Troll Warcheif Agahim Guide, Increase Your Movespeed With Agahim

  • Troll Warcheif Agahim Guide, Increase Your Movespeed With Agahim

    helo people. this is killz0r last time i posted a naix guide but i was quite nub at that time.
    now hopefuly im better. please excuse my bad inglish.
    this guide will foccus on imroving the troll and making his ultimate better because now troll has imbA movement speed. although i havent played troll
    before, i hope ican help others who havent plaed.

    movespeed: 300
    mana: you dont need much manna so its ok
    hp: abt 500 i think


    makes you almost invisible so the enemy can miss you
    lvl 1 makes the enemy miss
    lvl 2makes the enemy miss more
    lvl3 makes the enemy miss almost half the time
    lvl4 i dont get lvl 4 skill becuase it is bugged

    i red somewhere that blindness will cr8 a fog of war on the enemy so it will miss u

    makes you fast and cunning
    lvl 1 will increase your movesped by 4%
    lvl 2 will increase your movespeed by a but more
    lvl3 will increase your attack speed by 25%
    lvl4 will increase your attack spee more

    i usully skip lvl 1 and 2 as i want attack speed but you can get lvl 2 if u want. dont take lvl 1 it is not worth it.

    will make you have bash
    lvl2 20% bash
    lvl3 im not sure, should be more 10 more i think

    there is a problem with this skill. when i switch it on, i can onlly attck from closeby. i cannot shot from far
    can u fix it piemonger? so troll can work agan.

    trolls ultimate makes u become faster and faster
    lvl 1 makes u run faster
    lvl2 makes run even faster
    lvl3 makes u very fast like a agil hero and throw faster axs

    skil build
    lvl1-4 get the blindness
    5 get increaser aura ONLY LVL3
    6 get bash
    7get ultimate
    8get ultimate
    9-ll bash
    12-25 states


    boots of threads
    then buy as many wood branches
    buy agahim staff to increase ultimate
    dominating helmet
    lothars edge
    blink dagger

    tip: when i used my spells, i notice that if put your mouse over the spell, in the name, there wil be 1 letter that is in a different colour, when u press that letter on the keyboard, u can use the spell without clicking on it!

    strategy: in the beggining game, stay in a lane and fight. it is ok with a ally to go together with you. just stay back and hit the walking trees or the skeletons. then wait until u get a bit of blindness. then u can get a first blood. when the enemy is low health. attack him from the back and he will attack u but u have blindness. use it on him until he is low life and running away. then u can kill because u can shoot from far away.

    after u get at least 10 branches of wood. put some on chicken and go to the lane. this is how it works:
    1 first u go far behind the enemy and put branches in a straight line so it blocks the way.
    2 go infront of the enemy and put it in a straight line and block the way
    3 then u can attack the enemy and he will fight first
    4 then because of blindness he will run back
    5 but he cannot because the way is blocked
    6 then he will run infront but it is block too
    7 all this time u will be hitting him so he will be lowlife and die

    this picture shows it

    after that in middle game, u will be doing well because of that tactic u might even get a dominating or a killing spree. but be careful and get money to buy a dominator helmet to help in the next tactic.

    once u get a bash skill u can kill more heros like this
    1 once the enemy gets past ure river
    2 go and control a few gnols
    3 after that switch on bash and attack the enemy.
    4 (optionel) u can put branches to block the way
    5 u have a bash and gnolls so u can perme bash him

    then when u get the agahim and daggers and lotahrs u can kill anyone

    this is the strategy for that
    once u get a agahim. ure ultimate will become better
    so here is the plan
    1 blink into the hero
    2attack the hero
    3 when he attack back u become invisible away
    4 then u on ure ultimate and attack him

    Finding out permabash

    1 basher= 15%
    Ure own bash is 15 too
    So 15+15+15+15+15+15+15= 105% if u get 6 bashers
    So all the time u can trap the hero in one place!

    That is the end of my guide

    Ein sehr schöner Guide :P
  • Schick mal ne Pm an Flummi damit sie ihn top macht ^^ Kein blau drin. Das wird sie sicher beeindrucken und die schwarzweiß bilder sicher noch mehr

    ( 15:50:01 ) <@meetya> wo is affe
    ( 15:50:12 ) <@meetya> der muss unser logo nochma überarbeiten
    ( 15:50:21 ) <@meetya> wenn das logo so verkleinert is
    ( 15:50:25 ) <@meetya> dann könnte alex feeds
    ( 15:50:30 ) <@meetya> auch als alex leads gelesen werden
    ( 15:50:31 ) <@meetya> (
  • Krass, der hat Bilder selber gemalt!

    Da können unsere Guide Poster noch was lernen!

    Diese detailierten Informationen!

    Das mit dem buggy Blind Skill auf lvl 4 wusste ich z.B. gar nicht.

    Oder die Itembuild.... wow.

    Funktioniert der Trick mit den Branches eigentlich auch mit anderen Heroes?

    Kann man andere Items dafür nehmen?
  • Original von Wabbel
    Krass, der hat Bilder selber gemalt!

    Da können unsere Guide Poster noch was lernen!

    Diese detailierten Informationen!

    Das mit dem buggy Blind Skill auf lvl 4 wusste ich z.B. gar nicht.

    Oder die Itembuild.... wow.

    Funktioniert der Trick mit den Branches eigentlich auch mit anderen Heroes?

    Kann man andere Items dafür nehmen?

    Ja - Der Trick mit den Branches funktioniert auch mit anderen Heros, man kann sogar andere Items nehmen, Divine Rapier eignet sich sehr gut, es ist viel stärker alsn branche!
  • boots of treads xD
    block the way with an branch xD
    so gelacht hab ich mindestens seit ner halben stunde net mehr xDD
    (was bei mir wenig ist :keks)
    sooo geil.. sowas muss ich ach ma schreiben ..
    "pick razor and buy many wraight bands.. so your opponent cant know whos the real becouse razor and the band have the same pic. xDD"
  • Du hast gesagt, aus dem Dota Allstars Forum? Da bin ich auch angemeldet,
    und da muss ich sagen, da gibts wirlkich so geile Guides. Habe ähnlich gesehen. Zwar nicht selber gemalte Bilder aber die waren so stumpf erklärt und das Englisch war so grausam :D Für den Guide hätte ich mindestens ne 5 gegeben :D

    Aber das mit den Bildern hier finde ich ma geil xD
    Vor allem weil ich da nix erkenne :keks
  • rofl...

    Der typ hat ja echt n rad ab. Geil ist auch learn Bash but its buggy an you can only attack at melee range oder so ähnlich xD

    Finding out permabash

    1 basher= 15%
    Ure own bash is 15 too
    So 15+15+15+15+15+15+15= 105% if u get 6 bashers
    So all the time u can trap the hero in one place!

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