Der "Lines die ihr unbedingt teilen wollt"- Thread

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    • "Besides, it would also explain why your pulse just jumped from 66 to 102 beats per minute. Your respiration is doubled. You're putting out clouds of pheromones, Portia."
      "It's not fair to read me like that!"
      "I know. Love isn't fair. I'm reading your heart, I'm asking you to follow it. Begging you. Begging is supposed to be humiliating, I don't care. I love you, Portia. I loved you the very first moment I saw you."
      Ne marche pas devant moi, je ne te suivrai peut-être pas.
      Ne marche pas derrière moi, je ne te guiderai peut-être pas.
      Marche à côté de moi et sois simplement mon amie. - Albert Camus
      Sundry's Gameblog! NEUER POST: Hunt: Showdown
    • You pick up this working girl
      Who's hooked on smack
      Who hustles and scores
      That's all I do, she says
      She says, ten bucks for head, fifteen for half and half
      She says, three hits a day at thirty-five per
      You say, that's seven tricks a day at least
      But she says, sometimes I get lucky
      Once this guy gives me a bill and a half just to eat me
      Only time I ever came

      You figure you can save her

      You sell your color TV
      That keeps her off the streets a whole day
      You hawk your typewriter for one jobe
      Then your shotgun, your watch
      A week later you say, listen I'm a little short
      But she says, no scratch, no snatch
      You say, look, it is better to give
      But she says, beat off, creep

      One night they spot you on the street in your skivvies
      Trying to sell your shoes
      You tell them who you are
      But they nail you
      Then she happens by
      And she says, Christ you look fucked
      She says, hang tough

      But you don't say anything
      You just think, what a bum wrap for a nice sensitive guy like me
    • Light is the left hand of darkness
      and darkness the right hand of light.
      Two are one, life and death, lying
      together like lovers in kemmer,
      like hands joined together,
      like the end and the way.
      Ne marche pas devant moi, je ne te suivrai peut-être pas.
      Ne marche pas derrière moi, je ne te guiderai peut-être pas.
      Marche à côté de moi et sois simplement mon amie. - Albert Camus
      Sundry's Gameblog! NEUER POST: Hunt: Showdown
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