XsK disbands

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    • ja lol alags meinste nicht dass ich das mit "schön gespielt" gemeint habe xD moronenkind ;)

      PGS is rein polnisch und könnte mit darky und fanatic richtig stark werden, wäre zwar nicht gut fürs polnische nationalteam aber waYne.

      momentan ist am meisten bewegung in der nordamerikanischen dota szene, da könnte was passieren, europäische teams sind alle relativ gefestigt. mein geheimtip wäre avid, hab da was leuten hören dass die noch spieler suchen :)
    • Xero_Skill Disbands : XsK_Puppey & XsK_Metro Interviewed!

      DotA fans were in shock with sudden news that Xero_Skill, or also known as XsK disbanded, but lots of questions were left unanswered. I had a chance for an exclusive interview with the former players and manager of XsK, Clement 'Puppey' Ivanov & Alex 'Metro' Katz on what really happened.

      Nasriq: Hello, sup Puppey and Metro, thank you for your time for this interview
      XsK_Puppey: Hi, no problem.
      XsK_Metro: Hey, sup.

      Nasriq: 1st of all, the hard questions: seriously, what happened? I'm expecting a big answer.
      XsK_Puppey: Well basically, it all started off with the PriDe we didn't qualify to, loosing a game against tN. From that game, to some people I completely lost respect to throughout the whole point of view as being my "teammate". When we lost the PriDe game, we thought of changing the roster, by that I mean both kicking and recruiting. Kicking never happened, cause players promised to act better and play with more teamwork.

      Nasriq: But still, XsK had a few new recruitment in the past, no?
      XsK_Puppey: It's true. However, we did not have much to recruit. Good players everywhere been taken. The only chances were former SK player Zebob and xLo (canadian) player called mO. We added the players because we were lacking scrims and players - basically it had nothing to do with friendship or skill. Then we played against RedSky and lost because of big mistakes which were mostly made because of the new lineup through the point that we hadn't played much games yet and we hadn't learned much about our playstyles.

      Nasriq: So, what's actually the turning point of all the issues? As from outside observation, XsK still among the DotA powerhouse.
      XsK_Puppey: The loss against Virtus.Pro, where our picks were obliviously picked due to cockiness. After that we kind of started to play our own game. We made strategies that nobody used competitively. We started winning our past enemies with ease and that's where it ended. Through those days of good play the practice from players stopped cause of thinking of not needing it. People went inactive some cared less and roster changes happened.

      Nasriq: So, it's safe if I conclude that when XsK apart from sBACK sponsorship, it also somehow effected the teams and lead to this?
      XsK_Puppey: We knew Switchback wouldn't be our sponsor 100%. The clan was a new multi-gaming clan which means that they can't be fully trusted. Joining sBACK was a test if either it is real or not. The apart of sBACK has very little to do with the disbanding of XsK.

      Nasriq: Lots of people claim that one of the reasons that XsK won't get a suitable sponsorship was mainly due to the location problem, what's your comment on this? Do you see that as a huge factor on that issue?
      XsK_Puppey: Yes, It is still a huge factor when you try to get a sponsor. it was very confusing to get all of the information we needed from all the different countries. Lots of different mobile phones, money expenses through plane etc. It just made all of it a little harder as a whole.
      XsK_Metro: We had a pretty big sponsor in the bag already, locations were a pain in the ass but not the main problem. Our only big problem with locations was ESWC. The fact that we didn't have a sponsorship wasn't related to the disbandment of the team. Even if we would have signed the contracts, not much would've changed.

      Nasriq: Quote from XsK_DarKy: "XsK_Puppey decided to leave the team cause he didnt like the pressure that he need to be online on every match what makes him gettin bad grades and problems in reallife and that we nearly never had 5 players to scrim, last few match;s we even needed to use Metro our manager to play. + Me and puppey were'nt satisfied of the skill-lvl and overall play of some of the players". What's your response on his statement?
      XsK_Puppey: Everything Darky said is true. I couldn't tolerate the point that people basically stopped appearing to play with the team. I was always online and even more online than maybe 2 people together. I waited to play scrims and waited to use new strategies, it never happened. Then I got pissed for having shitty grades cause of being online too much, using Metro in clan wars shouldn't have been an option. So I left the team.

      Nasriq: Moving on to Metro, when you joined XsK as their manager, do you in any possible way, see this coming?
      XsK_Metro: When I joined XsK, DarKy didn't have school so he had time to play, mO was already inactive and GunZ was there but went inactive like 3 days after I joined. DarKy started school and seeing we had so many inactive people, our leader Puppey wasn't satisfied with the practice we were getting (neither was I) and to add more I had to play many real matches. I knew it was near but I thought it could be avoidable.
      I tried my best for the team not to disband, playing scrims so we could get practice (and of course scheduling matches and talking to sponsors) but that wasn't enough. Sometimes we didn't even have 4 players for me to complete and get some scrims. Puppey was feeling a lot of pressure seeing that he was the only really active player so the team disbanded. We talked before the decision and I understood him completely.

      Nasriq: Did you have any direct influence on this matter to avoid it from happening? or you prefer to leave it to them for the final decision?
      XsK_Metro: I didn't have direct influence, I told Clement (Puppey) to do whatever he feels as best and that's what he did.

      Nasriq: Puppey, we'll start with you. After XsK disbanded, people will wondering your future plans. Are there any teams already stated their interest in you? or, you'll most likely retired from the competitive DotA?
      XsK_Puppey: For sure I will not retire from competitive DotA. I will keep playing the game through all the competitive places where I can. But basically I right now am feeling free with all the pressure gone from the clan. Of course, I'm interested in many teams, but I would rather wait till the team starts having interest in me.

      Nasriq: What about DarKy, GunZ, Fanat1c, Samurai, Zebob and KwoM?
      XsK_Puppey: DarKy and Fanat1c will still play the game just as me and will try to play in a competitive clan. GunZ has been inactive for almost a month, I couldn't get him on his mobile phone for 2 weeks already. I hope he's ok. Samurai will somehow still try to play competitively. mO plays his own DotA games and is currently working. KwoM is having his exams right now. As for Zebob, I do not know what he will do.
      XsK_Metro: Bob has fallen into the abyss of WoW (he has a lvl 32 Warlock).

      Nasriq: My last question. Is there any chance that you guys will re-united back again as a team?
      XsK_Puppey: There is absolutely no point for me to re-unite again with all the same problems once more. Maybe if the problems fade away, with some players, I will think to re-unite with some of them.

      Nasriq: I think it summed up pretty much on the recent hot news of XsK disbanded. Thank you Puppey and Alex for this interview and your time. I wish both of you good luck and all the best in your future undertaking DotA career. Anything else that you would like to add?
      XsK_Puppey: What more can I say, good luck to other teams and thank you!
      XsK_Metro: Thanks
    • FME schrieb:

      PGS is rein polnisch und könnte mit darky und fanatic richtig stark werden, wäre zwar nicht gut fürs polnische nationalteam aber waYne.

      gestern abend wurde vermeldet dass darky- und fanat1c PGS joinen. und rwar ist bei SK gelandet ...
    • FME schrieb:

      gestern abend wurde vermeldet dass darky- und fanat1c PGS joinen. und rwar ist bei SK gelandet ...
      After the recent disbandment of the XsK DotA team, Darky and Fanat1c have decided to stick with homeland pride and join up with the Poland PGS DotA team! XsK was becoming a threat to many top teams and have been performing very well before their sudden decline. It was announced that due to internal problems, the team split.

      Now Darky and Fanat1c have decided that they would love no less than to hold Polish pride on the PGS DotA team. PGS will be competing for the Poland qualifier for ESWC and they also have plans to attend Dreamhack!

      PGS|Darky: We decided to join PGS to support the Poland dota scene and to play and communicate in our own language. My goal was to attend lan events and with PGS I'm able to do it. Namely: Dreamhack, Polish dota LANs and ESWC. So far playing with PGS is very good, in every match me and Fanat1c play the most important heros usually Solo and semi-support. The rest of the team tries hard to become stable and good support on the word class level.

      PGS DotA is currently participating in a couple of Polish leagues and tournaments like DWC and DSL as well as Pick League, DotA VIP and the East Europe DotA Championship.
      One of France's most popular DotA players, Jamal "Rwar" El Akkad has joined up with the SK DotA team. He was last seen playing with eMg before the team faced several roster changes as well as a sponsorship shift. Before eMg, Rwar was on the best French DotA team, D4 along with I)arkarax.

      After adding ARS-ART and Hailo, the SK.DotA roster just got a whole lot stronger adding on this talented player! Rwar comes with a lot of experience; competing at the Fire in Ice LAN tournament with eMg where they took second place and he has also competed at the Miage LAN in France.

      Rwar was asked to join SK a couple times in the past but he turned them down to stay with eMg. Now he has decided that the SK.DotA team is the best fit for him and he will be participating in tournaments, leagues and maybe even some LAN events in the future with them.
      Fein fein... Halte das schon für eine Verstärtkung für SK. Wichtig wichtig! =)
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