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    • Wolff knallert. Soll mal nicht choken der Hund dann rastet er übertrieben aus. Joe Pharao find ich auch okay.

      Solltest mal die VBT-Runde von dsde gönnen, dann fallen sicher die Hemmungen deinen Track zu sharen. Grünes Gold gibts ja so oder so.
      世界一 皆の人気者

      Beitrag von südländer ()

      Dieser Beitrag wurde von ramius gelöscht ().

    • okay there you go, aufnahmequalität natürlich entsprechend scheiße, aber hab das halt vorhin in meinem Zimmer mit Headsetmikro aufgenommen
      - I actually love that about being a millennial, TBH. People can call us snowflakes and overly sensitive and high maintenance all they want. But I enjoy the fact that our generation and younger is VERY loud about the fact that we won't work garbage jobs, enduring garbage treatment, for garbage pay, under garbage bosses, with garbage benefits just for the "privilege" of working. Companies are making more money than ever. You've filled you Beverly Hills swimming pools with cash for years, and now you're crying that you "don't have the budget" to pay people what they're worth or give them good working conditions. Now people are calling nonsense. Good.

      Beitrag von südländer ()

      Dieser Beitrag wurde von ramius gelöscht ().
    • Harry's mouth dropped open as he stepped into the Gryffindor common room for the first time. Scarlet and gold drapes hung over windows that overlooked the lake, and the wooden paneling – far cry from what Harry had grown accustomed to seeing beneath the Dursleys' staircase – gave the entire space an atmosphere of regality.

      "Your bed's over here!" shouted Ron, pulling Harry's attention away from the finery. "Look, it's got your initials on it and everything!"

      It wasn't nearly the most wondrous thing that Harry had seen that day, but the sight of the gently curling H and P brought tears to his eyes. He had only entered the room moments before, but already, he felt like he was home. It was unlike any...

      "Um, excuse me!" came a nasal voice from behind. "It's impolite to assume that you are the only individual with those initials. That bed could very well belong to someone else."

      A brief tremor of shock caused Harry's heart to jump as he turned and regarded the boy who had spoken. For a moment, he had been certain that Dudley had somehow managed to follow him: A rotund, almost spherical body gave way to a piggish face, and the sneer of superiority (glaring out from behind too-thick glasses) was one that Harry had seen almost daily. In stark contrast to everyone else, the young man was clad in a bright shirt emblazoned with some oddly designed cartoon characters, and an enormous pillow was held tightly against his body with one pudgy hand.

      "Oh, hello, Kevin," Ron muttered, rolling his eyes. "I see you brought your... pillow."

      An indignant snort preceded Kevin's next words. "Um, actually, she's my waifu. I wouldn't expect normies to understand."
      "No, don't..." Ron began, but he was interrupted by a long sigh from Kevin.

      "Yes, my waifu!" The boy looked down at his pillow. "Asuna-chan, introduce yourself!"

      Before Harry's eyes, the pillow suddenly came to be occupied by another cartoon character, this one female... and wearing very little clothing. Like the portraits Harry had encountered, the figure moved, blinked, appeared to breathe, and gave every indication of being alive. Her too-large eyes stared at Harry with an expression that almost seemed to reflect a kind of desperation.

      "Please end my suffering," the pillow said.

      "That means she's pleased to meet you," Kevin explained. "Of course, she's mostly happy to see me." "I don’t want to be here," continued the cartoon woman.

      "Yes, well, nice to meet you, too," Harry replied. He was uncertain of how else to respond... and something about the figure's voice gave him the idea that she wasn't exactly thrilled by her lot in life. Ron stepped forward, putting himself between Harry and Kevin. "Leave it alone, Kevin!" he snarled. "Nobody wants to hear about your strange obsession with Japanese wizardry!"

      "Um, actually," the boy answered, once again sneering, "the Japanese are far more advanced in culture than Britain could ever hope to be. I'm planning to transfer to Hontō no bashode wa arimasen as soon as possible."

      "Please don’t leave me..." the pillow muttered. Kevin responded with something that sounded mispronounced, then waddled off to a bed at the far side of the room.

      "Sorry about him," whispered Ron. "Just be glad you didn't get close enough to smell him."

      Harry sighed to himself. He still had a lot to learn about the wizarding world.
      The verdict is not the end
      It is only the beginning
      Strong will shall keep spreading

      Beitrag von südländer ()

      Dieser Beitrag wurde von ramius gelöscht ().
    • shrodo schrieb:

      Sundry schrieb:

      till schrieb:

      wenn er jemandem gewalt angetan oder kurz davor gewesen wäre
      das ist halt das ding, leuten gewalt antun ist eine logische konsequenz faschistischer gesinnung, die durch nen hitlergruß ja wohl demonstriert wird
      4 mal umformuliert und dann doch nicht angebissen. Bin ein bisschen stolz auf mich.
      Beiss mal lieber auf den Breznak Bait Shrodo :D
      Hier sollte irgendwas mit Bierpong stehen :grinking:
    • @shrodo
      Mach so was eigentlich nicht gern im Netz, aber nach so vielen Jahren dotasource gibt es ne Ausnahme:

      Members Only
      Sie besitzen leider nicht die notwendigen Zugriffsrechte, um den Inhalt von „Members Only“ sehen zu können.

      Kommentar zur Krise xyz:
      Ich hatte mich schon gefragt welche nächste Sau durch's Dorf getrieben
      wird. Was wohl als nächstes kommt. Klimawandel oder vielleicht doch
      wieder Terrorismus ...

      Das der Mond auf die Erde stützt, DASS wäre mal was wirlich neues und
      sicher auch extrem verheerend. Alternativ tut es auch ein großer

      Ich kann es mir in Gedanken schon vorstellen. An Schweinegrippe
      erkrankt und vom Meteoriten erschlagen als der Kofferbomber gerade
      einen Block entfernt war ...

      Ja, das sind wahrhaft düstere Zeiten. Ich mach erst mal ein Bier auf ... Das ewige Leben wird sowieso keiner haben.

      Hier gehts lang zu Rätseln der gehobenen Schwierigkeitsklasse!
    • Von 12 bis 19 Uhr Trockenbauer gelernt und selbst gemacht. Heftig nice und hab mal wieder viel gelernt.

      Danach noch mit dem Meister und den Klempnern gegrillt und paar Bier getrunken. Das Leben kann so schön einfach sein

      luke schrieb:

      ALLE 18 jährigen außer betrayus sind scheiße

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