MYM eröffnet deutsche Sparte

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    • MYM eröffnet deutsche Sparte

      Jop jop es ist soweit: MYM eröffnet eine deutsche Sparte. Lest ihr hier:

      myMYM Germany opens its gates

      First there was Danish, then English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and now finally myMYM Germany is here.

      Let's hear what COO, Denmark Mark Peter Fries, Regroup Esports A/S has to say:

      Germany can not be ignored as an eSports market. It is, without a doubt, the biggest eSport nation in Europe and one of the biggest in the world. The progressions which are made on the German eSports market have a direct role in all the other nations, and their developments are taken over by them. That shows that Germany is in fact one of the best developed eSports nations.

      The worldwide share of hardcore players is actually " not that big", but if you look at the percentual growth and the developmental trend on the German market, then we, as one of the biggest organistaions, are forced to show a local present. We set big hopes for myMYM on German grounds and are willing to use "everything" to obtain a big market share. A warm welcome to myMYM Germany!

      A wide range of eSports tournaments are held in Germany and also the two most important eSports exhibitions, CeBIT and Games Convention, take place in Germany. Furthermore, the World Cyber Games Grand Final 2008 will be held in Cologne, and for this reason Germany will, in 2008, be the nation the whole world will have their eyes on. With this being the case, it was a fairly logical step to open myMYM Germany, to provide for the German eSports fan high-class and quality content!

      myMYM will provide you with all important information concerning the German and international eSports, that means: hot news, rousing coverages, exclusive pictures, enthralling interviews, Videos, Replays, Demos and much more!

      Do you want to be a part of myMYM Germany? Then here is your chance, because we are at the moment searching for motivated editors. You can now send your job application right in for the following games:

      Warcraft III (Send your application here to Ego1st)
      Counter-Strike (Send your application here to Puma)
      Fifa (Send your application here to The1Crow)
      DotA (Send your application here to The1Crow)

      As you can read in the headline of the myMYM page, it is still a beta version. But the more feedback we receive from you, as the user, the better the portal will become. We are glad and looking forward to welcoming you here at myMYM Germany!

      Link gibt es hier:
    • "Wir imba ist das denn?"

      Edity by Juff: Falls diser Beitrag doch irgendwo einen Sinn hat, eläutere ihn Mal bitte. Sonst wird er so kommentarlos gelöscht, wie Alex' Spam (und FlirT's Nachfrage [da du wissen wolltest, worum es geht, ist es bei dir aber nicht so schlimm])!

      Da um Aufklärung gebeten wurde:
      Das ist ein Zitat von nem Freund (deswegen die Anführungszeichen). Der Inhalt ist so zu verstehen, wie er da steht. Finde es gut.
      T_T lächerlich das ganze ~-~

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Holys-Revange ()

      Wenn alle nur an sich selber denken, dann kann keiner vergessen werden.
    • imho überfällig. deutsche clans sind in allen relevanten titeln weltspitze (naja, SC vllt nicht so ganz ... x) ), aus deutschland kommen szenegrössen wie SK, mTw oder mouse, cebit und GC sind schon erwähnt. nebenbei ist der deutschsprachige raum der grösste PC spiel markt europas. hoffe allerdings dass diese sektion auch unsre netten ösis und schweizer umfasst, sind vielleicht nicht so gross aber trotzdem wichtig! alles in allem: ich finds toll <3
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