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    • I know :(

      Aber Du wirst schon sehen ROUVEN. Ich werd der aller Beste sein.
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • Werde diese Lasthit Übung täglich machen und hochladen. Was ist es denn eigentlich jetzt bei Min 10? Max 81 LH?
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • Epi schrieb:

      Werde diese Lasthit Übung täglich machen und hochladen. Was ist es denn eigentlich jetzt bei Min 10? Max 81 LH?

      4 creeps pro wave, nach 9.30 warens 20 waves= 80 creeps
      + Siegecreeps bei 3.00 und 6.30

      82 sind max.

      Eigentlich macht an die Challenge doch auf max-range für zusätzliche Schwierigkeit (grad gegen offlaner wie ds ists auch ziemlich wichtig).

      @brett 3. siegecreep spawnt um 10.00 und wird nicht mehr gefarmt.
    • OK. Heute Abend gibts LH Übung auf Max Range mit Drow ohne Skillung + Start Items. Wieviele LH habe ich heute Abend nach 10 Min? Gewinner bekommt ein Ultra-Common Item.
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • Dunno, einfach so. SF ohne Items und ohne Necromastery? Das mache ich, wenn ich mit Drow die 82 geschafft hab.

      Edit: Gestern waren es 62. Ich hätte echt gedacht, ich wäre besser.

      Dunning K.
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • Ich fand das echt überraschend, den Goldbetrag nach 10 Min freefarm einfach so zu sehen, über 4k. Normalerweise kauft man ja ne Midas, oder Acquila oder Treads, sodass das Cash nicht immer so gestacked ist. Da habe ich mich gestern vorm einschlafen gefragt, was für ein Item bei ca. 4,2k Gold den meisten Impact hat nach 10 min ingametime. Klar ist das abhängig vom Lineup, der Situation, dem Gameplan und der Aktivität der Gegner, aber generell fand ich die Fragestellung einfach interessant.
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • Du hattest mir SF also 72 lh nach 10 minuten? Hattest Du Items gekauft/Necromastery geskilled?
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
    • AHA!!!
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
      Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
      Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
      The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

      You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
      It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
      All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
      The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

      I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
      So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
      I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
      You will see your beauty every moment that you rise