added Aghanim's Scepter Okay auch wenn ich lieber einen Skill ala Focus/Teamwork gesehen hätte: Die Beiden Köpfe arbeiten ausnahmsweise zusammen und der nächste Skill wird mit 100% ein Multicast.

      Phantom Assassin
      - Phantom Strike cast range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
      - Phantom Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5

      Priestess of the Moon
      - Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 180/160/140 to 160/140/120

      - Ethereal Jaunt now dodges projectiles
      - Phase Shift autocast removed
      - Phase Shift manacost removed
      - Phase Shift level 4 duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
      - Aghanim Upgraded Dream Coil no longer increases the manacost from the base spell
      Ganz cool, aber jetzt hätte ich wenigstens nen leichten Cooldown Nerf für Phase shift und hoffe, das es nicht mehr Curse of the Silent abbricht.

      - Decrepify cast range increased from 550/600/650/700 to 700
      - Life Drain damage increased from 100/150/200 to 120/160/200 (with Aghanim's from 175/225/275 to 180/240/300)

      Queen of Pain
      - Shadow Strike initial damage increased from 50/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125
      Ich hasse QoP als Gegner. Und jetzt noch ein Stückchen mehr.

      - Unstable Current damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 40/70/100/130
      Ganz cool. Razor mag ich und jetzt lohnt es mehr Unstable zu leveln.

      Shadow Fiend
      - Necromastery now gives 6 souls for killing a hero (instead of 1)
      - Necromastery soul count increased from 8/16/24/32 to 12/20/28/36

      - Headshot damage increased from 30/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60

      Storm Spirit
      - Ball Lightning now properly dodges projectiles

      - Attack range increased from 650 to 700

      - March of the Machines duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds

      Troll Warlord
      - Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/100/140 to 60/120/180

      - Poison Attack damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/16/22/28
      - Fixed Poison Attack damage not being lethal

      - Familiar's armor increased from 0 to 0/1/2
      - Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6

      - Infernal's Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 per second
      - Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds

      Animal Courier
      - Courier cost decreased from 170 to 150
      Gefällt mir gut. Die respektive höheren Kosten aufm flying machen es zu einer schwierigeren Entscheidung ob man nun upgradet oder nciht/später. Upgrade wird aber trotzdem wohl immernoch Pflicht sein :P

      - HP regen increased by 1 to equal the sum of its parts

      Ethereal Blade
      - Ether Blast slow increased from 60% to 80%
      Autsch. Das istn harter Slow :D

      Eye of Skadi
      - Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5

      Flying Courier
      - Flying Courier cost increased from 200 to 220

      - Mjollnir's Static Shock can now be cast on non-hero units as well (like Infernals)

      Tranquil Boots
      - Can now be disassembled
      - Damage instances before breaking increased from 3 to 4
      - Rejuvenate heal increased from 150 to 170

      Sange & Yasha
      - Sange and Yasha can now be disassembled
      Vielleicht sehen wir dann auch mehr heavenly halbards. Ein Item, was zumindest auf dem Papier eh schon sau stark aussieht.

      Veil of Discord
      - Discord duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds

      - Added Wisp, Disruptor and Rubick to CM
      - Courier death team bounty can only trigger while no couriers are dead
      - Courier death team bounty from 150 to 175
      - Added a new ability on the courier to go to the secret shop
      - Removed Unexplored Fog of War Eigentlich gut, bufft QoP aber nur weiter -.-
      - Cheese no longer requires 5 mana to use
      - Range creeps mana pool increased from 300 to 500
      - Harpy's Chain Lightning cooldown from 6 to 4 seconds
      - Satyr Trickster purge manacost decreased from 150 to 120
      - Satyr Hellcaller HP regen aura increased from 3 to 4

      * Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant targeting and Essence Aura
      * Fixed Moment of Courage not having a learn hotkey
      * Fixed a fatal error possible with Tether
      * Fixed a bug with Fire Remnant when cast on self
      * Fixed Psi Blades not affecting a very small area right behind the initial target
      * Fixed Forged Spirits dying instantly when affected by Smoke of Deceit

      Note: This version will be marked as the new stable version after a week or so.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Cocofang ()

    • Invoker wurde in meinen Augen eher gebufft anstatt generft, wo ist bitte das Problem EMP ein wenig delayed einzusetzen? Wird jetz eh nur noch Exort gespielt, Sunstrike pure dmg OFC!

      SF bekommt wieder nen useless buff, na toll. Anstatt man ihm mal ein wenig Rüstung oder Hp gibt um stabil und sicherer auf der Lane zu stehen gibt man ihm mehr souls, was er einfach nicht braucht..

      Zu viele Buffs imo.
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