Online Kingdom: Pläne für EU Team in China und China Team in EU, uvm.

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    • Online Kingdom: Pläne für EU Team in China und China Team in EU, uvm.

      A little announcement to clear some questions:

      The old management of Online Kingdom has NOTHING to do with the new one. The logo, brand and facebook fan page were bought from the previous owners.

      The new management wishes to do something none has ever done before, and has decided to reinstate a well known legacy much like ancient Rome legions.

      Online Kingdom is of now a registered brand and company in China, part of the Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited.

      Our vision, shared by Hutchison International, is to bridge the western and eastern world of Dota2.

      We will house two headquarters, one in each region, where we will have our chinese team as a primary squad located in Europe to compete in european tournaments, while we will have european up and coming players moved to China to thrive in the chinese scene and evolve as professional players.

      Regarding OK.Academy we have no yet decided how many teams we will fly out to China, but we are not locked in to one.

      Regarding OK.HT announcement will come as soon as every deal is done and closed to not cause missunderstandings.

      Online Kingdom will also try a new concept in being very open with it's business. Contracts will be fully visible to the public, including salaries, conditions, team housing and more.

      We are also going to host a Internet Cyber Café in the same building as our professional team which means fans can visit and watch their idols practise and play professional games and of course play local games with our players.

      A bigger and longer presentation of the club is to follow when everything is clear.
      We are expecting it to be done at latest end of April.

      Thanks for your patience.

      Regards, Lu Tong Shing - CEO.…610906655254?stream_ref=1
    • We are also going to host a Internet Cyber Café in the same building as our professional team which means fans can visit and watch their idols practise and play professional games and of course play local games with our players.
      Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das für die pros angenehm ist, wenn die täglich von fans belagert werden.

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