[ESWC Paris] Grand Final: SK vs. TeG

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    • [ESWC Paris] Grand Final: SK vs. TeG

      Grand Final:
      SK Gaming versus The elder Gods

      Wir neigen uns langsam aber sich dem Ende der ESWC - Masters of Paris.
      Im Halbfinale standen sich Evil Geniuses und The elder Gods gegenüber,
      mit einem nahezu perfekten Spiel siegten die Rumänen.
      "We are very happy now that we reached the final. It was our only goal through all the matches, and we were confident we can make it for all this time.

      SK-Gaming is the best team for us to play against now. We trained a lot with them, and we became friends during this time. So we are also glad that they made it until here, knowing that the flights to San Jose are booked now makes both our heart bump faster.

      We respect each other, but we will try to beat them this time, maybe also because we are more in need of the money than they are. 'The elder Gods' is just a name, and we hope that we can join a professional organization soon. Doing all the management on our own is not always best - but we proved that we can handle it, so I think we are worthy the next step now."

      Der Tunierfavorite SK Gaming besiegte Meet Your Makers ohne große Probleme und steht
      nun The elder Gods im Finale gegenüber.

      "Yeah we are glad we did it, even if we were more than confident for the last weeks. We had a good preparation, and we knew that we can beat any time any time.

      Now it's against TeG for a second time in Paris, but in my opinion their is no advantage for any of us.

      We played a lot together already, so it will be decided by the bans/picks and how everyone can access his own skills.

      One more match now, and we will be concentrated 110%!"

      Das große Finale zwischen SK Gaming und The elder Gods findet heute um 15:30 CET statt.
      Ihr solltet das lieber nicht verpassen!

      Source: SK Gaming

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von sekayN- ()

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