Alex- raus aus Mousesports

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    Oh mein Gott, Syndärööön <3

    Troels "mouz syndereN" Lyngholt Nielsen:
    "It's good to be back in a competitive, professional team. I've never lost interest in playing for a professional squad since mTw dissolved, and now the opportunity was finally given by mousesports. My old friend Black^ contacted me, asking me to represent mousesports and its sponsors BenQ, GeIL, Razer & Thortech, and it's been working out very well so far. mouz is a bunch of talented players, as I knew already, and the squad can be way more successful than it has been so far. I'm hoping, through drafting and leading the team in game, as well as my support play, to be the key to unlocking this team's full potential, as I believe the weakness of mouz has been of a strategical nature, and I find strategy to be one of my strengths. Hopefully it'll prove to be a winning combination in the time to come!"

    "Last year's The International 2 was the highlight of the whole year for many players and I was privileged enough to be a part of it. It is one of my biggest goals to attend TI3 this year and together with Troels, everyone in the team is as motivated as me right now to work for our goal", said Dominik "mouz Black^" Reitmeier.

    Dota 2 Head Coordinator Florian "mouz PaisY" Schmedes had this to share: "On behalf of the whole team, I would like to thank Alex for his engagement in mousesports and for the great time we had during the past months, especially in Kiev at the EMS One Finals. Of course it's always sad to part ways with a player after five intense months, but we had to in order to evolve as a team."

    "We had some discussions throughout the weekend and came to the conclusion that we need to pick up the pace if we want to develop ourselves as a team. Unfortunately Alex is not able to invest as much time into Dota 2 currently, so we had to make a decision. Alex is a great person and a skilled Dota 2 player. A roster change like this always causes some trouble in first place, but there was no bad blood involved afterall", said team captain Adrian "mouz FATA" Trinks.

    Mal ganz im Ernst: Es ist ne mega traurige Sache, alex- war schon ein sehr wichtiger Teil, wie jeder andere.
    Spielerisch finde ich haben sie einen sehr starken und vor allem sehr sehr sympathischen, deutschsprachigen Ersatz gefunden.
    GO MOUZ!
  • Dunno was der ganze hate soll. Synderen ist nicht der beste Spieler, aber als Standin für Fnatic hat er sich in der Support-Rolle gut gemacht, er spricht Deutsch, hat viel Erfahrung und hat früher schon mit Black gespielt. Imo die beste und, im Hinblick auf die Qualifier, auch die notwendig schnelle Lösung.
    Hoffentlich funktionierts, würde es ihnen gönnen.
  • synderen halt einfach guter spieler, kP wieso den so hated. hat eigtl NIE irgendetwas gemacht wofür man ihn haten könnte, AUßER dass er es geschafft hat etwas zu reissen ohne gute leute sondern mit eher semiguten spielern
    you may clip our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly~
  • alles in allem wahrscheinlich keine schlechte wahl. synd ist vlt nicht das übertalent aber hat viel erfahrung und
    hat sich auch immer für die community stark gemacht. sympatischer typ, bin gespannt wie gut das ganze läuft
    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.
  • Drafts werden auf jeden Fall mal besser, durch seinen Input mMn.
    'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
    Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
    There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
    And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
    'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
    'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
    And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
    You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
    I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
    Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
    Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
    'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
  • mir ist der synderen hate auch eher unverständlich, klar ist das ein nerd und eine labertasche, aber ein sympathischer kerl und versteht auf jedenfall was vom spiel. wehe da kommt in den nächsten tagen kein interview, in dem er deutsch spricht.
  • Ne gute Wahl, wenn die Chemie stimmt. Hatte etwas Bedenken, weil er viel Raum einnimmt, aber offensichtlich haben sie ja einen Ingameleader gesucht.
    I am in extraordinary shape, but I do not think I could survive a bullet in the head.
  • Schmöndi ist für mich halt etz immer der Typ der Alex verdängt hat.

    Freu mich aber schon auf den "Best nicknames for Troels Lyngholt Nielsen by saga -Thread"
    The verdict is not the end
    It is only the beginning
    Strong will shall keep spreading