Dota IMBA und Dota LoD spielen

    • Hmm, kenn mich da nicht genug aus und google spuckt auch nichts richtiges aus.
      Welchen Port muss ich denn forwarden?
      "I'd only suggest that you try to understand other people. Try to learn empathy"

      Beitrag von Aro ()

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    • neuer patch, gefällt
      alles zukünftige kommt dann via workshop tools. treue anhänger sollten die also ruhig schonmal über nacht downloaden (sind einige GB)

      All T2/3/4 towers have skills that make fighting them more interesting; be cautious, as they can shoot your entire team down at once, throw lasers at you, quickly burn all your mana, or turn you into a sheep!
      Abaddon: Curse of Avernus stacks infinitely!
      Anti-mage: Spell Shield now has an active component that doubles its power for a short duration.
      Axe: Berserker’s Call makes enemies attack faster, mwahahaha!
      EDIT: bonus clip (this is NOT accelerated, haha!)
      Bane: Brain sap actually saps the enemies’ brain, making them dumb, duh.
      Brood: Spiderlings have a stacking aura that makes all of them hit harder and be more durable.
      CK: Chaos Strike deals random critical damage. Oh boy!
      Clinkz: Strafe turns clinkz into a high-attack-speed, long-range, immobile turret.
      CM: Brilliance Aura grants bonus maximum mana, and regenerates a % of your maximum mana.
      DK: Dragon Blood grants magic resistance and %-based hp regeneration. This guy is tanky as hell!
      Drow: Frost Arrows’ effect is now passive, with an active component to shoot and slow everything in range.
      Jugg: each crit gives you more agility and more and more and more holy shit
      KOTL: Chakra Magic now AOE, giff mana to whole team pls
      Night Stalker: 2400 night vision… Meanwhile, the other team has 650. GGWP.
      Nyx: new skill, Piercing Mind, that deals pure damage on regular attacks.
      PA: low chance on every attack to BINGO, instantly killing any target.
      Sniper: can switch between trigger-happy-balls-to-the-walls-mad-machinegun-midget, and transcontinental-nuclear-warhead-shooting-midget at will!
      SKELETON KING: lifesteal aura works on any damage. yes, Lion, you can lifesteal off your AOE ulti. Yeah, I’m still the baller king.