The International 5 qualifiers

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    • The International 5 qualifiers

      We are happy to announce that Beyondthesummit, joinDOTA, The GD Studio & their friends will be teaming up to form a coverage hub of awesomeness dedicated to the upcoming TI5 qualifiers. The qualifiers are set to take place between May 25th - June 1st and so will our awesome coverage.

      Cool story bro, but what does this actually mean?
      With the support of Twitch[1] and in partnership with PGL[2] and their studios located in Bucharest, we were able to bring under the same roof a multitude of Dota 2 personalities ranging from casters, analysts, hosts, observers, pro players and others. By the way, when we say “multitude”, we actually mean a LOT of people...35 to be exact! Three casting streams will be complemented by a lounge stream, following a hectic schedule with games running 24/7 during 8 straight days (yes, literally). Here is the full talent list:

      Ayesee @ayesee[3]
      Basskip @Basskip[4]
      Blitz @Blitz_DotA[5]
      Capitalist @DotACapitalist[6]
      Draskyl @Draskyl[7]
      Durka @durkadota[8]
      Godz @BTSGoDz[9]
      H4nni @KaiH4nn1[10]
      Kotlguy @KotLguy[11]
      Kpoptosis @kptdota[12]
      LD @LDdota[13]
      Merlini @MerliniDota[14]
      Maut @MautDota[15]
      Odpixel @ODPixel[16]
      Purge @PurgeGamers[17]
      Sunsfan @SUNSfanTV[18]
      Synderen @syndereNDota[19]
      Tobiwan @TobiWanDOTA[20]
      Zyori @ZyoriTV[21]
      Pimpmuckl @PimpmuckL[22]
      Skrff @skrff[23]
      Weppas @Weppas_[24]
      Lounge hosts:
      2GD @follow2GD[25]
      Hotbid @Hot_Bid[26]
      Luminous @LuminousInverse[27]
      Pyrionflax @PyrionFlax[28]
      Maquannas @maquannas[29]
      Miss snowfox @Miss_Snowfox[30]
      Shane @shaneomad[31]
      Sheever @SheeverGaming[32]
      Bone7 @bOne7DotA[33]
      EGM @FollowEGM[34]
      Sexybamboe @SexyBamboe[35]
      Wagamama @WagaGaming[36]
      Sujoy @sujoy_r[37]

      Oh my rares! This sounds amazing, where can I watch this?[38] - main casting stream[39] - secondary casting stream[40] - third casting stream[41] - lounge stream
      See you on the 25th!…erage_hub_of_awesomeness/

      Bin hyped ohne fucking Ende. Das ist auch noch über die Pfingsferien OMG Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm

      PS: TI-Unterforum aktualisieren PLEASE

      Beitrag von Mxslrd- ()

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      Beitrag von luke ()

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    • wusste garnicht dass james mit jess und soe mal zusammen war. sollte wieder aufhören auf reddit zu lesen.
      miss snowfox verstehe ich auch nicht so wirklich, ist vermutlich wirklich nur für die einsamer-nerd fraktion da.
    • würde mich als grill auch schamlos an james ranwerfen, ist halt 1 geiler dude

      eventually there comes a point where it's like the true test for your team - will he cast a spell or will he not
      - Artour Babaev

      Und wenn beide dann nicht mehr stacken und der einer 6k Boi, der vorher 4k war, mit einem anderen 4k Boi spielt, dann ist er nicht mehr 6k, weil er reverse trägert, oder?
      - User des Monats

      Hello, I am here to officially announce the SCRUB HUB (formally named the FU Hub) located in beautiful Colorado, USA. Scrub Hub exists as a alternative to the soon to be wildly popular and much more viewed “Hub” for viewing the Ti5 qualifiers. Rather than the support of Three Studios and and the unlimited funds/manpower of Twitch Tv, we are putting on a hub with beer and no money, bringing the best of all Dota 2 talent that is not attending the “good” hub.


      You are an idiot, what does this actually mean? With the support of No One and in partnership with Fuck ALL and their studios located in EatADick Ave., we were able to bring under the same roof one Dota 2 personality ranging from Slacks. By the way, when we say “one”, we actually mean whoever wants to show up …0 people to be exact! One casting stream will be complemented by a Pug Cam, following a hectic schedule with games running 24/7 during 8 straight days (yes, literally). Here is the full talent list:


      Das hört sich so unglaublich trashig an, dass es irgendwie extrem geil sein muss.
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