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  • Spiele weniger frequent in letzter Zeit. Wenn ich besser bin, dann schmeisse ich den Stream mal wieder an. Hat jemand eine Strat mit der ich all in gehen kann???
    Spoiler anzeigen
    Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
    Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
    Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
    The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

    You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
    It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
    All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
    The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

    I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
    So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
    I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
    You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
  • ursa und safelane claimen

    eventually there comes a point where it's like the true test for your team - will he cast a spell or will he not
    - Artour Babaev

    Und wenn beide dann nicht mehr stacken und der einer 6k Boi, der vorher 4k war, mit einem anderen 4k Boi spielt, dann ist er nicht mehr 6k, weil er reverse trägert, oder?
    - User des Monats
  • Dota mit warb <3

    Spoiler anzeigen
    Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
    Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
    Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
    The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

    You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
    It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
    All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
    The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

    I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
    So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
    I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
    You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
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