[Szene News] Kingsurf.DotA adds Zen|th´hyhy

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    • [Szene News] Kingsurf.DotA adds Zen|th´hyhy

      Rumors started flowing after the conclusion of the ESWC Grand Finals 2008 about what would happen to Zenith. Unfortunately the rumors are true, Zenith will disband, or at least lose a few of their core members. Dk-Mag3 must serve military service soon, ToFuboi has left the team and hyhy has gone to join KingSurf. Bouncy will retire to focus on his studies.

      KingSurf and Zenith were close friends and can communicate with each other well, also Singapore and Malaysia are close to each other so it was no surprise that hyhy joined them. He will be registered in all tournaments and events with KingSurf and you can see him in action with his new team soon!

      hyhy: One doesn't have to be in a local team to be successful. Since mym can have foreign players in same team and be successful, Ks can definitely do the same! Moreover Singapore and Malaysia are close together. Haven't officially started training but have already teamed up to fight strong opponents, seems optimistic. I want to achieve more in Kingsurf Gaming and bring out the best of Asia DotA! Personally, I would like to wish Zenith success in their future, we are good friends still

      Ks`eryc (manager): We are glad to announce the joining of hyhy to our Malaysia DotA division. Ks-hyhy is already registered in all major tournament and will represent Ks.DotA very soon.
      Note:This transfer is under the endorsement of Zenith's manager. All the while, there is good relationship between Ks and Zenith and this will remain the same in future.

      You can read an interview with hyhy on sgamer.

      Source: Dota.sgamer.com

      Und hier noch ein etwas älteres Interview.