Icefrog's Blog - News

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    • Icefrog's Blog - News

      Sowie BuffMePlz, hat Icefrog jetzt auch endlich einen Blog mit dem er uns in Zukunft wohl mehr ueber die Entwicklung der neuesten DotA-Versionen berichten wird, was ich super finde. =)
      Zur Zeit ist dort ein Q&A und neue Bilder zum Remake des Storm Panda's *freu* zu sehen. Zudem steht im Q&A drinne das Icefrog auch ein neuen Hero mit dem Taurenmodel in Planung hat, welches ich in DotA immer irgendwie vermisste.

      Ich denke dies koennte ein Sammelthread werden in dem wir darueber diskutieren was der Frosch gerade alles so schoenes macht. =)

      Hier der Link:
    • Hey guys, just thought I'd post a quick status update. The beta members and I are in the final stage of testing the 6.58 patch for issues. There is also a LAN event going on right now in East Sunshine Springfield, Missouri (Mega-Game Unlimited) where the players are using a preview release. They will send me some pictures of the event afterwards that I will share with you guys.
      I might post a change log preview here while is updating and the translations are being proofread.
      Neuer Post!
      Was meint er mit translations? Wird die map jetzt in noch mehr sprachen uebersetzt sein?
    • Der Neue Q&A section is raus :D

      und was mir besonders gefällt is dies : Another was a new capture the flag or capture point mode that wasn't finished yet and I did not want to rush it. !

      also haben wir demnächst vilt wieder Ctf und Capture mode :D wenn dass ma nicht nach ner menge Fun klingt :D
    • Update - April Fools Map / 6.60

      April Fools Map
      Submitted by IceFrog on Wed, 04/01/2009 - 09:02

      I traditionally do custom maps each year for this day but I've decided to skip it this time. I know some of you look forward to it. There is a lot of demand to get 6.60 ready asap, so I felt that it would be more appropriate to focus all my effort on that instead. I'll make it up to you guys next year :)

      A lot of players always ask me why I don't publish release dates ahead of time. I don't do it to build suspense or to keep players waiting, the main reason I don't is because it is hard to actually be sure of a date and if it is missed players become upset.

      I will make sure to post here more often in the near future to keep you guys in the loop on the development and maybe give a sneak preview or two. While I can't give an exact date like I said above, I will try to let you guys know when it is a couple of days away from release and is in final translation mode.

      My main focus is the quality of the changed or added content and to make sure that the gameplay overall is taking a step forward and not backwards. Sometimes things need to be redone multiple times to achieve those goals which is why it is hard to predict. That being said, 6.60 has the a very large number of changes and improvements to the game. I think it will be worth the wait.

      Update: Some people emailed confused what my post meant. April 1st is a day where some people post fake things on the net for fun. The last few years I did fake maps for this that people liked playing. I didn't do a fake map this year.
      How to DotA-Mechanics

      Dieser Account
      (aka shimassy, chiamssy
      , ...)
      ist im inaktiven Modus.
    • *UPDATE*

      Recipe Shops

      Hey guys. I apologize for the delay since my last post. I've been focused on the next update. It has a huge change log with many things that need playtesting.
      One issue I've been trying to tackle in this patch is the organization of recipes. Most would agree that they are pretty disorganized right now, especially the 5th shop. With the addition of some items in 6.60 and the overdue need to organize the shops, I've been working on sorting them. I'm looking for input on organization approaches, as well as thoughts on the matter in general, so feel free to drop me a line. I might post a few screenshots of the shop layouts here.
      Another extra tidbit of information, regarding Linken's Sphere: many abilities have now been rewritten to provide better compatibility. This has been one of the most requested items to fix, so I have given it some much needed attention. While there are still some spells that do not interact well with it, there are many more that do now.
      This update has been taking much longer than I had originally hoped for, but rest assured I won't take a minute longer than absolutely necessary.
    • Icefrog hat grad vor fast 1 1/2h n neuen Beitrag auf seinem Blog geschrieben. Dabei hält er kurz die Leute auf dem laufenden und spricht über Anordnungen der Recipe Shops. Desweiteren erwähnt er eine Veränderung in Sachen Linkens Sphere, welches nun eindeutig mehr Spells abfangen soll.

      Aber seht selbst Klick me

      mfg ZeN
      Meine Guides:

      Bounty Hunter v. 1.7 :grinking:


      How to Replays powered by Alex- ---> hier findet ihr Replays zu euren Helden
      The 10 golden rules to your SIG ownage

      Niveau ist keine Handcreme.
    • wie icefrogbereits sagte, wird so ziemlich JEDER HERO mindestens einen buff/nerv/remake bekommen. Auch die Items werden sich einige ändern. Vlt braucht Undying ja dann keinen nerv mehr...

      Habs gefunden: tja... das steht eigentlich eh alles drinnen, mehr würde ich an seiner Stelle nicht verraten.
      Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
    • Update - Icefrog schreibt über den neuen WC3-Patch und zeigt das neue Shop-Layout. Demnach gibt es ganze 6 (!) neue Items! (Außerdem kann man erkennen, dass Manta wohl keinen Orb-Effekt mehr hat)
      How to DotA-Mechanics

      Dieser Account
      (aka shimassy, chiamssy
      , ...)
      ist im inaktiven Modus.
    • Zinnsoldat schrieb:

      Das mit den Shops find ich cool!
      Warum schon wieder ein neuer Patch rauskommt für wc3 versteh ich nicht 8|

      Lesen hilft:

      Blizzard schrieb:

      We have identified an exploit that could allow malicious software to be spread through Warcraft III maps. We have applied a temporary fix to address this issue when playing on, and we are working on a patch to permanently address the issue when playing on a LAN or playing single-player custom maps.
      Customkeys für Version 6.61b
      letztes Update: 17.07

      [spoil]Also Leute ich habe ein großes Problem und brauche Rat...

      Meine Freundin benimmt sich seit einer Weile schon ziemlich merkwürdig. Immer wenn sie einen Anruf kriegt in meiner Gegenwart wird sie auf einmal leise und fängt an zu nuscheln. Wenn sie SMS bekommt, löscht sie die sofort und lesen darf ich schon garnicht. Wenn sie in die Stadt geht, kommt sie ziemlich spät zurück, und ist angeblich mit irgendwelchen Freundinnen weg, die ich noch nicht kenne. Und immer wenn sie wegfährt nimmt sie nicht ihren Wagen, sondern 'ein Taxi' angeblich... Hallo?!
      Dann hab ich einmal als sie zurückkam Abends zufällig gesehen, dass das Taxi sie nicht vor die Tür bringt, sondern ans Ende der Straße...
      Und ehrlichgesagt konnte ich da nichtmal genau erkennen ob es ein Taxi war, ich vermute halt, dass jemand anderes die da fährt...
      Dann hatte ich eine Idee sozusagen, ich habe mein Auto einfach an die Ecke geparkt wo ihr 'Taxi' sie immer ablieferte. Wollte mich erstmal reinsetzen oder verstecken oder so, aber dann hätte sie mich viel zu leicht gesehen...
      So, dann eines Abends als ich hinterm Auto hockte und gewartet habe, dass sie zurückkommt, ist mir aufgefallen, dass hinten rechts am Kotflügel Rost ansetzt.
      Jetzt meine Frage an euch: Sollte ich den kompletten Kotflügel auswechseln, oder die Stelle einfach glattschmirgeln und überlackieren?[/spoil]
    • As a result of some differences, I am no longer affiliated with the website. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone over there the best of luck in the future.

      I still plan on continuing DotA development for a long time, a couple years at the very least. The next update, 6.60, is nearing the end of its design and testing phase. The translation phase will also be starting shortly. There is still a little bit more work to do on fixing some specific content, but it's finally approaching completion. I will post another update here in the near future.

      As of today, I am starting a new community site for DotA. I think it is more valuable to the players though if I focus most of my time on developing and improving the game, so I'm here to reach out and ask for help on this. I believe that with some organization, the community has some very talented people that can help build a site to serve their interests and needs. Help can come in many different forms: programming, design, technical support, content contributions, etc. My goal is to have a format where everyone that wants to help can contribute in a productive way. If you are interested in being involved, please send me an email at

      hört sich imo richtig gut an. Is zwar schade um Allstars, aber eine von IceFrog "gemachte" Seite wär sehr gut für DotA imo.
      Ansonsten hört es sich an, als ob es nicht mehr allzu lang dauert 8o
      it ain't nothing but a peanut
    • *UPDATE*

      6.60 Info
      Submitted by IceFrog on Thu, 05/28/2009 - 12:43

      First, I want to thank everyone for their emails in the past week or so. Things have been kind of hectic lately. Even though I usually don't like to give a schedule, you guys have been very patient. My plan is to release 6.60 in early June and I am doing my best to make sure that there are no further delays. If a feature or change still needs more work, I'll try to save it for the next version instead so I can get this in your hands asap.

      Here is a list of a few of the things to expect in 6.60. There will be many new items (at least 5) and improvements or remakes to current items. You can also expect lots of ability changes on old heroes, a couple hero remakes and a new hero or two. A new regeneration system for structures will be active only when they are attacked without creeps/corpses nearby (more detailed infomation on the mechanics for this in the changelog). Naturally there will be the usual balance, bug and visual fixes that come with every update. That is just a brief summary; there are a lot more interesting miscellaneous changes and features, but I'll save the rest for the changelog.

      As always, feel free to let me know what things you do and don't like, feedback and suggestions are very important to me. Thanks again for the patience and I hope you guys enjoy the map.

      bringt sie wohl wirklich zum 6.6. raus :D

    • Notes: I am updating the website to add some code for new languages. If you see it offline throughout the day, its not a bug so no need to report it.
      Steht auf

      Ich hoff ma es passt hier rein, falls nicht-->löschen.


      hier sollen nur die news rein, diskutieren in nem anderen thread^^

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von hansdiewurst ()

      Heroes of Newerth - Deutsches Forum

    • Here it comes
      Submitted by IceFrog on Wed, 06/10/2009 - 01:39

      Hey guys. I plan on uploading 6.60 tonight or early tomorrow unless a critical issue occurs, but right now it looks very likely.

      I'll edit this post here with another update in a few hours
      How to DotA-Mechanics

      Dieser Account
      (aka shimassy, chiamssy
      , ...)
      ist im inaktiven Modus.
    • Neuigkeiten! =)

      Final 6.60 Update
      Submitted by IceFrog on Wed, 06/10/2009 - 06:03

      Alright, everything is going smooth so far and nothing major discovered. I'll start uploading it to all the mirrors very soon. I'm doing a final proofread on the changelog right now as well, and then I'll post it on

      Thanks to everyone that helped test this version and to all the players that have sent me their feedback and requests in. There are many changes in this patch, some depend on the other one, so you'll need to play it a bit to get a good idea for how things play out in practice. That being said, don't hesitate to give me your first impressions and your overall feelings towards the update. There will probably be a 6.60b or a 6.61 to quickly following this one, so let me know any mistakes you find or any suggestions for stuff to change.

      A few weeks ago I asked for help on for a new website. Thanks to all the effort of the community and volunteers, it has made very good progress. I've decided to reveal a beta of the website to you guys today as well. It still needs more work and it will have bugs, but it seems like it would be appropriate to do it today and get a bigger group of people testing it and helping us with it.

      Mission statement

      Feedback & Help:

      Update: The website will probably be a bit slow for the next few days as it gets properly configured and the bugs worked out.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Aerick ()

    • Gibt was Neues
      6.61 Development
      Submitted by IceFrog on Mon, 06/15/2009 - 12:15

      I've started working on this on last Saturday. It will be a fast patch aimed at balance improvements. Let me know what things you feel need changes.
    • schon ein paar tage her

      Submitted by IceFrog on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 21:00
      Thanks for all the feedback from everyone, I appreciate it. I've gotten lots of constructive comments about what you liked and disliked. I'm actively working on 6.61 right now. Some of the balance changes on the table will happen in 6.61 and some others (that need more time to settle in before changing) will happen in a version or two afterward so we don't act too hastily. Not much else to say in this post, just wanted to keep you guys updated.
    • und hier auch nochmal der vollständigkeit halber
      New Release

      Submitted by IceFrog on Tue, 07/07/2009 - 01:19
      I'm in the process of uploading 6.61. Let me know what you guys think after you've had a chance to play with it for a bit.
      Update: Released
      Beta Testing New Map Code

      Submitted by IceFrog on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 20:51
      I am working on lots of code updates for DotA to support the upcoming warcraft 3 patch. Because of the nature of this update and the amount of code that will be changed, it will require a large amount of beta test games to find any new glitches that come up. If you are interested in taking part of this when the map is ready, either respond to this topic with your email address or post in this thread. In addition, please provide your timezone and where you usually play.
    • twoplay schrieb:

      Semiopen Beta? Klingt ganz lustig. Bin gespannt wie sich der neue Patch bzw Code auf DotA auswirkt (oder Ladezeiten).
      An den Ladezeiten wird der garnichts ändern. Viel eher wird sich die Ingame Performance stark verbessern und einige Laggs / Disconnects auf Grund von Synchronisationsproblemen werden der Vergangenheit angehören - vorausgesetzt natürlich, die neuen Hashtabellen werden noch einige male überarbeitet. Momentan sind sie leider nur schnell, aber verdammt instabil und bringen das Spiel gerne und sehr häufig zum Absturz.

      nochmal zum nachlesen

      Das Wort "Würde" kennen manche Menschen nur noch als Konjunktiv II in dem Satz: "Für Geld würde ich alles machen."