DotA Shuffle: Worldwide

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    • DotA Shuffle: Worldwide

      Da es in der letzten zeit viele veränderungen bei den lineups der top clans gab und sich vielleicht der ein oder andere fragt wer wo warum spielt und wie sich die teams zusammensetzen, hier mal eine zusammenfassung über fast alle "großen" teams zurzeit. mit dabei: das neue kingsurf und natürlich WE.
      den "dota shuffle" gabs zwar schon einmal, das hier ist aber sozusagen eine neue version kurz und knapp zusammengefasst. wer also keinen über die aktuelle szene hat sollte sich das ganze mal zu gemüte führen.

      wie immer gibts das ganze nur im forum. wenn mir jemand erklärt wie man den beitrag direkt hier rein kopiert kann ich das in zukunft auch machen, aber ich bin halt nicht so der programmier hax0r 8[

      €dit by Napo: richtiger Link eingefügt

    • What is the DotA Shuffle? The DotA Shuffle was originated to tell the community what exactly is going on with the different teams. Though much of the news was once told, consider this a recap.


      Meet Your Makers

      Considered to be one of the top 3 teams in the competitive scene for months, MYM finally won their first PriDe title. Though the team is on the top of their game, they decided to pick up two of the early day American superstars, Fear and ezy.

      Though both Fear and ezy have only been back to the competitive scene for a few months, MYM has already decided to add them to their roster, making it a 9 man roster. Though the roster is large, and a has a huge amount of talent, the team needs all of the players for the countless leagues and tournaments they are involved in.

      : Maelk
      : slahser
      : ezy
      : Fear
      : p0c



      After winning three straight PriDe titles, and two Prime Nation titles with VP's members, the team has finally changed up its roster. Though the change may come as a shock to most, VP was on the verge of going to inactive for various reasons.

      To replace Smile (aka ARS-ART), Admiration and sahka who left the team Virtus picked up LighTofHeaveN, an early day SAY PLZ member, as well as blowyourbrain, a relatively new player to the scene, to take the spot of the players they lost. Smile went to the SK-Gaming team, Admiration is rumored to be joining Team Q and sahka retired from competitive DotA.

      : NS
      : vigoss
      : LighTofHeaveN
      : blowyourbrain


      Being one of the most known teams in the international scene, SK-Gaming is almost forced to stay on the top of the competitive scene. After placing in almost all of the MYM PriDe events, SK-Gaming has finally changed around its roster, with removing two of their players that have been on the team since the begining.

      To make room for new comers ARS-ART and hailo, SK-Gaming made the decision to remove Kwom and Renji, both of whom have helped SK-Gaming compete at the competitive level. Because of this, Virtus.Pro changed up its roster, as ARS-ART was one of Virtus' main players.

      : Bogdan
      : toMpa
      : hailo


      mouz has been having difficulty competing with the top teams as of late, with only placing in the top 16 in PriDe 9. Drayich has now taken over the leader role of the team, and with that he also changed up the roster.

      Kog and Milo both left the team, which allowed Drayich to remove Olannon, and in return, add Twisted to the roster. In doing so, mouz is now mostly a Sweden team, where they will be trying to become the Swedish team in the ESWC Finals in California.

      : Drayich
      : Miracle-
      : Fragalot
      : Twisted
      : PlaymatE

      The Return of World Eaters

      After disappearing from the competitive scene for some time, the World Eaters team has added a few new members, and are now ready to prepare for the upcoming tournaments. With them not being invited to the ESWC Germany qualifiers, and teams such as w4sp, JAM, TRY and v3 being invited, they have not yet been able to qualify for the tournament.

      : BuGGy


      PGSPokerStrategy has finally joined the other top teams switching over to Defense of the Ancients, in preparation for the ESWC Championship in California. PGS is now the fourth team involved in the g7 teams to announce their team, along with MYM, mouz and SK.

      The team picked up under the name is Betsson Voodoo Gaming, who lost to sBACK in the playoff preliminaries in MYM 9, and have yet to reach the playoffs in any PriDe tournament. The team is currently involved in various leagues, including DotA League, DCE Nations, PriDe's and more.

      : SantoS
      : TMH


      Kingsurf and Zenith

      iceiceice former Zenith member has joined Kingsurf. Zenith had a lot of roster changes due to various reasons (enlistment, studies) and iceiceice didn't feel comfortable with the merge of Zenith and micronology. After poor results of Zenith he made his own team, JUJUJU but this wasn't enough either. He started scrimming with Kingsurf and in the end, winning the Malaysian Cyber-Star LAN tournament with Kingsurf was the deciding factor and he joined Ks (from-a-to-z).

      It seems that Kingsurf has finally landed with a new sponsor and they'll be changing their name soon.

      Kingsurf has been a relatively stable team in the international scene as of late, as they were able to finish 3rd in PriDe 8, as well top 8 in PriDe 9.

      With iceiceice leaving Zenith, Zenith's future looks dark.


      : xiaogui
      : papaxiong
      : MiKeBz


      : Ant

      North America

      eMazing Gaming

      Since the beginning, eMazing Gaming has been considered one of the top teams in America, as well as in the international scene. After acquiring HiT0Mi and Rwar, eMg was able to place 3rd in PriDe 7, which is a huge accomplishment. However, HiT0Mi has decided to leave the team to join up with a new American based team, Shakens.

      Around the same time that HiT0Mi left the team, Muffins also decided it was his time to leave. Muffins left the team to join 50 Calibre. A rumor has started to form, saying that Rwar may soon be leaving as well, for eMg's sake, hopefully it is false.

      : King
      Rwar ???

      Emperor's Domain of Pain

      The DoP team has made quite an uproar in the community as of late, being one of the four American teams to reach the playoffs. Though they did get knocked out in the first round, they did not go unnoticed.

      The team has added former eMg member, Metro and also unrostered Na)Ga to the roster. Metro may be known in the community, but Na)Ga is only known by those who play Battle.Net games.

      The roster is now consisted of players from verGe, eMg, aGx, gL and more. The players have been around for a while, but times have changed. Will they be able to rise in the competitive scene?

      : Emperor
      The Hizaki

      Shakens and Team Pandemic

      The new American based team known as Shakens, has formed from Team Pandemic members joining with other various players. Yoshi and miraclechipmunk left tPD to join up with Plug's Stripez, eMg's HiT0Mi, and an unroster OwnaGe-JuiCe, a former tPD member.

      This team being created left eMg and Pandemic suffering in terms of players. Though eMg does has five players on their roster, tPD now only has four.


      : HiT0Mi

      Team Pandemic

      : Fachh

      Team Hi2u

      Considered one of the top American teams, Hi2u has been a little shaky recently. After losing Demon and Tea, Hi2u seemed to still be maintaining their dominance in the American scene, with a relatively easy win against Virtual Sports.

      However, the team has decided to once again pick Demon up, though he left just weeks ago.

      : Blowout
      : Chouji
      : drf
      : kiky

      50 Calibre

      The former Transcendence team has overtaken many changes the past few months, with picking up players from the former Check-Six team (Joker and Fingo), current eMazing Gaming team (Muffins), and an old Frag Dominant player (BigBlind).

      The team has basically been completely reconstructed, as there is now only one active member from the trNs team still playing (Ganked). Hellfire and Twisted left a few weeks ago, with Twisted leaving to Heavy Hitters, and Hellfire joining Regina Rollers, a canadian based team. The reason for the changes are for various reasons, but possibly for the best.

      The team has been trying to reach the 'professional' level for quite some time, and with these additions, it will surely help them in their mission.

      : BigBlind
      : MiRRoR (inactive)

      Frag Dominant

      One of the few known American teams that visited the Fire in Ice LAN, Frag Dominant has undergone a few roster changes. With BigBlind and xcyte leaving the team a few months ago, fd brought in a Swedish player by the name of Daeg to help them out.

      Dango has recently left the team, and to fill his shoes, xcyte rejoined the team. Dango was one of fd's main players, and losing him can hurt fd's future terribly. Frag Dominant will be need to be practicing with their team to prepare for ESWC, and also the next tournaments to come.

      : Spit
      : xcyte
      : GuyOverThere

      And there you have it, this concludes the Worldwide DotA Shuffle. Remember, most of this is not new news, and you have heard it before! This was merely a recap of the recent events involving roster changes.

      Credits: Metro and Nasriq

      Alle Bilder manuell reinmachen suckt , Juff sag mir wie das schneller geht!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von PzudemX ()

      ...und außerdem bist du ein Lauchkopf!

      Last name "ever", first name "greatest"
    • FME schrieb:

      toll marian im HTML code wo die flaggen nicht richtig angezeigt werden hät ichs auch gekonnt. loser :P
      aber wenn das auf zustimmung trifft mach ichs in zukunft halt auch so 8[
      Flaggen sind jetzt da und sollte doch so eigentlich gehen.
      ...und außerdem bist du ein Lauchkopf!

      Last name "ever", first name "greatest"
    • es wurden afaik halt nur die teams einbezogen bei denen es in letzter zeit große änderungen gab, entweder lineup technisch oder weil sie einen sponsor o.ä. bekommen haben, also musst du dich nicht wundern dass TeG, XcN oder team Q fehlen.
    • Lol. Und bei TeG hat sich (grade nach den MH-Skandalen) nichts getan? Die sind auch wieder stark geworden. XcN wegzulassen ist einfach doof. Außerdem fehlt mir WolkeR Gaming. Warum auch den zweiten PriDe-Platz mit rein nehmen... Q hätte man auchs ehr gut reinnehmen können, denn was da atm abgeht, würde mich am meisten interessieren. Auch bei den Russen hätte man vielleicht Mal nach Begrip und OKHO gucken können... Dafür können mir einige Ami-Clans gestohlen bleiben. :)
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