Clan Base

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    • Clan Base - EuroCup XVI - WC3 DOTA

      So, ich habe mich jetzt doch einmal dazu entschieden, einen eigenen Thread für die ClanBase zu machen, die diese Art von Turnier/Liga (ist irgendwie beides^^) doch sehr attraktive Replays hervorbringt. Dies liegt natürlich vor allem daran, dass große Clans wie MYM, VP, sP & SK von der Partie sind. Genaueres findet ihr hier: ClanBase - DotA

      Hier einmal die Übersicht über die aktuellen Ergebnisse der Gruppenphase:

      Aktualisiert findet ihr diese Übersicht immer hier: ClanBase - DotA - Übersicht

      Ich hoffe auf weitere spannende Matches und Replays. Wirklich hochklassige Clans dabei. Mal sehen, wer die Gruppenphase überlebt (sind ja auch einige deutsche Clans dabei) und sich am Ende behaupten kann. Klarer Favorit ist wohl im Moment Virtus.Pro als akuteller Doppel-MYM-Sieger. Aber wir werde ja sehen... Überraschungen à la ieS > MYM wird es bestimmt noch geben! :)

      So far

      Euer (grade etwas ausrastender ^^) Szene-Juff
    • It's with a lot of disappointment that I'm writing this news item. As you can see in the post below the match of the week, 'Back to Basics' vs '', had to be played today at 18:00 CET; for the event we had prepared GGTV, Waaagh!TV and even a German shoutcast. But there was no game. was unable to field their five players; at first ARS-ART was missing, then they were trying to replace him with Mr.Admiration but he was playing a IHCS game and couldn't leave. After half an hour they announced their five players were ready and were going to join the game, while 130 and more listeners were already waiting for the game to start. But they waited in vain, as was still missing a player.

      After 30 more minutes of waiting, while BTB and the streamers were fairly complaining, decided to quit the game lobby and retire from the whole tournament.

      A lot of the past matches were slightly delayed, and even in the regular WarCraft III cup there used to be problems in getting the players to start the game in time. But what happened today is beyond every expectation, it's something completely unaccettable for us admins, for the cup, for BTB who showed up in time and just stared at the lobby chat for an hour, for the listeners who were looking forward an entertaining match, for the DotA scene as a whole.

      What happened today absolutely jeopardizes all our efforts to lead DotA into the professional esports circuit.
      Thank you,


      Suxxx! Nur weil VP irgendwelche IHCS-Games in den Vordergrund stellt... dabei ist Clan Base in Sachen Clans echt 'ne schicke Sache! Auch besser als TFL finde ich. Nur die Games ab Achtelfinale vom MYM PriDe sind vielleicht besser... :(
      Naja, traurige Sache. :/

      PS: Tabellen aktualisiert btw! :)
    • jo die aktion von vp hat wirklich gesuckt. Vigoss spielt lieber nen spiel beim einsatz von 10€ als nen game zu joinen, wo ca. 150 leute drauf warten, dass es los geht wenn nicht noch viel mehr. Admirr spielt lieber ihcs etc....arm sowas

      Btw. Ich hoffe dG schafft die gruppenphase doch noch irgendwie.
    • Jop und hinzu kommt noch, dass sP einfach die geileren Frauen hat ;>

      Was du bist hängt von drei Faktoren ab:
      Was du geerbt hast, was deine Umgebung aus dir machte
      und was du in freier Wahl aus deiner Umgebung und deinem Erbe gemacht hast.
    • M.Admiration:

      really don't know what happened out there or why the team retired from
      the EuroCup, I myself was surprised. I didn't knew that there was a
      match at that time and newayz it was already decided Sahka would be
      playing in that match not me. I didn't know about the match time in
      advance and i was at home playing IHCS game when i got to know about
      the it. The gaming zone where we play is 2 hours drive from my home and
      it was impossible for me to reach in time. I don't know why the team
      dropped out of the Tournament but it had nothing to do with me. It is
      sad to hear such news in e-sports which are either not true or
      incomplete.And i dont think they are doing any good to DotA or e-sports
      as a whole.

      Do you think i am stupid enough to leave a tourney game especially when the team needs me just cause i am playing a IHCS game?

      I don't think so.

      bevor ihr ihn verurteilt...
    • *Update*

      Wie ich einem kurzen Gespräch mit Virtus|NS, Spieler und Manager von Virtus.Pro, erfahren konnte, ist die Entscheidung eventuell doch noch nicht endgülitg.
      Virtus.Pro wird sich nun noch einmal zusammensetzen und mit den Admins reden, um zu entscheiden, ob sie den ClanBase EuroCup verlassen oder nicht.

      Quelle: inDotA

      Wäre fast zu wahr um schön zu sein... ^^

    • Fortunately there is a good ending for the story. As probably you all know, last Sunday we sadly had to announce the decision of to leave the cup after failing to field enough players for the match of the week against Back To Basics.

      As I had explained in that newspost we were never given an explanation about their decision, which is why I was pretty disappointed since I trusted as one of the most professional DotA teams participating in this cup -- and that's why we had planned to broadcast the BTB vs VP matches with the collaboration of GameSports.

      A few days had passed, and yesterday Jolie contacted me explaining me that their decision to leave the cup was rash and asked if we could let them play on. What follow is a statement from Jolie:

      First of all I want will apologize before managers of Clanbase, and also before all spectators who wished to look this match. As the captain of, I has led itself very silly, having made a decision to leave tournament. I do not wish to go into details event, - we had a conflict which is already solved. I have already asked [CB]Ashun to return us on league. I hope, to us will give the second chance.

      After considering the pros and cons of letting them back in the league and listening to their side of the story about that match, we decided to give a second chance. Their match against Back To Basics will count as a forfait loss, they will receive a red card (two red card meaning the expulsion from the cup) and by no means further transgressions from their side will be tolerated.

      On a side note I would like to add that no personal grudges were involved in my previous news;lid=5242item concerning's incident, expecially since I always respected Jolie and I still do so.

      With this being said, the cup will go on as normal.

      Source: Clan Base

      Wie schon bei den Replays gemerkt: VP ist back in da Hood! :D
    • schade dass ies gegen xsk verloren hat! war ein sau enges game und ein fehler von xsk und ies hätte gewinnen können!

      aber nach dem spiel kam mir eine frage auf: ies hatte ne vs im lineup! und xsk hatte mass dagger action. es lief immer so dass vs einen geswapt hat und der sich danach sofort zurückgeswapt hat. (oder vs hat magna geswap der dann dankend sein ult gemacht hat)

      jetzt meine frage macht eine vs im lineup heutzutage überhaupt noch viel sinn wenn der gegner mass dagger hat?

      zu dem sp vs emg rep kann ich nur sagen sau stark gespielt von sp! haben emg von anfang an gezeigt wos lang geht! auch sehr schön waren die dazzle aktionen im early!
      ist ein sehr unterhaltsames match zum anschauen. light ging mit seiner lina sau stark ab und ist somit verdient player of the match!
      - inaktiv -