Bristelback (V. 6.29b)

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    • Bristelback (V. 6.29b)

      This is my guide to Rigwarl the bristelback

      Hi this is fun_with_gamen's guide to Bristelback I realized that a lot of people dont play this hero so often. I thought it might be because The people just dont know how to play him properly. I made this guide to help other people in playing Rigwarl. This guide is made noob friendly with a lot of information for each skill.
      If poeple ask why dont you get damage items? I have a good awnser for them: I buy Strength Items for surviving longer in late game and it also gives little damage boost. Ok read this guide and learn a lot.

      I hope you Have fun !

      Bristelback is a hero that is pretty easy to use so i couldnt write a lot of stragetie, sorry for that part. And bristelback also doesnt have any skills that are worth to make a screenshot.

      1. Life History
      2. Pros & Cons
      3. Hero data
      4. Abilities
      5. Skill build
      6. Item build
      7. Item Overview
      8. Strategies
      9. Good Allies/Bad Enemies
      10. Replays
      11. Counter

      1. Life History

      A tried and true champion of his race ,Rigwarl has unsuccessfully led the fight against the onslaught of the scourge. With his diminishing ranks and inability to hold the scourge throng, he capitulated to the offer to join the sentinel. With his bestial fighting style reliant to his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight.

      2. Pros & Cons


      x Rampage Ultimate
      x High reduce damage
      x Hard to kill
      x One of the best 1v1 Hero
      x Slow ?!


      x Only gets imba with items
      x Only imba in mid-late game
      x No nuke
      x Annoying sound if you click on him

      3. Hero data
      Rigwarl - The Bristleback
      Range: 100 Melee| | Speed: 290 | Primary: STR |Attackspeed: 1.45 sec (+17% IAS)
      Str: 22 + 2 | Agi: 17 + 1.8 | Int: 14 + 1.4
      Damage: 43 - 53 | HP: 568 | Mana: 182 | Armor: 4.4 --> Damage reduction: 20%

      4. Abilities
      Viscous Nasal Goo (V)
      Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and move speed. Casts on the same target are cumulative.
      Lasts 5 seconds
      Mana cost : 30/ 30/ 30/ 30

      Level 1 - -1 armor, 20% and 3% slow a cast.
      Level 2 - -1 armor, 20% and 6% slow a cast.
      Level 3 - -2 armor, 20% and 9% slow a cast.
      Level 4 - -2 armor, 20% and 12% slow a cast.

      This skill is the main skill in your stragetie it helps you slow the enemy so everybody can catch up to him even a Snail.It will let the enemys dont run away so you can kill him.
      Early game this skill will chase the enemy away. Although it does no damage but if you cast it on your enemy they will run back (allways fun to see it).
      And this is how it works:
      if you maxed it out on level 4.
      It does not matter how far apart the casts are.
      It just must be in a time limit of 5 seconds.
      first cast does 20% -2 armor
      seconds cast does32% -4 armor
      third cast does 44% -6 armor
      fourth cast does 56% -8 armor
      this is the limit of cast. you can cast it more often but you it wont do any extra effects besides the longer lasting of the slow.

      Quill Spray (R)
      Begins spraying quills all over the area, dealing damage.
      Lasts 6 seconds
      Mana cost: 95/ 105/ 115/ 125

      Level 1 - 3 damage a hit up close, 2 at range.
      Level 2 - 6 damage a hit up close, 4 at range.
      Level 3 - 9 damage a hit up close, 6 at range.
      Level 4 - 12 damage a hit up close, 8 at range.

      This skill lets you farm early till late game and helps you get the lats hit on creeps. It is also good 1 on 1 early game.
      I tested it and it does about 300+ damage to each unit if it is in melee range.
      The best way to use Quill Spray is if you if a big creepwave is comming.
      I also allways activate it if a hero comes to be to do a 1 vs 1.
      If the enemy chases you always activate it a lot of people still fear quillspray and maybe they run back or give it up to chase you.
      This skill can often save your life maybe it is in the psyche of the human that they fear such stuff and send their heroes/units back. ^_^

      Bristleback (K)
      Rigwal covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage.

      Level 1 - 15% reduced from rear.
      Level 2 - 30% reduced from rear.
      Level 3 - 45% reduced from rear.
      Level 4 - 60% reduced from rear.

      Does not reduce lethal damage and damage from tower.

      what is lethal damage?
      lethal damage is also known as the "final damage" if you have 150 hp and s.o. uses a spell wich does 300 damage the spell would kill you and wont be reduced.
      The reason is because the spell "bristelback" works like that you will take the full damage of each attack/spell (yes bristelback also reduces spells) but then you will be healed by 60% of the damage again. get it?
      To the spell reduction, it reduces spells such as stormbolt, Magic Missle, Assasinate, etc. it wont reduce spells such as SS (maybe the 100 damage but not the 50) ,Frost Bite, LvL death etc.

      This skill makes you a lot harder to kill. It can help you survive gangbangs, makes you better in 1 on 1 and ect.

      Warpath (W)
      By attacking Rigwarl works himself into a fury, giving him a chance every attack to leap into a berserker attack.

      Level 1 - 10% chance per attack.
      Level 2 - 20% chance per attack.
      Level 3 - 30% chance per attack.

      This skill will help you kill the heroes and creeps. You get 150% ias and 30% movementspeed what else do you want? More than trolls ultimate and more often.

      5. Skill build:
      lev.1: Bristelback
      lev.2: Quill Spray
      lev.3: Viscous Nasal Goo
      lev.4: Quill Spray
      lev.5: Quill Spray
      lev.6: Warpath
      lev.7: Quill Spray
      lev.8: Bristelback
      lev.9: Bristelback
      lev.10: Bristelback
      lev.11: Warpath
      lev.12: Viscous Nasal Goo
      lev.13: Viscous Nasal Goo
      lev.14: Viscous Nasal Goo
      lev.15: stat
      lev.16: Warpath
      lev.17 - 25 : stats

      Why did you skill like this?
      This is the universal build for Bristelback. The 1 level on goo is to chase the enemy away if it comes to near to you or let it escape slower so the creeps/tower will attack the enemy more often.
      Quill spray you have to max it out as soon as possible. it helps you farm and get some kills with luck and it is great in 1 vs 1 situations early game.
      Bristelback you also have to max out early because at level 8+ the gang time starts and this will let you survive from these better and it lets backstabber like SA, Bone, or Weaver have no chance against you.
      And it helps you in early game survive cause there are really many nuker in the public games and some in inhouses.
      Warpath will help you kill, farm and chase/escape better. Get this skill if you have the chance.
      You also have to max out goo because of the -armor and the extra slow per cast. since you can cast it very often (4 times on a Hero) you will be able to reduce the armor to -8 AND slow the enemy like hell.
      Get stats if you can then why shouldnt you? +2 to all stats this is like a free circlet of nobility.

      Second skill build (the one i dont prefer)
      lev.1: Bristelback
      lev.2: Viscous nasal goo
      lev.3: Bristelback
      lev.4: Viscous nasal goo
      lev.5: Bristelback
      lev.6: Warpath
      lev.7: Bristelback
      lev.8: Viscous nasal goo
      lev.9: Viscous nasal goo
      lev.10: stats
      lev.11: Warpath
      lev.12: stats
      lev.13: stats
      lev.14: stats
      lev.15: stats
      lev.16: warpath
      lev.17: stats
      lev.18: stats
      lev.19: stats
      lev.20: stats
      lev.21: stats
      lev.22: quill spray
      lev.23: quill spray
      lev.24: quill spray
      lev.25: quill spray

      why this build?
      ok i have tested this build a couple of times it is ok it helps you stay longer in a lane and it helps you to slow the enemy faster to get kills.
      But you wont farm at all tell you are level 6 and warpath is activated.
      You wont die so fast with this buid so i reccomend not the chaser not the basher i would go Straight for HP and tanker items like aegis or HoT.

      6. Item Build:

      for all item builds you can add flask. Since Bristelback cant stand nukes early game this will help you a lot.
      If you are lucky and farm till 1610+ you should buy a mithrill hammer etc.

      Perma Stun Build

      Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (150)
      Circlet of Nobility (185)
      Bracer (175)

      +3 all attributes
      +3 Strength


      Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (150)
      Circlet of Nobility (185)
      Bracer (175)

      +3 all attributes
      +3 Strength


      Boots of Speed (500)
      Gloves of Haste (610)
      Power Treads (420)

      Power Treads
      +60 Run Speed
      +30% Attack Speed


      Helm of Iron Will (950)
      Mask of Death (900)

      Helm of the Dominator
      15% Life Leech
      +10 Damage
      +5 Armor
      Activate: Dominate Creep
      700 Range 300 Second Cooldown 125 Mana Cost

      Orb effect does not stack


      Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (150)
      Mithril Hammer (1610)
      Cranium Basher (1460)

      Cranium Basher
      +30 Damage
      +3 Str
      Passive: Bash
      15% Chance, 1.1 Second Stun (Melee)
      10 % Chance, 1.1 Second Stun (Ranged)
      +25 Bonus Damage on Bash


      Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (150)
      Mithril Hammer (1610)
      Cranium Basher (1460)

      Cranium Basher

      15% Chance, 1.1 Second Stun (Melee)
      10 % Chance, 1.1 Second Stun (Ranged)
      +25 Bonus Damage on Bash


      Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200)
      Satanic (1100)

      23% Life Leech
      +25 Strength
      +5 Armor
      Activate: Death Pact
      Self-heals by killing a friendly creep
      105 mana cost

      Orb effects do not stack

      Why Treads?
      It gives you more attackspeed and movementspeed what you need to chase people and to pull of warpath more often.
      Why Basher?
      No basher no perma stun ... you will stun the enemy very often with a basher.
      Why a second basher?
      this is for the PERMA stun you will attack so fast that the enemy wont get rid of you.
      Why Satanic?
      This is one of the best orb effects that you can add to rigwarl. With your attackspeed you will heal you very fast.

      Chaser/Pusher Build:

      Boots of Speed (500)
      Gloves of Haste (610)
      Power Treads (420)

      Power Treads
      +60 Run Speed
      +30% Attack Speed


      Blade of Alacrity (1000)
      Boots of Elvenskin (450)
      Yasha (600)

      Ogre Axe (1000)
      Belt of Giant Strength (450)
      Sange (600)

      Sange and Yasha (900)

      +16 Agility
      +16 Strength
      +16 Damage
      +10% incr movement speed, +10% incr attack speed
      Effect: Maim
      10% chance, -35% attack speed
      -35% movement speed for 6 sec


      Mithrill Hammer (1610)
      Claymore (1400)
      Ring of Health (875)
      Void Stone (900)

      Battle Fury

      +100% Mana Regeneration
      +4 HP/Sec Regeneration
      +55 Damage
      Passive: Cleaving Attack 160 Radius 35% Splash Damage


      Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200)
      Vitally Booster (1100)
      Heart of Tarrasque (1200)

      Heart of Tarrasque
      +300 Hit Points
      +11 HP/Sec Regeneration
      +35 Strength


      Why Treads?
      It gives you more attackspeed and movementspeed what you need to chase people and to pull of warpath more often.
      Why Sange and Yasha?
      This will let you chase better. Your warpath will happen very often and it also slows the enemy with maim that means the enemy also recieve more damage and with your fast attackspeed it the enemy will die very fast.
      It is like desolator and MoM in one item.

      Why Battlefury?
      This will let you farm like hell and it if you have this item the creepwaves will just disapear.
      Why Heart of Tarrasque?
      This will give you extra hp what you need to survive a well done chase.

      For all Itembuilds you can add:

      55%increase attack speed

      Dagger of Escape
      Activate:blink 90 mana 25 sec cooldown 200-1000 range
      cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit and Pudge

      Hyperstone for More attackspeed or Blinkdagger to suprise a hero and chase/escape better.

      Why I didn't put other items in this build that are good for Bristelback?
      Mealstrom: This Item is a good combination with warpath it helps you farm and kill hero. But this item makes Bristelback even more luck depending that he allready is. And I couldnt find any other good items that fit together with mealstrom well.
      Aegis of Immortal: This Item is very good for Bristelback. The armor and the magicresistance makes Bristelback even harder to kill. This Item works well with Rigwarls skill Bristelback.
      Burize/MKB (damage items): Damage items allways work well with warpath but you wont survive gangbangs and these happen very often. So I focus more on HP because Rigwarl has very low HP for a strenght hero.
      Eye of Skadi: A lot of people play Bristelback with a Eye of Skadi. This build works well it gives a bit extra damage a bit extra attackspeed. just a bit of all. But for me there are better items that are not that expensive.
      Manta Style: I rarely see this item on bristelback player but i once used it in my builds because it was different and strange --> makes the guide to something special. But after a whilte when i kept playing the manta style build, it seemed that my illusions just die to fast. The reason was because rigwarls skill bristelback got nerfed and the 20% from all sides was gone.
      Mask of Madness: I often see that this item is used in games. I tried it out and dont see any advantage in it. It just lets you pull of warpath more often what a hyperstone also does. The big problem on MoM is that if you activate your frenzy, you will recieve 20% more damage. maybe it does not do much different in from the back but if you activate it in a 1 on 1 you will just die so fast if the enemy is wise and sees your vulnerable spot. This is why i prefer s&y. S&Y gives you all the time extra movementspeed, extra attackspeed and sometimes slow. the best and if you are lucky and maim happens the enemy even recieve extra damage so they die even faster.
      Desolator: this item is I saw only once in a game. This is a popular item for any fast attacking hero (bone, razor, troll, syllabear etc.). But I personally dont like this item. I tested it and it for me S&Y works a lot better.

      7. Item overview:

      Null Talisman - not recommendable
      Ring of Basilius - not recommendable
      Headdress of Rejuvenation - recommendable
      Power Threads - recommendable
      Perseverence - recommendable
      Mask of Madness [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Oblivion Staff - good, but not crucial
      Eul's Scepter of Divinity - good, but not crucial
      Helm of the Dominator [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Manta Style [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Dagon - recommendable
      Diffusal Blade [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Netherezim Buckler - not recommendable
      Crystalys - recommendable
      Cranium Basher - recommendable
      Soul Booster - good, but not crucial
      Boots of Travel - recommendable
      Black King Bar - recommendable
      Lothar's Edge - recommendable
      Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse - good, but not crucial
      Stygian Desolator [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Battle Fury - recommendable
      Radiance - recommendable
      Refesher Orb - not recommendable
      Monkey King Bar - recommendable
      Heart of Tarrasque - recommendable
      Satanic [Orb effect] - recommendable
      The Butterfly - recommendable
      Aghanim's Scepter - not recommendable
      Aegis of the Immortal - recommendable
      Burize-do-Kyanon - recommendable
      Eye of Skadi [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Divine Rapier - recommendable
      Mekansm - good, but not crucial
      Linken's Sphere - recommendable
      Necronomicon - not recommendable
      Sange and Yasha [Orb effect] - recommendable
      Wraith band - good, but not crucial
      Blade Mail - recommendable
      Bracer - recommendable
      Hand of Midas - good, but not crucial
      Kelens dagger of escape - recommendable
      Maelstrom [Orb effect] - recommendable

    • 8. Strategies :

      How to goo and help you/your team to get a kill
      Viscious nasa goo is one of the best skill in dota and regwarls only support skill. You will be able to slow the enemy until he runs as fast as a snail and also reduce his armor.
      You should discuss with your teammate who you want to kill. After you made the decission you should just run and goo him. you will definetly be faster than him. Just goo again and again. If your teammate is a stunner he will be able to stun the enemy so you can catch up to attack him. If not just keep on gooing him so your mate will get the kill. Or just try to catch up with him and also attack and activate quill spray so you maybe will kill him with a bit of luck (probably your teammate will get the kill with this tactic.

      Slow the enemy and you ally follows.

      Slow the enemy again so you and your ally can catch up better.

      Now you can be happy that your ally got the kill and the enemy is dead.

      Your role in pushes:
      This allways depends on the heroes of your allies.
      You are the Hero Killer. Don’t be the tank, you are a hero killer that deal a lot of damage to the enemies.
      You should ask at the beginning if one ally can pick a tank so you have at least 1 hero in your team that takes all the damage while you give the damage.
      You should all aim for the damager on the enemy team first. Without him the enemy team won’t kill any of your allies.
      Then try to pull out the caster and disabler. At the end you should kill the tanker. In most cases he doesn’t deal a lot of damage. He is only hard to kill and if you all attack him first the damager and the caster will be able to kill all of you before you can kill the tanker.
      This means: Kill the weak before the strong.

      for Perma Stun Build
      Level 1-7:
      Sentinel Right line.
      scourge left line.
      Stay behind the creeps and try to get the last hits on creeps at level 3 quill spray it is easy to get the last hits you will farm as hell and will get a lot of gold. The one point on Viscous Nasal Goo is for chasing heroes that came to near to the tower if they are in attack range slow them attack/attack go back, and for chasing heroes with low HP hide in the woods go behind him activate quirll spray and goo him (only if you have more hp than him and it is no nuker).
      You should have finished the 2 bracer and almost finish the treads.

      Level 8-16:
      You should still farm till you have your first basher till you start chasing a hero.
      If a hero is on your line attack the creeps first till you get Warpath go to the hero and attack him cause you surely faster if its not lycanthrope in wolf form if it is goo him first 2 or 3 times till you are about next to him then activate Quill Spray in mid game it is still usefull against heroes then goo again and start attacking. With your insane attack speed you will just bash him at least more than twice if he can escape or get out of range what will only happen if you lose warpath you just goo him (try to go with a friend who can disable).
      If you got your second Basher you can start perma bashing. In case you the enemy just gang and gang try to farm in the woods.

      Level 17-25:
      After you got your satanic you can face every hero except of juggernaut ( omnislash ) 1on1 just keep on with the tactic like in mid game now you can go alone cause your bristelback helps you survive from gangbangs and helps you stay alive longer.
      If your team wants to push help them if your enemy pushes a lot you should better lead pushes.
      You are a perma stunner you can just hit hit hit all the time and if the enemy manages to escape you just have to goo him 3+ times. Try to kill big creep waves these give a lot of gold and helps you getting the nessasary items.

      This is how you should farm and take the best advantage of you skill bristelback.
      Go straight to the ranged creeps and keep attacking him. this will cause that the melee creeps will follow you and attack your back. This wont hurt you alot. if the melee creeps arrived activate your skill quill spray so both melee and ranged creeps will get the full load of quill spray.The ranged creeps that you are attacking will die first and then after quill sprays affect is gone turn around and last hit the melee creeps.

      You should farm like this and get a lot of creeps very fast.

      Did you know that Bristelback has a child?

      Chaser/Pusher Stragetie
      Level 1-7:
      Buy your boots of speed. Then choose your lane I would prefer top lane cause it is most of the games the solo lane.
      Beware of nuker if you have a nuker in your lane try to stay behind the creeps and get the last hit on creeps (a little bit practice here). Your quillspray helps you a lot in getting the last hit stay between the ranged creep and the melee creep so you are still safe. And you quill spray hits the enemy creeps and maybe the enemy melee hero if there is one.
      If you are up against a melee hero try to get the upper hand and attack the creeps und turn on your quillspray so your enemy doesn’t dare to come near to you. You should if you were up against a melee your sange if not then maybe a part of it.

      Level 8-16
      After you got your Sange you shouldn’t be coltish try to push with your team at level 10 so you can push the tower down and get some kills or creeps. Try to communicate with your teammate which hero first / second etc. The most important for you is to farm and hold bit creepwaves wich are more important than herokills they don’t only save the tower also give a lot more gold than heroes.
      Your Sange & Yasha should be finish at level 16 if not go kill creeps in the Forest cause your S & Y is very important.

      Level 17-25
      After your S & Y, you should go for a bit more damage so buy Mithrill Hammer and Claymore they will boost up your damage a bit and what item is the best for a melee wannabe farmer? BATTLEFURY of course it has cleave and works to good with your warpath and don’t forget the mana regeneration it will make you have no mana problems anymore unless you play against Antimage or a hero with Manta Style. The main thing to do is to push you are a leader so lead your team to make pushes after your Heart of Tarrasque you have a lot of Health and can take a lot of damage you can even escape from gangs.
      The game shouldn’t last long after your HoT but it can happen that your team has a lot of Leaver so that you the game last 130 or more minutes. In that case buy the suggested items (hyperstone or blinkdagger)

      9. Good Allies/Bad Enemies

      Good Allies:

      Omniknights repel will make you unstopable. It turns you into a berserker that cant be stop by magic.

      Bane Elementals Fiends Grip is a 5 sec disable and does damage. You will have 5 seconds to hit hit hit hit and if he still is alive goo him and hit goo hit goo hit goo hit till he dies.

      Chaos knights 5 sec stun is very good just like banes fiends grip you have 5 sec free time to hit him and kill him.

      Rhastas mass disable is can save your life or helps you kill enemy heroes.

      Ogre Magis Bloodlust is one of the best support spell i have ever seen. This makes you even faster and helps you that warpth will pull of more often.

      Bad enemies

      Maybe ogre magi can be one of your best allies but still he can be very dangerous and unpredictable.
      never chase him if you life is orange or red. His multicast can easily kill you.Try to chase him with fulll life or gang him.

      Rhasta is very dangerous with his mass disable. And his wards are a kick in the ass. You can easily counter him if you turn the back to the wards. If you manage to do this the wards will only tickle you.

      If you see Sven with God's Strength avoid him he wont kill you since if he chases you he will only hit your back.Anyway you can kill him as long God's Strength is not activated.

      Centaur is just hard to kill and his return doesnt do much damage but with you high attackspeed it does like 120 damage in 1,5 seconds.GANG HIM

      Chaos knights Images are very painfull try to run away if his images are activated.

      Tinys Craggy Exterior hurt very much with your fast attackspeed it you will be perma stunned. Gang him with your ranged teammates and only cast goo on him as often as possilble. The -armor and slow will help your teammates alot.

      10. Replays:
      this is a replay to the chaser build i lost but it is still good

      here is a basher replay here you can see he really is a lategame hero.

      11. Counter:

      What helps against Bristelback ?
      Early game: Nuke, Nuke, Nuke, this is the best counter against Bristelback early game he cant stand this.
      Mid game: Now it the time comes when bristelback grows up and gains a lot of power. His ultimate triggers more often now and he starts get damage. Try to avoid him or take a mate with you.
      Late game: It starts to hurt if he has a lot of hp and damage. The only thing that helps now is gangbang and also dont forget to use magical nukes.

      12. Why does my Bristelback sucks?

      Is it because the items? hmm maybe. Bristelback is very difficult to play at first. If you play in pubies there are often coward caster like e.g. lich cast nova, runs back wait for cooldown, cast nova, runs back, get mana and etc. then it is ofcourse difficult to get powerfull and own. Bristelback is very powerfull in 1vs1 but even more powerfull with a teammate. Dota is a teamgame never forget this.
      If you suck with bristelback because the enemies have lich and rhasta, remember that your hero needs more skills to own not like lich (that motivates me everytime).

      13. Credits
      Ok i am happy to say that this guide is complete. Thank you for reading this guide and I hope you had fun.
      Anyway credits goes to MangixHunter for his great suggestions
      Yog for his great Ideas.
      Ih2128 for his great tipps.
      ZeLink for his help
      The creator of dota and the man that made such a good hero.
      (I hate Icefrog for nerfing Bristelback)
    • Dieser Guide ist absichtlich derzeit in Englisch, fun_with_gamen hat mich auch vorher gefragt, ob dies okay wäre, wenn er ihn postet.

      Da er nicht genug Zeit hat, diesen derzeit ins Deutsche zu übersetzen und der Guide ja auch nicht gerade kurz ist, er ihn aber uns auch gerne präsentieren möchte, hat er ihn jetzt in englisch online gestellt.

      Flummi hat sich aber bereit erklärt im Verlaufe der nächsten Wochen noch eine deutsche Übersetzung anzufertigen, die wir dann hier verlinken !
    • Original von Phossy
      Dieser Guide ist absichtlich derzeit in Englisch, fun_with_gamen hat mich auch vorher gefragt, ob dies okay wäre, wenn er ihn postet.

      Da er nicht genug Zeit hat, diesen derzeit ins Deutsche zu übersetzen und der Guide ja auch nicht gerade kurz ist, er ihn aber uns auch gerne präsentieren möchte, hat er ihn jetzt in englisch online gestellt.

      Flummi hat sich aber bereit erklärt im Verlaufe der nächsten Wochen noch eine deutsche Übersetzung anzufertigen, die wir dann hier verlinken !

      Das sind dann aber seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr lange Wochen ;)
    • sind recht viele Fehler drin vom Englischen ... ich mein ich kann ja auch nicht gut Englisch, aber wenns mir auffällt, heisst das was ;)

      und dann hab ich noch ne Frage: Bei wie viel MS (dass es recht schnell ist, weiss ich) ist man ca, wenn die Ulti angeht und man im Besitz von PTs als einziges MS steigerndes Item ist.
    • Original von hondo
      Das sind dann aber seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr lange Wochen ;)

      Steht da Wochen?

      Das sollte "Jahre" heissen.

      "Profi online gamer bekommen ihr Essen auch von Mami, sind unter 16 Jahre, waschen sich nicht und spielen WoW" -- Asyrios -ChefElf-
    • Original von fun_with_gamen
      mach dir nicht die arbeit ich werde mein guide sowieso nochmal überarbeiten. Zur Zeit suckt er noch.

      Also wenn du willst, dann kann ich den auch übersetzen. Dann musste dir jetzt zum Überarbeiten nicht doppelt soviel Arbeit machen, sondern schreibst auf Englisch zu Ende und ich mach dann die Übersetzung.
    • nee ich meine komplett neuer guide, ich habe gehört in der neuen version gibt es ein bristelback remade. Deswegen werde ich die nächste version abwarten. Wer jetzt übersetzt macht sich nur unnütze arbeit.
      jetzt zockt man den am besten so:


      wenn du ihn in -repick kriegst Leaven.
    • Original von fun_with_gamen
      jetzt zockt man den am besten so:


      wenn du ihn in -repick kriegst Leaven.



      Wenn das ernst gemeint war, dann:

      Dadrauf hab ich schon seit dem Beginn meiner Aktivität im Forum gewartet, dass sich ein User hier als konsequenter LEAVER outet ^^
      Nenene, das kannste doch net machen. Das ist ja wie in diesem einen FlashMovie ( gibts im Funstuff-Bereich ) wo der eine sagt:
      "Ohhhhh.... I didn't get my favourite hero"

      Player xy has left the game.


      Wenn das ein Scherz war, dann:

    • Da du itembuild ja schon hast kannisch ja schonmal was dazu fragen :)
      Ich hab immer das prob als meele dass ich schnell gedisabled werde :/ Würde bkb net auch gut zu dem passen? Bin mir net sicher ob ult jez von bkb removed wird (wie sven ult)
      ( 15:50:01 ) <@meetya> wo is affe
      ( 15:50:12 ) <@meetya> der muss unser logo nochma überarbeiten
      ( 15:50:21 ) <@meetya> wenn das logo so verkleinert is
      ( 15:50:25 ) <@meetya> dann könnte alex feeds
      ( 15:50:30 ) <@meetya> auch als alex leads gelesen werden
      ( 15:50:31 ) <@meetya> (
    • BkB bricht deine ultimate ab wenn du zu schnell gedisabled wirst soltest du einfach einen rückzieher machen. durch dein dmg reduction ability überlebst du sowas locker sonst fragst du ein mate ob er den gegner disablen kann bis du dein slow casten konntest. wenn du einmal dein slow gecastest hast kommt er nicht mehr weg...