Angepinnt TI5 Production Value

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    • 'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Wobei man dazu sagen muss dass Douyu TV berüchtigt dafür ist ihre Viewerzahlen verdächtig hoch anzusetzen, man weiß nicht zu welchem grad, aber ganz koscher dürfte es damit sicher nicht zugehen. Aber trotzdem, nur mal um Relationen aufzuzeigen, China alleine hat deutlich mehr Viewer als jetzt zum Beispiel das CS:GO Event welches heute war, CS:GO dafür sogut wie ausschließlich westlich weil weder in SEA noch in China oder Südkorea nennenswert verbreitet.

      Würde sagen absolutes bare minimum 3 Million concurrent mit deutlich Luft nach oben ist fix, würde also sagen deutlich mehr als 3 Millionen, letztes Jahr waren es deutlich mehr als 2 Millionen (genaueres hat Valve nicht released), also ganz ordentlich.
      Wäre interessant zu wissen wie es mit Uniques dieses Jahr aussieht, letztes Jahr waren es 20 Millionen+, würde vermuten auch diese Zahl ist noch ein Stück höher dieses.
      Happiness, more or less, it's just a change in me, something in my liberty.
    • Valve sollte sich mal das VOD vom NA LCS Final anschaun um nachstes Jahr nicht wieder so ein awkward After game zu präsentieren. Haben nach dem Konfettiregen einfach 6 Stühle auf die Bühne gestellt und die Spieler interviewed, dagegen war das TI Finale fast schon peinlich.. volvo plz
    • 1. Riot zahlt nicht das gesamte Gehalt der Lol Spieler (12,5k pro Quartal pro team iirc, der rest wird durch die Organisation aufgestockt)
      2. Geben die Spieler sicherlich auch so Interiews, wenn man denn wollte.
      3. Glaube ich Tree baited gerade sehr gut. Auch der "mit wem spielt kuro" Kommentar war hohe Kunst.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Crytash schrieb:

      1. Riot zahlt nicht das gesamte Gehalt der Lol Spieler (12,5k pro Quartal pro team iirc, der rest wird durch die Organisation aufgestockt)
      As most of the community knows, Riot gives each team a set amount of money to provide salaries and help with operating expenses. Below you'll find Rule 2.2 from the Official 2014 LCS Rule Book:

      2.2 Player Compensation
      Each team must distribute the required Minimum Player Compensation ($12,500
      per starting player per split during the 2014 season) to its starting players, in
      accordance with the terms of the applicable Team Agreement.

      Crytash schrieb:

      2. Geben die Spieler sicherlich auch so Interiews, wenn man denn wollte.
      Das gilt für manche oder so gar den Großteil der Spieler sicherlich, aber wenn man von allen Spielern zu gesetzten Zeiten professionelle Interviews (vgl. das in der Tat existierende TI5 post-Game Interview) haben will, dann muss man das erzwingen.

      Crytash schrieb:

      3. Glaube ich Tree baited gerade sehr gut. Auch der "mit wem spielt kuro" Kommentar war hohe Kunst.
      Nö, die Kuro Posts sind hilariöse Jokuse und ditte war eher faul. Ausser man hat eine extrem lose Definition von Bait. Dann ja.
      [8:45 PM] WhineTraube: Ich gucke keine twitchhoes
    • Tree, bei eins zitierst du wortwörtlich was ich geschrieben habe. Ein Split ist ein Quartal.


      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Kann nicht mal einfachste Mathematik mehr oder lesen.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Zählen denn Bankspieler da mit?
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • If a player’s status as a starter changes during the course of a split, said player shall be entitled to a
      pro rata share of the Minimum Player Compensation [die $12.5k pro Split] on a per-game basis
      (calculated as a ratio of the number of regular-season LCS games in which the
      player competed as a starter divided by the total number of regular-season games
      played by the team during the split). Nothing in these Rules is intended in any way
      to limit the compensation a team pays to its players.

      Keine Ahnung ob reine Bankspieler überhaupt was bekommen bzw. ob es solche Spieler überhaupt gibt/geben darf.
      [8:45 PM] WhineTraube: Ich gucke keine twitchhoes
    • Lese gerade selbst nach. Das Regelbuch an sich ist schon nett, aber ein paar Dinge sind schon ganz absichtlich etwas vage gehalten.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
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