Angepinnt Dota 2-Drama Sammelthread

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    • Wobei PPD da schon irgendwo recht hat. Entweder man geht hin wegen des Geldes und redet dann nicht davon, dass man sich nicht anstrengt (versch. Tweets vorher) und beschwert sich dann über das Event von dem jeder wusste, dass es katastrophal würde oder man bleibt dem Event fern und konzentriert sich auf die guten Lans was zu weniger Übersättigung führt und auch mal die kleineren Mannschaften etwas abbekommen.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • zum thema WCA. Akke report. Gewinnen macht das ganze sicherlich nicht ganz so schlimm :]

      Akke schrieb:

      Either way we beat them 2-0 and got ourselves into the grand final! :D Poor s4 was sick the whole day and I later found out that he didn’t even know that we were in the finals after that game because he didn’t really know what was going on (because he was sick and had a fever). Proud of him to be able to keep on playing as good as he did even though he felt like shit!

      S4 schiebt nen Kramer.
      Nice Meme

    • Crytash schrieb:

      Wobei PPD da schon irgendwo recht hat. Entweder man geht hin wegen des Geldes und redet dann nicht davon, dass man sich nicht anstrengt (versch. Tweets vorher) und beschwert sich dann über das Event von dem jeder wusste, dass es katastrophal würde oder man bleibt dem Event fern und konzentriert sich auf die guten Lans was zu weniger Übersättigung führt und auch mal die kleineren Mannschaften etwas abbekommen.
      Ist doch im Prinzip total egal ob sich jetzt Envy von Secret darüber aufregt oder Jenkins von Leviathan. Fakt ist halt dass das Event richtig schlecht organisiert war und die (Western) Teams von den Admins und dem Stuff einfach hart anal abused worden sind. Selbst auf einem gewissen Event in Volkmarsen werden die Teams von den Admins besser und fairer behandelt als bei WCA.
      Empfehle die aktuelle Episode von What the Duck. Sajedene schildert was da so alles ablief und ist schon ziemlich krass:
    • Total abgelegen, dubiose Stadt, dubiose Venue, bias Chinese-Western, Team Leviathan wurde richtig gerekkt, nur Freiwillige und keine professionellen Admins/Translators, Essen, Busse, alles scheiße.

      Dazu der Verdacht, das ganze Geld der Regierung für die WCA sei nicht in das Event sondern in eigene Taschen gesteckt worden.
    • Westliche hatten ihre Hotels irgendwo in der Pampa, dürften nicht ausgehen, nicht in Lan Cafes gehen. (war kurz nach dem Patch und keiner hatte den neuen Patch gespielt, konnten also nur Theorycraften) Organisation und Kommunikation generell war scheiße. Westliche Teams mussten teilweise 8 Stunden oder so in der Venue rumhängen. Da war die Organisation auch kacke. Als Setup für die Matches wurden einfach nen paar Tische aneinander gestellt wo die Teams sich dann auf KlappStühlen direkt bildschirm an bildschirm gegenüber saßen. Gab generell so gut wie keine Practice Möglichkeit in der venue.(so wie ichs verstanden hab ging das erst Eingeschränkt an den späteren tagen) Essen war wohl auch ziemlich beschissen. Stichwort Vegetarier und Laktose/gluten intolerante.
      Außer das Setup gilt das oben genannte natürlich nur für westliche Teams. Die Chinesen konnten wohl machen was sie wollen.
      Damit auch zum nächsten Punkt. Chinesische Teams wurden von den Admins massiv bevorteilt. Leviathan sollten beispielsweise weils schon so spät geworden war ihr game gegen lgd entweder forfeiten oder sie müssten in der venue schlafen weil nach dem Game kein bus mehr zu ihrem Hotel fährt. Lgd musste sich natürlich nicht zwischen den beiden Sachen entscheiden weil ihr Hotel in der Nähe der venue war.
      Jedem westlichen Team wurde zwischenzeitlich wegen irgendeiner Nichtigkeit mit Disqualifikation gedroht (sajedene wollte für dc dxracer Stühle organisieren aber admin meinte das wäre unfair für die anderen Teams und wenn sie die benutzen gibts Disqualifikation).
      Dann gabs noch ne Aktion wo an irgendnem Tag Leute hinter Leviathan aufgetaucht sind und ihre scrim drafts fotografiert haben um dann zu wings zu latschen und sie denen zu zeigen.
      Kam wohl auch öfters vor dass westliche Teams gegen mehr als ihr eigentliches Gegnerteam draften mussten weil entweder Spieler aus anderen chinesischen Teams oder irgendwelche Random Leute beim Draft hinter dem chinesischen Team standen und sich munter unterhalten haben.

      War halt ziemlich viel, Sajedene hat locker ne Stunde aufgezählt was da so alles abging. Hoffe konnte dir so grob umreißen was los war.
      Leider mit Handy an Schreiben deshalb rip Formatierung
    • Reddit schrieb:

      V1lat on twitter:
      Finally Na'vi has made the first right decision in a long time and instantly kicked AxMo from Starladder. Keeping a player in a team who complains about his captain to bunch of idiots on the forums would be beyond insane. If a person has a little bit of brain cells left, he won't write anything about the gameplay of his teammates on internet. How stupid do you have to be to do that?
      Now watch interview with Ditya Ra. He says "everything is great, Axmo is an emotional person blah blah blah" Ok.
      Like I have promised two days ago, I am opening the week of embarrassing Navi. I will barely say anything about the team. However the organization will get a huge backlash. In short, I am just tired of all this shit. I have 8 days of vacation. Get your popcorn out. I will be spitting out the truth on twitter and vk
      Well, if somebody thinks that V1lat is making a mountain out of a molehill, then you may look at these screenshots:
      Rough translation: A - AxMo, B - random guy
      B: Fuck...
      A: Uzbek(Sonneiko`s nationality) is making decisions, sorry((
      B: Uzbek??? I thought that was Vano(Artstyle) and Danechka saying "why do you even talk, noname trash"... what the fuck.
      A: No, thats not the point. Basically, nobody gave a fuck about those messages(about artstyle picks), I knew I'd be kicked right after the bootcamp in Kiev.
      B: But you were fucking monster at starladder! In a good sence, ofc.
      A: Well I was crushing every game, yeah. But my carry can just play 2 heroes, how can I not rage?)) But sorry, he is afk jerking uzbecks dick. And i dont want to jerk Hach's(Hach - very rude racist insult) dick, sorry)))
      Some of my words may be off but I hope some Russian speakers can correct me.
      Here's Ax.Mo's response to V1lat on twitter:
      Ax.Mo : I hope you are writing all of this about yourself (responding to V1lat's tweet where he calls Ax.Mo really stupid)
      V1lat: No, I am writing this about you. How smart do you have to be to talk about the players to a bunch of idiots on Just why?
      Ax.Mo: To turn over the essence and put it out on twitter
      V1lat: To go on PD, you really have to be a special kind of idiot. I have enough subscribers/fans who momentarilty tell me all kinds of bullshit
      V1lat: Seriously you have 1 or 2 days to think about it and write a blog where you apologize to the players and the fans, and not act aggressively
      Ax.Mo: I have already apologized before my teammates. You shouldn't give a fuck about all of this at all, like how nobody gives a fuck about what you are posting
      Ax.Mo: And lol you used the same words to call your fans idiots as well[RES ignored duplicate link]
      Not drama but this is something else he wrote after those tweets in case someone wants to know:
      "Navi should definitely get Yoky of course only if he actually wants to play offlane. There aren't too many options left but Navi still has time. They shouldn't hurry. They can maybe test a pub star with a high MMR like Badman"
      A tweet V1lat made two days ago:
      "Earlier, I used to have daily roasts of CIS organizations, no exceptions. I am thinking of doing it again because I see that they they've relaxed a little bit too much"
      Gob lack response to V1lat: " Yep, this is pretty much what it is. But if at least half of the rumours that were going around Minsk about Navi situation are true then I have a bad news for its fans"
      V1lat: " I am not even going to ask you about what you heard"
      Some top voted CIS responses to the "Drama":
      • "If a person has a brain then he will wash his hair before going LIVE on air " (shot at V1lat)
      • "Of course Ax.Mo did a wrong thing but calling somebody an idiot is really beneath everything. All V1lat does is insult people. Did he even call Ax.Mo an idiot face to face or did he whine like a child on forums? And then he wants to talk about professionalism..."
      • Ax.MO : "Artstyle is a great captain. I never said anything bad about him and about that PD post - we drafted together"
      • "V1lat is right but his choice of words is very poor"
      • "Here we have a pro player talking to community and saying that AM was a bad pick in a game. Wow what a bastard right? Unlike Dendi who has 9000 hours and Sonneiko.
      -"Oh my god, V1lat talks about professionalism when he puts his wife to do English interviews when she's trying to remember words from her grade 7 English class. What a trash. Nice professionalism, not even talking about Maelstrom (Russian caster)..."
      Aloha and V1lat
      Aloha: AxMo isn't right of course but you dont have to flame him so hard. A pretty boy on my team wrote something too after Ti5))
      V1lat: It happens, I understand. But AxMo proves again that he did everything right and everyone else is an idiot.. am I not right Alosha?
      Aloha: Well this IS the problem, he keeps making the matters worse
      Aloha: He wrote it during the tournament and stupidly tries to defend himself xd
      PR player talks with V1lat about Ax.Mo
      • He doesn't think about the future, he gossips about his past teams and teammates again and again. There is another one like this.
      • Who?
      • BeamOfSun of course, who else it could be? :)
      Sunlight : Don't you guys (v1lat and pr guy) want to tell everyone that chrcht is in Navi?
      Chshrct response to Sunlight on twitter :
      "Nobody from Navi has contacted me. I suggest you ignore Sunlight. You have serious psychological disappointments, not joking"
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
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