Focus, Focus, Focus

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  • Focus, Focus, Focus

    Posting a picture of TongFu always generates a huge amount of excitement and this fan favorite team is looking to focus that excitement on The International.

    There are just a few problems, what happened at the Alienware Cup? What happened last year at the International? When we asked Hao about this, his response was quick, honest, and to the point.

    Last year, it was his fault – he lost his concentration on the game. There were too many distractions happening in his personal life.

    At the Alienware Cup, it was outside forces playing havoc with the team’s schedule that distracted them from their play.

    They think their win at the Dota 2 Super League shows what the team is capable of and why they are picking themselves as favorites.

    But to be clear, the difference this year is more than just a calm social life. With the addition of KingJ to the team, they have someone slowing them down, calming them in game. He is more than just a great player but also the one to get them to wait to strike at the perfect moment.

    In a few days, we will see if this is enough to make The International TongFu’s moment.

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