Introducing Regional Leagues

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    • Introducing Regional Leagues schrieb:

      Starting after TI10, the Dota Pro Circuit will introduce a new system that presents competitive Dota in a more scheduled and consistent way during the year and features a better structure for the development of Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams.

      The year will be divided in 3 seasons. Each season will be composed of 6 regional leagues, leading into a Major with the best teams in the world. The Dota year will conclude, as usual, with The International.

      Regional Leagues:

      Each of the six leagues will feature a prize pool of USD 280,000 per season. Leagues will feature two divisions with 8 teams in the Upper Division and 8 in the Lower division, for a total of 96 teams participating across the world. After each season, the 2 bottom teams of the Upper Division will swap places with the top 2 of the Lower Division. The bottom 2 teams of the Lower Division will be eliminated from the league and replaced with 2 new teams coming from Open Qualifiers to allow for new teams and talent to be introduced into the scene over time.

      We believe the consistency and regularity of the league throughout the year, paired with a flat and deep prize pool distribution will, over time, nurture healthy and strong Tier 2/3 competition.

      The leagues will have a duration of six weeks, and each region will consist of a full Bo3 Round Robin among all teams. In order to make it easier to follow your favorite region and teams, all matches will be in consistent date and time slots throughout the year for each region.

      All Upper Division matches will be presented from studio broadcasts. All Lower Division matches will be featured on DotaTV.

      Each region will have 3 competition days a week, schedule will be as follows, All times in PST. Each slot represents a Best of 3 series:


      Upper Division
      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      3AM China SEA SEA China SEA China
      6AM China SEA SEA China
      9AM Europe Europe CIS CIS Europe CIS
      12PM Europe CIS CIS Europe
      3PM SA SA SA
      6PM NA SA NA SA NA
      9PM NA NA


      Lower Division
      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      3AM China China SEA
      6AM SEA SEA China China SEA China SEA
      12PM Europe Europe Europe Europe CIS Europe
      3PM SA SA SA NA
      6PM SA SA
      9PM NA NA NA NA

      For the inaugural season, Valve will allocate the initial teams to the Upper and Lower divisions. Teams will also have to declare the region they choose to participate in (and be eligible for that region) before the season starts. Remaining slots will be filled through qualifiers after The International 2020 concludes.

      Prize Distribution:

      Upper Division
      1st Place USD 30,000 500 DPC points Qualifies to the Major Playoffs
      2nd Place USD 28,000 300 DPC points Qualifies to the Major Group Stage
      3rd Place USD 27,000 200 DPC points Qualifies to the Major Wild Card Stage1
      4th Place USD 26,000 100 DPC points Qualifies to the Major Wild Card Stage2
      5th Place USD 25,000 50 DPC points
      6th Place USD 24,000
      7th Place USD 23,000 Relegated to Lower Division
      8th Place USD 22,000 Relegated to Lower Division
      Lower Division
      1st Place USD 17,000 Promoted to Upper Division
      2nd Place USD 16,000 Promoted to Upper Division
      3rd Place USD 15,000
      4th Place USD 11,000
      5th Place USD 9,000
      6th Place USD 7,000
      7th Place Eliminated from Lower Division3
      8th Place Eliminated from Lower Division3
      1Only EU, CN, SEA and NA
      2Only EU and CN
      3Replaced by an Open Qualifiers Team

      For a team to be eligible to participate in a region, 3 or more of the players need to reside in the area they are competing in. Additionally, teams will be able to use a stand-in for up to 4 of their matches as long as that stand-in is either competing in a lower division or not competing in a league at all.

      If a team decides to change regions, they will have to enter the region through open qualifiers and climb through that region’s Lower Division.

      For the duration of each season, from the beginning of the league until the end of the Major, all rosters will be locked. After the Major concludes and until the beginning of the next season, roster changes will be possible. Each player change will incur a 15% penalty on current points for that team.


      The season will conclude with a Major tournament featuring 18 teams from all regions and sporting a prize pool of USD 500,000 plus DPC points.

      The 18 participating teams are the top spots from each regional Upper Division. Regions will have a fixed amounts of slots throughout the year:

      Europe and China: 4 slots.
      North America and Southeast Asia: 3 slots.
      CIS and South America: 2 slots.

      Majors Format

      Format: 6 teams Bo2 round robin. Top two teams advance to the Group Stage. Four teams get eliminated.

      EU League 3rd place.
      EU League 4th place
      CN League 3rd place
      CN League 4th place
      NA League 3rd place
      SEA League 3rd place.

      Group Stage:
      Format: 8 teams Bo2 round robin. Top two teams advance to the Playoffs upper bracket. 3rd to 6th place advance to Playoffs lower bracket. Two teams get eliminated.

      EU League 2nd place
      CN League 2nd Place
      NA League 2nd Place
      SA League 2nd Place
      CIS League 2nd Place
      SEA League 2nd Place
      1st Wildcard
      2nd Wildcard

      Format: 12 teams Double Elimination.

      Upper Bracket:
      EU League 1st place
      CN League 1st place
      SEA League 1st place
      SA League 1st place
      NA League 1st place
      CIS League 1st place
      Group Stage – 1st place
      Group Stage – 2nd place

      Lower Bracket:
      Group Stage – 3rd place
      Group Stage – 4th place
      Group Stage – 5th place
      Group Stage – 6th place

      Prize Distribution:

      1st Place USD 200,000 500 DPC points
      2nd Place USD 100,000 450 DPC points
      3rd Place USD 75,000 400 DPC points
      4th Place USD 50,000 350 DPC points
      5th Place USD 25,000 300 DPC points
      6th Place USD 25,000 300 DPC points
      7th Place USD 12,500 200 DPC points
      8th Place USD 12,500 200 DPC points

      At the end of the third season, the top 12 teams with the most DPC points will qualify for The International 2021. The remaining spots will be decided through six regional final chance qualifiers, each with the 8 best teams from each region that haven’t been invited to TI. There won’t be open qualifiers to TI.


      The dates for each season are as follows:

      S1 Fall League: Oct 5th – Nov 15th
      S1 Major: Dec 7th – Dec 19th
      S2 Winter League: Jan 4th – Feb 14th
      S2 Major: Mar 8th – Mar 20th
      S3 Spring League: Apr 12th – May 23rd
      S3 Major: June 21st – July 3rd

      Dates outside of this range will be available for third party tournaments.

    • Sage ja nicht dass das System keine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber dem Status quo ist.
      Stand heute hat Europa mit
      3 Teams, die Favoriten bei jedem Turnier sind/sein können.
      Dazu kommen mit
      nochmal 3 Teams, die um Top 8 mitspielen können (und natürlich das Dark Horse Singularity um Starspieler HesteJoe-Rotten).

      NA hat EG als Topteam und Chaos/J.Storm?
      we do not sow
    • Markt reguliert sich selbst.

      Glaube, dass es Teams geben wird die dann kein EU Team auf dem Papier sein wollen und in die vermeidlich einfachere Region wechseln.

      Wenn es überhaupt möglich ist.

      Die Ausbreitung in den südamerikanischen Raum zB. hat der Szene dort gut getan, persönlich würde mir aber eine Steigerung in NA definitiv wünschen, liegt es daran, dass man einfach dort eher elitär verhält und nur selten nicht so erfahrene Spieler die Chance gibt mit erfahrenden Spielern zu spielen über einen längeren Zeitraum, kenne mich da nicht so aus?

      Warum ich dieses Beispiel einbringe, so ähnlich war es früher mit CS1.6, damals als die EPS so mit noch das höchste der Gefühle war (2-3 Jahre vor Cut Cs:Go), kamen selten neue Spieler in die EPS Teams, da man keine Zeit/Lust/Mittel hatte um in vermeidlich Talente langfristig eine Chance zu geben, somit sah man sehr selten neue Spieler eher ein “Bäumchen wechsel dich“ aus neuen Kombinationen alter bekannter Spieler nach einer Saison.

    • For a team to be eligible to participate in a region, 3 or more of the players need to reside in the area they are competing in. Additionally, teams will be able to use a stand-in for up to 4 of their matches as long as that stand-in is either competing in a lower division or not competing in a league at all.
      If a team decides to change regions, they will have to enter the region through open qualifiers and climb through that region’s Lower Division.
      For the duration of each season, from the beginning of the league until the end of the Major, all rosters will be locked. After the Major concludes and until the beginning of the next season, roster changes will be possible. Each player change will incur a 15% penalty on current points for that team.
      we do not sow
    • Hört sich insgesamt sehr fair an, vermute einige Teams werden trotzdem wechseln, weil Europe+China trotzdem mit Abstand stärkste Region sind. Rate auch z.B. Liquid, Alliance höher als die besten SA teams.
      Aber dafür müsste man dann halt auch in SA leben, kp ob Teams das wollen.
    • Finde auch vieles nice.

      Die Entwicklung der non DPC tournaments wird interessant. Weil die DPC teilnehmenden Teams dann kaum in Frage kommen, weil selbst die freien zeiten für Teams nicht unbdeingt zum Reisen in Frage kommen.

      Beispiel Team Secret:

      Das betrift halt vor allem so klassiker wie die ESL ONE
      Preparation - Anticipation - Communication - Execution
    • Die hoffe das sich mit den Änderungen des Systems auch eine etwas klarere Spielertransfer Regelung einstellt. Aktuell finde ich es noch komisch, dass irgendwie jeder zu jeder Zeit wechseln kann. Klar gibt zwar in einigen Situationen Strafpunkte aber das ist ja kein Abschrecken, oder?
      Mit der Rückstufung in die Open Quali für Liga 2 bist du als Team halt für das TI des aktuellen Jahres nahezu raus, bei drei Majors im Jahr.

      Wie seht ihr das?
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