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      Beitrag von enRag3d ()

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      Title: How to cure sick organizers.
      I already wrote that tournaments owe organizers huge amounts of money. Particularly, I am talking about six digit numbers in USD. I'm done with investing in trips to tournaments organized by scammers. In 2015 all rosters of will ignore leagues or tournaments that owe us money until these debts are payed out. We'll make an exception for tournaments that we already participate in. Dropping from such tournaments is a disrespectful towards the audience that bought tickets or just waits for our performance on streams.
      We are also going to ignore all tournaments that won't sign contracts with teams. The contract that I'm referring to should include all participation details, payment schedule and fines for breaking the contract.
      I must point out that with such a strict approach Virtus.Pro will probably not participate in any CIS league because their organizers are the biggest debtors and scammers. V1lat is not paying anything for a few month already and simultaneously has the insolence to cry in Twitter that people stopped buying his tickets. In addition, I won't send anyone from VPs coverage crew to such tournaments. As for Starladder, the teams will participate in the current season but if the debt is still not payed until the first of February then Starladder will be ignored by all VPs rosters and media resources during entire 2015.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Crytash ()

      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Ist nicht eh atm gossip im Umlauf dass es eine neue g9 geben wird mit James als Vorstand ? Könnte der Anfang sein...

      Gerechtfertigt ? Aufjedenfall
      Schedule technisch gut? Sowas von
      Mal sehen wie sehr die Szene an Turnieren schrumpft, denn afaik kann kaum ein Turnier das Preisgeld VOR turnierstart aufbringen . Find den radikalen Schritt gut und wichtig ( man sieht ja an der Dauer der esl Preisgeld Zahlung wie weit es führen kann wenn keiner den Mund auf macht) frage ist ob die anderen nachziehen um dem Druck den nötigen Nachdruck zu verleihen.

      Gesendet von meinem iPhone mit Tapatalk
      you may clip our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly~
    • Zusammenschluss der Teams um Druck auf die orgas zu machen

      VP Owner Drama Runde 2…mi-na-ligakh/#top_content
      Spoiler anzeigen

      There were three main thesis in my blog:
      We need contracts between clubs and organizations before announcing the teams participating on the tournament.
      We will not participate only on the tournaments and leagues that did not pay off their debts. We did not boycott anyone.
      I described the situation that Starladder delays the money and I know the reasons why, I do not have any doubts that everything will be paid out, but I do not accept the fact that we discuss the timings of those payments only after the tournaments ended. This can take months because of the lack of those contracts.
      In the end, there was an intense discussion in the comments about the contracts and the problems that have to be solved. I never wrote that ESEA or CPH do not pay their money or act unfairly in any way, I emphasized that we have problems with certain organizations because of the lack of contracts, for example: these two organizations paid out the winnings directly to the manager of the organization. It is good that the hired manager is an honest person, but legally they pay out the money to a personal account without any contract, without any notice to VP owners. There were many situations when managers stole money from the players, so how can I prove that the winnings were really paid out to VP? In this situation with those tournaments the players got all their money, we participate in those tournaments year by year and I never wrote that they did not pay. I am considering the official ESEA reply to my blog to be a misunderstanding, and we already discussed it privately.
      EMC (Excellent Moscow Cup) and Techlabs intact do not pay out their money for months now, they do promise they will, but fact is a fact – there is no money. i-League do not refuse to pay us their money, but we have to either travel to China or open Chinese bank accounts to get them, if we were told of that before hand we simply would not have participated at all.
      There is also a long list of tournaments that pay out the money within 90 days. However, often times it turns into a quite painful process, all these talks through Skype and emails about problems of both sides does not help our industry to grow.
      I may have spoke harshly in some places, and my words may have been interpreted as an attack on the tournaments in others. had many situations: sometimes managers stole the money and I had to pay out to players from my own pocket, sometimes players stole money from the organization, and a lot of other ugly stuff. The blog had only one message: I, as a person who always pays my debts, want to protect my investments in a legal way, without attacking anyone or start a war through announcements or blogs.
      P.S. I understand that I painted a mark on myself and that many would not take my side because of taking this discussion to public. However, if I would not be paying the players for months, would not there be first page news about how VP is a bad and untrustworthy organization?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Crytash ()

      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Ist einer der besten Meepos der Welt und hat mit Team Romania Newbee nahezu solo mit seinem Meepo besiegt. Zudem erfolgreicher Streamer und war bisher bei den Balkan Bears die nicht so viel erreicht haben und ist jetzt bei Team Meepwn'd mit H4nn1, Fly, Excalibur und Pieliedie. Gilt als aufstrebendes Talent wie Excalibur.
    • Eher so B/C-Profi aber streamt und tummelt sich an der Spitze der Leaderboards. War bei bis vor kurzem bei BBC wenn ich mich nicht täusche. Und ist jetzt mit H4anni, Fly, Pie und Excalibur in nem neuen Team (meepwnd oder so). Laut eigener Aussage wollen sie zum TI5, haben bis jetzt aber noch keine Matches gespielt glaub ich

      Edit: Ninja'd
    • Der typ ist halt skilltechnisch mega legit is um ein vielfaches besser als xcalibur.

      Nur relativ retarded falls er dachte, dass das nicht auffallen würde
      Responsibility's cool, but there’s more things in life
      Like getting your dick
      Rode all fucking night
    • Hi2u schrieb:

      Würde ihn auf jeden Fall erstmal von allen Turnieren ausschließen, vorallem dem TI5, vllt ist ihm dort dann auch langweilig ist oder er nicht cared und zack, cheatet er wieder.

      Nur dass er halt in normalen officials nicht cheaten kann. Zumindest wird er wohl kaum die Lobby aufmachen :fresse:
      Responsibility's cool, but there’s more things in life
      Like getting your dick
      Rode all fucking night
    • Doch, er machts einfach wie in der EEL und besteht einfach drauf, dass er die Lobby hostet.

      Zagdil schrieb:

      Wer hätte gedacht was aus dem "Ich heiße Buktus, komme aus Oldenburg und schlage gerne Frauen"-User in den nächsten Jahren wird?
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