Kann nicht hosten

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    • Kann nicht hosten

      ehy jungs kann hier mal mir eine helfen

      ich habe eine problem wenn ich in multiplayer modus hosten will und die map wälle kommt immer (the game was not found) was ist das für ne fehler?????? [diffusal_64]
    • Wie hoch ist denn der Wall?

      Ansonsten hab ich das in nem Bluepost von Blizzard gefunden


      If you receive an error message when attempting to form an Arranged Team or if no other players are able to join custom games you host on Battle.net, even though you can join games hosted by others, then your problem may be caused by one or more of the following things:

      * You are using Internet Connection Sharing.
      * Your Firewall is blocking the data Warcraft III is trying to send/receive.
      * Your Router and/or Warcraft III are not configured to forward data to the game port that Warcraft III is using.

      Please Note: Blizzard does not offer direct support for proxies (Internet connection sharing), firewalls, or routers. The settings provided are suggested settings only. If you need further help configuring your firewall, router, or proxy you will need to contact the manufacturer for assistance. If you have opened the correct ports but still cannot get others to connect to your games, you may need to contact your ISP or network administrator.

      -Windows XP Firewall:
      Suggested settings for the firewall included with Windows XP and Windows XP Service Pack 1 can be found at us.blizzard.com/support/article/21219

      -External Firewalls:
      Suggested settings for many popular firewall programs can be found at us.blizzard.com/support/article/21109 Some other steps that you should try include:

      Some additional steps that we recommend you try include:
      * Make sure you have the latest updates installed from your Firewall manufacturer.
      * By default Warcraft III uses port 6112, use the following steps to check the current port your version of Warcraft III is trying to use:

      1. Start Warcraft III.
      2. Click 'Options'.
      3. Click 'Gameplay'.
      4. Approximately half way down the screen you will see 'Game Port', this is the port that you will need to open in your firewall program.

      Suggested settings for some popular router models can be found at us.blizzard.com/support/article/21086 under the 'Advanced Networking' section. Some other steps that you should try include:

      Some additional steps that we recommend you try include:
      * Make sure you have the latest updates installed from your Router manufacturer.
      * Configure the Game Port Warcraft III will use on each computer:

      1. Start Warcraft III on each computer.
      2. Click Options.
      3. Click Gameplay.
      4. Approximately half way down the screen you will see 'Game Port', each of your computers will need to use a different port.
      For example: Computer #1 can use port 6112, computer #2 can use port 6113, computer #3 can use port 6114, and so on.
      5. Configure your Router to forward the incoming data for each computer to the 'Game Port' you chose for that computer.
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