Rosterchanges, Reshuffles & Disbands (Sammlung im Startbeitrag)

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    • Hi Everyone,

      Today, we're announcing some major changes to our DotA 2 roster - ones that we've spent a lot of time carefully considering.

      Believe it or not, it was less than a year ago that our roster was only a map away from winning DreamHack Winter. We defeated Na`Vi and Fnatic on our way to the finals, and we lost to a group of guys that would eventually be known as some team called "Alliance". And we were very, very proud of that lineup, both as players and people. Those five guys (Bdiz, DeMoN, Fear, Maelk, and Jeyo) are the kind of people you want representing your team, and toward the end of 2012, their collective level of play was also at the tier we would like to think the EG name is associated with.

      And then, as often happens in eSports, things changed - and changed quickly. Several months into 2013, it was clear that our beloved captain, Maelk, wasn't the player he was before, and that our team, in terms of performance, wasn't the team it was before. We made a switch. We brought in fresh blood. And we entered the TI3 qualifiers with a healthy amount of swagger and confidence, which after the first day of the qualifiers seemed to be backed up by our play. Then, on the second day of the qualifiers, reality hit us in the face - hard.

      That was the worst day of the year for our organization. It was a very quiet, somber day at the office. It was the most gut-wrenching loss we had experienced in a very long time, because we knew how well our team was capable of playing when they were playing well. But it brought to light one of the weaknesses of our now-former lineup: when we were on, we were really on, but when we were off - boy, were we off. And it's nice to know that you're great when you're playing at your best, but when your best and worst seem to fluctuate on their own, that's a problem.

      Despite not qualifying for TI3, we were still very proud of our team. Let's not forget: we're talking about a lineup that subsequently bounced back to finish 3rd at DreamHack Summer, 2nd at EMS ONE, and 3rd in the TPL Season 5 finals. Our summer lineup was, objectively, a very good team. We were no scrubs. But, as most of you hopefully know, EG is not an organization that strives to be good, or even very good. Our goal is to be great, and to field a lineup that we believe has the potential to be the best. It is for this reason that we have made changes.

      Jio "Jeyo" Madayag and Clinton "Fear" Loomis (our Captain) will remain on the team. Joining them will be Saahil "Universe" Arora and Ioannis "Fogged" Loucas, both formerly of Team Dignitas, who deserve thanks for agreeing to a very reasonable contract buyout settlement. Rounding out the lineup is Arif "MSS" Anwar, who at only 17 years of age will certainly be the lineup's up-and-comer.

      We are very excited about this roster. They might not immediately be the world's best DotA 2 team, but they will be very, very good from the start, and most importantly, they collectively bring the right combination of skill, personality, and discipline to grow from a very good team into a great team. They'll be spending most of their time over the next year living and practicing from our training house in San Francisco, and we can't wait to see them get to work.

      While we are optimistic about the future, this decision was very difficult because we had to say goodbye to some good friends. We'd like to thank Bobby "Bdiz" Tinnes and Alaan "Bamboe" Faraj for everything they contributed to our organization. And, in particular, we'd like to say a few words about one of our absolute favorite people: Jimmy "DeMoN" Ho.

      Jimmy, as is the case with a lot of strong personalities, can be a bit of a polarizing figure: most people either really like him, or really don't like him.

      We love him. We have known him for almost five years - since well before he made it onto our starting lineup. We have legitimately watched him grow up, and we are very proud of the accomplishments he has achieved and the fan base he has created for himself.

      We're not worried about where Jimmy will go from here. We know that he'll be successful - he doesn't need us to do that. But we'll still miss him a lot. Jimmy is someone who believed in and supported our organization through and through. You could not find a player who appreciated, valued, and cared about being on Evil Geniuses more than he did, and we are very grateful to him for that. Thank you, Jimmy, for everything you have done for our team and our organization.

      Our new DotA 2 lineup will compete publicly for the first time tomorrow (Friday 9/20) at 9AM PDT in the WePlay DotA 2 League. We hope you'll all join us in welcoming and cheering on Fear, Fogged, Jeyo, MSS, and Universe.

      -Evil Geniuses
    • Mal sehen mit was Dignitas bei weplay weiterspielt, fogged war ja gestern noch dabei. Bdiz wir dignitas wohl auch nicht joinen:
      Robert Tinnes @bdizdota: For those that care - I won't be on a team for a little while at least, going to be focusing on myself 8). Probably more casting too!

      Eigentlich schade, dass dignitas jetzt kein richtiges team mehr hat, die organisation ist mir eigentlich sehr sympatisch.
    • War ja schon lange ein gerücht unterwegs welches die playertransfers von wts und qq besagt haben.

      Mike vllt nicht der beste Spieler, aber so wie es von vielen berichtet wurde ein unglaublicher Mensch der die Moral hochgehalten hat. Mal sehen ob er weiterhin das Team als "Mädchen für alles" begleitet... Finde sowas enorm wichtig und die Teams die einen haben der alles motivation und klimatechnisch zusammen hält ist immer gut. Trotz alledem würde ich ihn nicht als schlechten spieler abstempeln, eher unauffällig..

      ixmike halt legende
      you may clip our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly~
    • kHH` schrieb:

      Dignitas wurd ja gut ausgeschlachtet. :thumbup:

      ja, aber hauptsache noch sneyking kicken vorher :D :D
      [12:16:38] RMC: lauge, you know polonaise?

      [12:16:43] hiphopNOTpop: no?

      [12:17:23] RMC: thats when old ppl at partys grab the shoulders of the
      guy in front of them and they start walking around the dancefloor having

      [12:17:34] RMC: like a chain

      [12:17:36] RMC: you know that?

      [12:18:19] hiphopNOTpop: wtf

      [12:18:20] hiphopNOTpop: stupid germans
    • Hat halt jeder seine eigenen Ansichten...

      Wenn ich ixmike höre, denke ich an einen fetten, hängengebliebenen Schnurrbartträger, der auch noch die unlustigsten twitter posts der welt verfasst. So stell ich mir eigentlich Leute vor die auf Youtube Kommentare verfassen.
    • Turbo schrieb:

      #YOLO schrieb:

      Hat halt jeder seine eigenen Ansichten...
      Ja, das ist ja auch vollkommen legitim. Aber jemanden gleich behindert zu nennen...okay.

      Ich glaube halt tatsächlich, dass er verhaltensgestört, damit behindert ist. Ist immerhin ein himmelweiter Unterschied, ob man bei 'nem Interview mit Kamera der liebste Mensch der Welt ist (und dabei sauseltsam) und 'ne halbe Stunde später auf Twitter die Kellnerin beleidigt, die gerade ein bisschen Wasser verspritzt hat.
      Das hat nix damit zu tun, dass 'ne Behinderung als "coole" Beleidigung gilt.

      'Nen Grund dafür, warum er "legende" ist, fehlt mir auch immer noch. Man kann ihn ja mögen, wenn man auf so seltsame Typen steht. Aber nur dumm zu Grinsen macht einen nicht zur Legende. Wenn jetzt wenigstens "hat IH league gegründet", o.Ä. käme.
    • Ich habe nicht von einer dota-legends im Sinne von Imba Typ gesprochen. Allerdings wird er einer der wenigen sein an die die Leute sich erinnern werden. Oder glaubt ihr wenn in 3 Jahren jemand nach zb jeyo fragt kennt ein nicht competetive versierter Typ ihn? Wenn du aber "ixmike, der Typ mit dem Schnurrbart" sagst, werden Vmtl einige mehr ihn kennen.
      you may clip our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly~