Cyborgmatt's Blog

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    • Cyborgmatt's Blog

      Da ja laut dem neuen Statement der Blog eine Art Archiv wird mit keinen neuen Beiträgen, wollt ich mal Fragen ob dann hier demnächst auf die Seite verlinkt wird oder ob man das Unterforum schließt, da onGamers ja indirekt ne E-Sports Seite ist und kein reiner Blog mehr von CBM.


      "onGamers and the future of"
      A new esports brand joins GameSpot, Giant Bomb, GameFAQs and the rest of the CBS Interactive family.

      Some of you may have seen the announcement last night that I will be joining a new team of awesome people at a site called onGamers, this new site is dedicated to covering eSports content across a wide range of games.

      At onGamers, we will inform, educate and entertain anyone who shares our passion for esports — the tournaments, the players, the competition, the personalities, the games, the community, the events, the dedication and everything in-between.
      I had a lot of emails last night regarding the status of and what will happen in the future. In terms of my coverage I’m not stopping, it’s actually the opposite my coverage is going to be able to grow exponentially starting off with me covering the two games you already come to this site for specifically Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Any future content I post for these two titles will now be located over at the onGamers site.

      The move to onGamers is basically me getting back to my original roots of producing editorial content along with the extra snippets you have come to expect from me such as the patch analysis, tutorials and tools that you enjoy using.

      This blog will continue to exist as an archive for my past work which is almost two years worth of Dota 2 content along with the recent branch off into CS: GO. The site will also remain as a home for the numerous tools I provide such as the League ID list, unreleased hero status and more. Some content like the tutorials may move over to the onGamers site after undergoing an update/rewrite first however I will let you know of that when it happens.

      In terms of my Workshop content and specifically Shagbark he isn’t going anywhere, in fact there are a couple of things that have been in the works for a while now that Shagbark fans are going to enjoy and will be announced at a later date.

      Finally I would just like to say thank you to all of my readers who have been with me over the past couple of years, I hope that you will join me in the transition to the new site where my future content and more will be posted.

      Thank You

      - Matthew “Cyborgmatt” Bailey

      PS: Falls es hier im falschen Forum ist einfach verschieben.
    • Nun mal nicht so schnell. Gamespot (die Mutterseite) hat ihren esportsteil ausgelagert, das ist also keine neue Seite, sondern eine längst überfällige Trennung.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
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