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    • ^ Das ist gut, klingt aber schon mehr nach Verschwörung. "Synderen throws mtw games to kick Slesh out of Tobis Co-caster-slot-conspiracy"-Drama.
      Gibts ne endgültige Auflödung oder ein Statement dazu?
      The verdict is not the end
      It is only the beginning
      Strong will shall keep spreading
    • Zagdil schrieb:

      ^ Das ist gut, klingt aber schon mehr nach Verschwörung. "Synderen throws mtw games to kick Slesh out of Tobis Co-caster-slot-conspiracy"-Drama.
      Gibts ne endgültige Auflödung oder ein Statement dazu?

      Spoiler anzeigen

      jD.Slesh schrieb:

      i am still around, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened during TI. i won't be casting with tobi anymore, and i am sure he knows why.

      i really appreciate all the support you guys are showing, so thank you all!

      jD.TobiWanKenobi schrieb:

      Ok, this thread has gone on long enough with nothing but mass speculation and people trying to piece together a story that no one in this thread was involved in. I didn't want to post in these type of things because normally after I do it just fuels the fire of the trolls and the flame but in this case I feel that some people in here are just seeking the truth and this is for you.

      Concerning Slesh casting with me since TI2 and the staff list

      All co-casters are volunteers, they have lives outside of casting and don't always have the time to join, some of these people even go on holidays, focus on university, girlfriends of other such things. Slesh has always been one of those guys that has asked for space and I never demand commitment from my co-casters that would affect what they believe is important.

      I cleaned up the staff list in preparation for new commentators to joinDOTA, ones that are not volunteer co-casters. This is the only reason Slesh has been removed from this list, and also to note syndereN was also removed from this list and has not cast with me (excluding talkDOTA) since the International as well, same goes for Puppey and other people.

      If you want to have people cast more than I suggest you write them Supportive messages showing them how much you value what they do. This is Slesh's profile if you wish to do such a thing.

      What happened at TI2

      Originally Slesh was not selected to co-cast with me but I argued the point that his knowledge of China is something that should not be missing from this International. Valve agreed in the end and Slesh was brought along, and he was informed before he came that when/if syndereN got eliminated from TI2 that he would join me to cast (the rough guideline was slesh would stay with me for the china vs china matches, and synd would cast with me for the others).

      On the day of TI2 when synderen was eliminated he jumped in to cast with me, something Slesh had no major issue with on the day. The problem came up on the last day when we were told that Myself +1 would be casting the WB Final - LB 1st Final - LB 2nd Final. Finol (valve) said that he wanted syndereN casting the whole day with me, to which point I did say that there was an agreement with Slesh and if you wish to have synd casting all 3 matches with me then it should be you (as an official valve member) that passes on this decision.

      After that point I just focused on doing the best job I could do for the matches to cast. I could have fought a lot harder for Slesh to cast with me during the last day, that I wont deny, but after my decisions during the group stage of the TI2 I believed it was not my place to question, I stated my opinion and then respected the final decision of Valve.


      I hope these satisfies the people who just wanted to know what went down, and I do hope Slesh returns to the mic as I know I learnt so much from him about SEA / Chinese DOTA.

      jD.Slesh schrieb:

      Since Tobi has already stated his viewpoint on the matter, I shall do so now too.

      When I was approached by IceFrog to cast TI together with Tobi, I was of course incredibly excited. I was grateful to have been given the opportunity to team up with him again for the biggest LAN tournament of the year. After all, whenever I had free time, I have been casting with Tobi a lot ever since last TI. I was named in the official caster's line-up, same as many others, and I thought of course I would be casting a lot during the main event.

      Regarding the group stages, I was originally told by Tobi that he would appreciate it, if I could go over to Berlin and cast the group stage matches from the studio, but it was not a necessity. Having already had an incredibly busy summer, I decided not to in the beginning, but a few weeks before the group stage began, I was suddenly told that I HAVE to be in Berlin. Since I already had other plans for that period, I had to reschedule everything, from hotels, to train tickets to flights. Nevertheless, I gave it my best during the group stage matches, as I also believed I could improve a lot more in comparison to last year. I was also very happy that the response from the community to that was largely very positive, and was very motivated to continue in good style in the main event.

      Now, I was indeed asked by Tobi: "Slesh", would you be fine with it, if Synd casts a few games with me in case he gets eliminated early?" To which I happily agreed. After all, I don't see Synd as a rival, and I am well aware that the community likes him as a co-caster a lot as well; there is no bad blood between us.

      Unfortunately for mtw, they were eliminated after Day 1 already. I wouldn't like to speculate about if Synd was throwing games or not, I think that's senseless. Come Day 2 then, Synd was casting the Lower Bracket matches, and I enjoyed my day in the player's lounge watching those games, still thinking it's refreshing for all to have Synd cast a bit. Day 2 evening then I had a conversation with Tobi about Day 3; this is where things went out of hand.

      I asked him, which matches we would be covering the next day. He told me, that about this he isn't sure yet, as the Valve tournament organiser hadn't decided yet. Tobi didn't seem very happy though, as he informed me that there was the large possibility that he wouldn't get to cover the Grand Final. I can only assume it's partly because Tobi didn't listen to the tournament organiser during the group stages and didn't stick to the schedule. I wanted to confirm with him that it would be me casting again, to which his reply was: "Anything but the Grand Final, yes." I didn't get it, why wouldn't he want me to cast the Grand Final with him? His answer was, that the community demands it, and that Synd is more popular than me. Which, of course, is true, but why name me the official caster then? After all, it was Tobi who recommended me to Valve. He then said: "Yeah, but I thought it was always clear that Synd is the preferential caster, and you are the back-up."

      Regardless how much of a socially questionable sentence that is, was it so damn difficult to tell me that before the event? I don't like being left in the dark, and when I got my invitation I accepted it in good faith that the two of us would be the casting pair like last TI. If I would have been told exactly this before the event, I could make up my mind at least whether I want to cast or not, but withholding such information up until the evening before the final day of the main event is completely unacceptable. As two people that cast together, there should be clear and honest communication between us.

      Tobi then realised what he just said, and trying to save the day told me that if it's China-China in the Grand Final, then I would get to cast. And if he only got to cast the Lower Bracket/Winner Bracket matches up until the GF, then I would be his number 1 choice. At that point I flat out told him that I was completely pissed about how he handled the whole thing, but would be giving it my best nevertheless. After all, it's no good use letting personal issues lower the quality of casting for the community.

      Day 3 in the morning, 20 minutes before the match, Tobi approached me in the player's lounge, telling me to get ready to go backstage, as we would be covering the first few matches. He then left and, right when I was about to go, 5 minutes before the match started, the Valve tournament organiser told me that Synd would be casting. I was very surprised, and he at the same time also seemed irritated, as "it had been decided long ago" that Synd would be the co-caster on Day 3, he told me.

      Obviously, that didn't really raise my mood that at that point was pretty much already 5000 meter below sea level. When later that day I came into the press area (where all the jD guys were sitting), I found Tobi there as I expected. And I really couldn't believe that he looked me in the eyes and didn't even say one thing. No apology, he didn't even bother to greet me, just looked at me shortly and returned to viewing the game on the main screen. Such behaviour is just without backbone. If you screwed up, at least have the guts to admit it and apologise.

      After TI, he didn't even contact me once. When I finally messaged him on Skype, he just told me that he is very busy. Up until now, I have yet to receive a simple "I'm sorry". A few weeks ago, I was in the lobby for the ESWC SEA qualifiers, obsing Orange's matches. And Tobi actually asked me, if I wanted to cast with him. Seriously?

      After all that transcended, I am incredibly disappointed in Tobi as a person, as I no longer perceive him to be morally upright and honest, judging from my own experience. This is not to diminish his skills as a commentator, I wish him all the best in his future casting career, I am certain he is 100% dedicated to his job, for which I respect him and everyone else should.

      I consider myself a very straight talking person. There are certain things I can forgive, but betrayal and dishonesty are not on that list. Besides, is it that difficult to apologise for a mistake someone made? At least I am living with a clear conscience every day.

      Lastly, I would like to thank everyone that read this wall of text, and thank you all for your support, I highly appreciate it.


      jD.TobiWanKenobi schrieb:

      Slesh's post made me realize there are a lot of things that had gone unsaid, which are now and will continue being said between the two of us in a private manner (where these type of things belong).

      We have also both agreed that the community has now got the information about what has happened and there is no further point to this thread.

      aber da slesh mit ihm zusammen gestern am staffcup teilgenommen hat denke ich sie haben sich ausgesprochen
      glaub tobi hat das auch bei einem seiner vlogs gesagt aber hab wirklich grad keine lust alle deswegen durchzuschaun, kann auch bei ner talkDOTA Q&A gewesen sein...
    • da sieht man ja wunderbar dass tobi ein unloyaler fag ist, der sich um nichts anderes kümmert als um seinen ruf, weil er ja der geilste caster auf dem planeten ist. OH MEIN GOTT ICH COVERE VIELLEICHT NICHT DAS GRAND FINAL - tobi traurig.
      ich fand slesh eig immer ganz ok, auf TI1 haben wir uns gut verstanden. ich bin auf der seite von slesh weil ich weiß wie sich das anfühlt wenn ein random valvemitarbeiter dir mitteilt dass du nicht castest/nicht gestreamt wirst, etc.. ob die community lieber slesh oder synderen hören will ist doch scheiß egal, slesh hat tatsächlich fundierteres chinawissen als synderen und tobi labert genug crap dass slesh gut busy ist das ganze geradezubügeln. er war der cocaster für tobi in diesem event und den einfach rauszubooten - traurig. übrigens kann ich mir niemals vorstellen dass valve entscheidet, wer der cocaster für tobi ist. letztendlich entscheidet das immer der hauptcaster. "ein paar games" waren ja ok aber der hat halt tatsächlich alles mit ihm gecastet, oh sleshbrudi ich weiß wie du dich gefühlt hast
      ist zwar lange her aber gut dass das nochmal aufgetaucht ist! ich kann nicht beschreiben wie sehr ich tobiwan hasse das ist schon fast unmenschlich
    • Neodota hat eigentlich genügend Drama produziert, bin mir nicht sicher was da genau gemeint ist. Ach du meintest das mit maut, k!

      Team dramas:
      Mouz vs Twista,
      Absolute Legends vs Godz/N9 (Bezahlung)…he_accusations_by/c7q2q9n
      Quantic Gaming Vs Eclypsia gaming vs Copenhagen Wolves (Versprechungen über Konditionen, 4 tage bei Ecl. gaming)…nd-dota-2-squad-part-ways
      Mouz vs TI2 quali ( CWM wird aus dem i-cafe "geschmissen")…=comewithme+internet+cafe
      exMTW vs EG ( Serverstreitereien; "see you on Lan" -"saw you on Lan")
      MTW vs MTW (Interne Streitigkeiten)
      Fnatic NA drama:…POV-on-FnaticRC-NA-ending (Dolchstoß)

      Demon vs Godz (Demon restreamed g1 league-> Godz/G1 league admin sagen nein-> Demon posted ein Foto von Godz stream auf dem ein schwulen Porno im Hintergrund zu sehen ist)…s-Valve-s-restream-policy…t_gleague_despite_valves/
      Arstyle vs CIS…-From-M5-Dota-2-Open.html (Bedarf glaube ich keiner Erklärung)
      Teams vs TPL…-from-tpl/&…aos-in-the-premier-league( TPL hat verschiedene Teams bestraft, die zu spät kamen )
      The defense 3 drama:…/&comment_page=1#comments (Kommentare)…tournaments_run_this_way/…erstanding-TobiWan-and-jD
      (Zu teures Ticket, zu schlechte Spiele etc.)
      Dendis Kumpel VS reddit…is_premade_griefing_pubs/ (Dendi spielt mit dem Top wisp Spieler Pub, sie verlieren es der Wisp benimmt sich recht assozial.)
      eternalenvy vs Teamliquid: (EE will von der Uni und Pro werde, nicht mit TL!)

      Chinesisches Drama:
      cnKommentatoren vs Orgas/pros…ottom_of_the_pile_taking/ (übliche Kommentatoren Schwelte, war auf Sgamers recht groß, +Chuan vs MTW)
      ehome/CLC drama :,…kingj-we-never-joined-clc (China drama um Spielerverpflichtungen)
      Yaphets vs Community:…kill,-questionable-ethics (ist halb dota1, hat sich bezahlen lassen, die Acc von noobs hoch zu spielen)
      Bei den Chinesen gehts auch ganz oft um Freundinnen. Hat nicht Vici gaming cpt. Fenrir was mit ner ex von LGDcn oder Tongfu ?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 19 mal editiert, zuletzt von Crytash ()

      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • y und die ganzen ragequits fehlen mir auch^^, aber bei PGG war das so häufig, dass es sowieso Standard war...
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Sag lieber mal, wie du das definierst, sonst könnte man ja - sozusagen als dt. Drama - Saga vs Readmore dazu nehmen.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
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