Revamp of #fw.dota

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    • Revamp of #fw.dota

      Hello fellow Dotarians!,
      I am a representative from #Fw.DotA Community, I am here to introduce the revamped #Fw.DotA. Our Community channel is set up for Dotarians seeking Fun war, Mixed, Standing, Clan ladder system challenge, search teams and In-house league. Previously, our channel only provide a bot for search for Fun War and mixed. As the community grows, we have upgraded the bot with Clan ladder system, of such that clans that are registered on bot in the channel, they can challenge another clan on #fw.dota for a Clan war with stats recorded as their matches history. The recent add on of IHL to cater to those standalone/clan-less players who just want to play In-house then just idling around to await players to search for standing/ih. We hoped the revamped #Fw.DotA would bring the DotA community closer and higher to next level of gaming.

      Located : mIRC #Fw.DotA @ Quake net
      Support : mIRC #fw-support
      Website :
      In-charge : #Fw.DotA's STAFFS

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von MagicaL ()

      "AverageMan^^" schrieb:

      «19:05:47» <@AverageMan^^> gott bin ich retarded

      «MagicaL - alles andere ist nur Fassade!»
      «Mit bist Du auf der Gewinnerseite.»
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