S2: Q&A im IRC am 13.05

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    • S2: Q&A im IRC am 13.05


      Gestern Abend haben drei Entwickler von S2 Games im IRC Channel #hon @quakenet eine Q&A Runde mit allen Anwesenden durchgeführt. Wir haben euch den gesamten Log kopiert. Die Vorstellung der Entwickler haben wir euch auf Deutsch übersetzt und kann hier nachgelesen werden.

      Zuletzt gab es noch einen kostenlosen retail Account für HoN zu gewinnen. Dazu musste man der erste sein, der folgende Frage richtig beantwortet:
      What was the first hero ever created (fully finished) in HoN's development?

      S2 Games: Hello everyone!
      Welcome to the developer chat with S2 Games, developers of the upcoming game, Heroes of Newerth
      The developers present will begin by introducing themselves in a moment
      Followed by a Q&A session where you can ask them HoN-related questions
      There will also be a prize awarded at the end of the developer chat, a free Heroes of Newerth account!
      ... you'd better brush up quickly on your HoN trivia to win!

      Fielding: Hi there, my name is James Fielding, I'm the Lead Designer on Heroes of Newerth. That basically means you get to yell at me when a hero is overpowered :). I also fill the role of a producer here at the studio, helping misc tasks get completed and helping with general game direction (although we all have a say when it comes to helping out with direction)
      Jason: Hi, my name is Jason Morales, I'm the lead programmer at S2 games. So basically, I make the game work. I also spend a good amount of time conferring (or arguing) with the designers :)
      Idejder: Hey, I am Alan and am the other Designer for HoN. I work under Fielding and generally talk to the community more, do a lot of scripting, do balance quite often, and come up with new hero designs. James and I work together on everything in HoN... but you can still go yell at him when something is overpowered. HA!

      S2 Games: OK! Now you've been introduced to the S2 developers, it's time to ask them all your HoN-related questions! They will answer as many as they can, but remember that you usually ask more than they can reasonably answer!

      Pelleman: How are you liking retail so far? The number of players online etc.
      Fielding: We're pretty happy with HoN's Retail launch. As we've indicated in several places, we really feel that retail is just the beginning and big things are in store for HoN. Our sales have been very encouraging, and we couldn't be more excited.

      Zolo: What kind of features will we be able to see in the SDK?
      Jason: The SDK will be providing access to a portion of the source code of the game, so really the features are whatever you want to add.

      Darkz0r-: When can we expect achievements?
      Idejder: We are actually working on achievements as our next big thing. Awards, Medals, and Achievements are a package deal and we have big plans for them.

      Doumie: As a developer myself, i'm curious about the physical size of the game. What's the approximate amount of codelines in HoN source?
      Jason: It's around 150 to 200 thousand lines, plus a bunch of XML files for the interface and entities

      Shinigami: Do you plan on buffing Nome's wisdom? or do you think its okey as it is now?
      Idejder: Items that get rebalanced that much and so suddenly we tend to try to not touch for a while to see how they settle. It will most likely still be highly used for a while just because of what it used to be, so it takes time for the balance tweaks to really manifest a change in people's gameplay. We will revisit it as we need to, but for now it most likely won't see any big changes.

      Captain_: What are your near future plan for HoN? Items, heroes, maps, SDK, etc.
      Fielding: We will, of course, continue to add new items, heroes, and features, as you have seen all throughout our beta. The two main features we're working on right now are Team Matchmaking and a robust Achievement System. This is in addition to more heroes and gameplay content.

      Destro: How big is the S2 office? From the stream it looked quite small.
      Jason: We actually have two offices, neither of them are huge. The "headquarters" are in Michigan, but most of the the development is in California

      silokki: do you developers youself play the game? are you pro? are you intending to do more maps or capture point/capture the flag style mods/maps? ;D
      Idejder: We definitely play the game, pretty often too. We play inhouse games in the office here almost daily with the artists. Our skill levels vary greatly, so sometimes the 'better' players have to sit out to make the game even. *cough* It's funny you ask about capture points and maps, as we were just talking about that sort of stuff earlier today...

      illusionist: Considering HoN's UI design is a little... stylish, but lacks a bit of functionality, would we be seeing enhancements to the UI itself, as we do in numerous UI mods, like, for example, BardUI?
      Fielding: We're always updating the game, so if a mod comes out that handles something better than the default interface does, we're happy to add it. We actually made quite a number of these types of changes throughout the beta, and have no reason to stop. I know there are some very well made fan spectator UI's out there, and ours could sure do with an upgrade :)

      eXelon-taraN: Why do you think you can succeed in making HON better than Dota when dota has, instead of a selected few developers, an entire community working on making the heroes?
      Jason: The simplest answer is that every person on the dev team was a dota player, so really in a way HoN *was* made by the dota community. We have a very active community already in HoN, a lot of which came from dota and we spend a lot of time working with them. A number of user suggestions have been integrated into the game already, including the most recent hero being a community designed hero.

      aooo: How many more new heroes are you about to create?
      Jason: Tons! We are planning on adding things to HoN for a long time to come. (And don't forget we can always add more slots to the hero picking screen!)

      Lerson_: How willing are you to change up the contest winner heroes for balance reasons? Will you only go as far as to tweak numbers, or would you change entire spells?
      Idejder: We want to start completely with the hero designed as it is, but we do not rule out just scrapping an ability if it doesn't work. At that point we would talk to that person and then see if either an ability we come up with or another of theirs feels like it fits the theme they were going for. We want the winner of the contest to feel involved and know that we care about what THEY think about the hero we are bringing to life.

      Nr|Five: I LOVE YOU S2... you are my new addiction ;x
      Fielding: Glad to hear it! Helping players like you to enjoy our game is OUR addiction :)

      ArcNova`Kacki: Why the heck does the character yell TIMBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER when he cuts a tree with logger's hatchet?
      Idejder: Why not? You are cutting down a tree!

      HonJocke: Well, i would like to ask about the zoomout addons or 'hacks' that has been available earlier and there hasnt been any specific policy against them but with the patch there was a s2 post explaining that you would look more seriously on this issue now, could you please clear up this situation for me?
      Jason: We've dealt with the most serious kind of cheat you can get in this sort of game, map hacking, in a way that it is just flat out impossible. When it comes to stuff like the extra camera zoom, we are planning to implement a way to detect these sort of cheats and then take action against the accounts making use of them.

      Skibe: Will HoN be further developed with the pro players on mind, or will this be more public based?
      Fielding: All of HoN's development is done with pro players in mind. We don't ignore the public/casual scene, it's very important to keep "pubs" interesting and diverse, but we would never make a change that is harmful to competitive play for the sake of public games. HoN, after all, is a VERY competitive title and that's where it has the most potential. We want to make sure it fills that potential as best it can. We've got some pretty major tournaments o

      cNova: Are there only 3 developers ? That seems a bit low imo .....
      Jason: There were probably about 15 people working on HoN at the start of the project, S2 has grown to almost 30 people in total now.

      chibbi: The Strength contest winner took a while to release, will we see the same time span on the Int. contest as well or will it be out sooner? Can we get a ETA like 2 or 3 weeks?
      Idejder: I believe the next hero that we are making is the winner of the Int hero contest. Aaron actually just walked into the room to ask us about some concept art he is working on for that hero, but we are kinda busy. ;) We will probably be putting a lot of work into him next week, but I am not sure on a timeline. He will be on the test server before he goes live, though, so keep your eyes on that.

      damage[-_-]: So insane, that HoN is going to the big tournaments now! How does it feel for you guys, that your game is so huge atm? For how many years have you guys been into these games? Have you guys ever though about doing some other games, after HoN?
      Fielding: It feels great :) We've been making multiplayer competitive games for about 10 years now (starting with Savage 1). We learned a LOT in this time about what it takes to make a polished, solid game, and we'll certainly be applying that knowledge to future titles. For right now, though, we're still focused on making HoN be the best it can be (and will continue to do so for a LONG time :)).

      Zapp: when the game will be ready for selling and playing ?
      Fielding: It is ready right now :) We just released HoN officially yesterday.

      GSP: Are you planning on changing or making it possible to change the "auto balance" so that it doesnt only balance by psr, maby kd ratio or something more relevant?
      Jason: No, PSR (or SMR for matchmaking) will always be the way that matches are balanced. Other stats are too reliant on things like the type of heroes that you pick, or other circumstances about the game. The ultimate goal is to win the match by whatever means, that is what is being measured by your rating.

      Dracor: How far into development is team matchmaking?
      Jason: This is going to be one of our next major projects. In way, it is half done, because it will be using a lot of the same code that went into solo matchmaking. The main addition to team matchmaking well be new tools to allow you to form a team.

      alariko-: I'll go ahead and ask what I feel alot of people want to know, do you, as developers, feel you succeded in catching the 'feeling' of dota?
      Jason: We went throuh great lengths to the feel just right and are very happy with where it ended up. There were many hours of playing dota in slow motion to get things just right :)

      leodasvacas: Is expanding game modes and options a priority? What can we expet regarding that?
      Fielding: I wouldn't say it's a priority, but it's definitely something we've got an interest in. We just added an experimental "hardcore" mode, and there's no telling what game modes we'll add in the future. The main thing is we want to keep HoN fresh and interesting, but it's important not to change too much too fast, and new game modes are a pretty safe way to do that - that way players who don't want the change aren't forced to play with it :)

      Pelleman: Did S2Fielding ragequit?
      Fielding: Nope! Our internet just dropped out briefly.

      Halfman: The $30 USD price for an account is per weeks/month/years or for an unlimited game time?
      Idejder: The $30 price gives you an account forever, so it's just a one time fee and you get free updates and new heroes forever.

      SEBMEISTER: How many developers is there behind the actuall game?
      Fielding: About 25-ish? I would have to double check to make sure. It should be noted, though, that a LOT of people help out with the development of HoN beyond S2 staff. We've got tons of support volunteers, moderators, and competitive players who offer critical feedback. HoN wouldn't be what it is without them.. it really is a community effort.

      Pyroglyphics: When can we expect the current crop of bugs being ironed out?
      Idejder: We address as many bugs as we can for each patch. The last patch we had this past Monday fixed a whole boatload of them and the next patch will fix probably just as many. For a long time we were in a development cycle where we wanted to add content and fix bugs later, and now is the mass bugfix time. =] We handle (if any) crashes and serious issues first, even doing hotfixes if necessary.

      kargha: For Jason: How long did it take you guys to code the first prototype of the HoN engine and what language was it coded in?
      Jason: We built off of the engine we used for Savage 2 (our previous game) when we started working on HoN. It took us only about a month to get to a point where we could move a hero around and use some abilities, but getting everything just right takes much, much longer :) All of our code is C++

      Teal: Do you plan on introducing a new 5v5 map that is completely different in terms of environment? (terrain, weather, etc)
      Idejder: We actually have a map internally that we plan to make into a desert with sand, rocks, a sandstorm I think, and a few other things. We haven't had the time to mess with that yet. I hope to get around to that soon.

      Fx21: What were your major influences when creating this game?
      Fielding: Naturally, DotA was the biggest influence. That said, we're a studio of nerds, so we take inspiration from a ton of sources. Pandamonium was completely designed while I was playing through Batman, Arkham Asylum ;). I wanted a hero that had the sort of "combo hit" flurry feel. Usually our heroes go through a bit more process in their development than that, though.

      cNova: Are you guys going to add a map editor ... ? Like in Warcraft 3 ? lol lol
      Jason: Yes, an editor is coming. We're also going to be releasing and SDK, which will let people program completely new things with the engine. We don't have an ETA yet, just "soon" :)

      Necior: Why do you liked programming?
      Jason: I love solving problems!

      se: have you thought about making the direct pathing a toggle?
      Idejder: We have, and it's something we might do in the future if people really like how it functions and want a toggle on it. We are open to the community influence on this.

      Skibe: There are a lot of unbalanced heroes at the moment (f.ex. Scout). Are you going to do balance patches?
      Idejder: We will definitely do balance patches in the future for all sorts of issues. I know a certain rhino riding man who has been patiently waiting his turn...

      Amstrad: Why there is still "ban heroes" so clearly? Like Tempest, Hellbringer, Zephyr
      Idejder: A lot of that is perception. Players think a hero is overpowered and just ban them even if they might not be that bad overall. We know there are definitely some heroes that competitive players scoff at yet the public thinks are 100% banworthy. The trick is appeasing both parties as best we can. It also helps adding more heroes since that gives more counters and options to a team.

      Kedja: can i buy HoN in stores or is it only online?
      Idejder: Online only

      Shinkai: will there be ability to turn off modifications from games, in style of valve's implementation of sv_pure 0|1|2
      Idejder: We have had a lot of talk about this and it's something we want to add to the game pretty soon. I think one of our programmers is working on that right now actually.

      AychAychAych: What is your take on balance of execution heavy heroes and execution light heroes? Should some heroes be intentionally more powerful than their niche partners, justified by the fact that they are harder to play? How about viability, since if two heroes are equal in power, the easier one will overthrow the harder one?
      Fielding: A goal of HoN is to make all of its heroes viable, and to make them all unique enough that in different situations there's always a reason to pick one hero over another. The main goal is we want to offer a rich, meaningful experience that doesn't grow stale and has a ton of gameplay depth.

      eXelon-taraN: What's the point in moving over from Dota to Hon? I'm pretty critical of Hon myself and am reluctant to move over just because of better graphics.
      Jason: HoN offers a lot more over dota than just better graphics. Tons of community features (like avoiding leavers), awesome replays of every match, and tons of cool new content like extra mpas, new heroes and gameplay mechanics that just weren't possible in warcraft.

      SiPa13: why did you go to retail? this game was far from being finished...
      Idejder: Most games are not "finished" at release, especially games like ours that plan to continue to patch very frequently. We went to retail because it was time to! The game will never truly be "finished" so don't think of it that way. It's an evolving experience and we plan to keep it going for a long time.

      Avi1231: What kind of mods would that mode block? All of them or just gameplay mods (ie not simple user frame mods and such)?
      Idejder: Most likely the pure mode would block all mods, it would use the raw game files we provide that we would check to make sure are untouched. It would only be used when tourneys or games request it and turn that option on.

      tihopee: Is there any of the DotA Desingers in S2 team? Or they just simply gave you the license for this?
      Fielding: There are no DotA designers on the HoN team, however we do have some people on staff who have heavily aided in DotA development in the past. As far as license goes, IceFrog gave us permission to develop HoN when we started many years ago. We've certainly been in contact with him to make sure he was 100% OK and knew what we were making.

      slime73: A while ago you guys hinted at a change to the Tablet of Command item. Is that change still on the way or was the idea scrapped?
      Idejder: That's actually a good question, we need some code but we ideally would want an upgrade for it that lets you pick the direction you throw someone with a vector target. We will see how quick we can do that.

      feltam: How do you like the ratingsystem (PSR)? Do you think that player's PSR is related to their skills etc?
      Jason: We think PSR has been doing a great job. It's never going to be a perfect rating because there are so many factors that go into a public game, but it is definitely good for getting (mostly) balanced games going. Of course, your ratings in matchmaking are going to definitely be more accurate, but that isn't what PSR was meant to be.

      hctzndr: We've talked befor (well more my self and ikkyo) about making improvments to the spec ui, are there any plans to update this to add features like beaing able to see the shop, player xp, different options for unit frames etc
      Idejder: Our spec ui and replay ui will probably go through some iteration in the future, most likely based on some great community mods. We will be in contact with those people soon.

      petzon: will there ever be an effecient counter for stealthed units?
      Fielding: There are very efficient counters for stealth units already :) In addition to the Bound Eye, Dust of Revelation, and tower's reveal range, there are many heroes who are adept at keeping invisible heroes revealed.

      Rutix: How long do you guys think to support the game? Forever or till people stop playing?
      Idejder: Well I would love to say forever but nothing lasts that long. As long as we possibly can. We have no plans to ever stop and we want to see the game grow and be huge in the years to come. We want to make sure the people who buy the game feel great in that they got an amazing deal for only 30 bucks. Yes, we really like the game we made. =]

      fulfisk: Are you going to listen to a bunch of whiners like starcraft 2, when it comes to nerfs and stuff like that?
      Fielding: We make sure not to give into "popular demand" balance. A good example of this is when the beta first started, Arachna was easily the most complained about hero. As the player base learned how to play against her and compensate for her, though, the complaints died away. We also have strong connections in the competitive DotA community, and many of the top HoN teams give us feedback on a constant basis.

      Foranamo: Do you plan on releasing a dedicated server -software? And what about local games; will people at lan-parties still be forced all to connect to an official server thousands of miles away?
      Idejder: We currently plan to release our server binaries in the future to let people host their own unranked-no-stat-reporting servers, but we really don't have details past that right now. We will say more about LAN and the server binaries in the future for sure.

      Aira-: Are you planning on making HoN a major player in the e-sport business, and if so can you tell us anything about your plans?
      Jason: Absolutely. The designers spend a lot of time in contact with the top level players, so competition is always in mind. Plus we've already got a number of tournaments starting up. Right now there is around $100,000 in prize money available for various HoN Tournaments and that is just the start!

      Slick_: the pace of development and patch timelines is fast, and I like that, so when can we se the next hero, Gauntlet is great, and i can't wait 4 the next community hero
      Fielding: Well, much of our staff are taking a well deserved break this week, but we'll be putting more heroes in soon. We don't want to add heroes TOO quickly - it would actually make the gameplay less stable. Part of hero development is adding a hero, letting the waters settle, and seeing how the game responds to that hero before making a decision on what type of hero should go in next

      dohlf: GIMME PIZZA!!! :D
      Fielding: I have no pizza, good sir.

      Castiel: Do you plan to rework KICK vote option, and even more important REMAKE option?
      Idejder: We do plan to retouch the Remake so that way it takes you back to the lobby, not ends the game. Kick is something that is delicate because we have to stop people from abusing it yet still let it be an option if someone is ruining a game. We are hesitant to change it much because of that, but we are always open to a great idea.

      Robus: How many people have been involved in coding the game itself? (Aka creating the source code rather than balancing classes and so on)
      Jason: There have been two "core" programmers on the project from start to finish (also on Savage 2), with 4 others who either left or joined in during the project. Our current programming staff is myself and three others.

      jaypea: What's you're favorite memory from beta
      Fielding: Probably releasing the beta. We'd worked hard on HoN and developed some new philosphies when it comes to game development, and it was VERY satisfying to see the initial impressions. They were all so positive, it was like releasing a breath that we had been holding for 2 years of development. It was also great to see some of our Savage 1 & 2 fans enjoying HoN and being blown away by the level of quality we were able to put into it.

      Hotashi: Why do we fear the Chiprel?
      Jason: Because he is mighty.

      sinaja: What do you intend to accomplish with the implementation of DREAM? You've already held a community contest for the STR and INT heroes through the forums; will DREAM be the new platform for these type of contests? How often do you plan to turn to DREAM for hero ideas?
      Fielding: DREAM is certainly aimed at being a "proper" platform for community hero contests. As for how frequently we'll turn to it for ideas.. it really depends on the needs of HoN, but before DREAM we were constantly looking at the suggestions forum for random ideas to get the creative juices flowing. If there's a really awesome hero on DREAM we may include it, but if we feel HoN needs something very specific we'll design it ourselves.

      sinaja: Given how expansive the SDK sounds, is S2 worried that the game they created will be moved away from when more customizable things come into play for HoN?
      Jason: If the community ends up making something that becomes more popular than "vanilla" HoN, then the people have spoken! Dota was a custom map for warcraft, so who knows, that could even be the seed of a great new game :)

      max|Z: will there be a linux version so meeb is able to play it too?
      Jason: There is already a linux (and mac) version of HoN, they have been in development from the start of the project and are updated simultaneously, no waiting for a port!

      Fayde: who in your perspective was the most complicated hero to code yet?
      Idejder: Gah, Gauntlet was such a pain to get working correctly because of the interaction between his ultimate and second ability. Took many hours of bugfixing and trial/error to make work correctly. =]

      Zhou: Did you carry through any development lessons from Savage 1 and 2?
      Jason: Absolutely. We've learned a lot with each project we've worked on and continue to do so. HoN went so well, it makes me very excited to see what we will do with the next project.

      HiV: Why are the replays so big in hon compared to wc3? I just played a game where the replay was 18mb in size.
      Idejder: This is just because of the way our netcode works. A replay records all the movement of every unit on every frame of the game. This is because we host the game remotely and record it there instead of the way peer to peer does it and send all of the data to you and you recording it as you play. Doing it this way lets us make sure the game can't be maphacked, yet makes the replays larger. We are ok with that.

      HClCaSaT: How soon do you think Balphagore will take to be made ready to join the non-dev hero pool?
      Idejder: Probably in the next patch we will go over him again for the numbers and then take him out of dev mode. That is, unless we find a serious issue with him.

      kiko^: will you make a trial time for like 10 days, that people can try the game before purchasing it, i mean people, who havent played beta and discovered the game after 12th of may?
      Idejder: We plan to have an 'invite' system similar to how the early beta invites work. Anyone you invite can play for a certain number of hours or maybe 10 games and after that they have to buy the game to continue to play. That is something we are working on and will release more info soon.

      Mezmor: How exactly are heroes implemented, what does the class/struct contains exactly?
      Jason: In the code, heroes (and all other entities) are combination of a generic class that defines the general bahviors of that type of entity and a reference to a "definition" class that holds all of their specific settings, which are read from an XML file

      roflgrins: How do you came up creating HoN? Did you really feel a DotA "clone" was necessary?
      Jason: We didn't think a dota *clone* was necessary, but we did want to play a "new and improved dota 2.0", so that was our inspiration :)

      jaypea: Waffles or Pancakes
      Fielding: Pancakes, for sure

      Skibe: Is it guaranteed that hon will stay free? Sounds like an amazing deal for only 30 bucks.
      Idejder: Free as in free updates and new heroes without any extra charge after you buy it once? Yea. I think it's a great deal too! Nothing that impacts gameplay will ever cost money (such as a new hero or doing more damage or whatever else you can think of)

      GSP: how does the replay system work? Do you save all replays forever so that i can months from now watch my first game even tho its a different patchversion? Considering the size of the replays your servers must be quite big
      Jason: All replays are saved on our servers for at least 30 days. The servers automatically upload them after each match. New versions of HoN won't break your old relays, you can watch any replay with the current version of HoN and they have the awesome feature that you can rewind them while watching them, rather than having to restart!

      Zolo: Is there a public list of hero usage? To see who's the most/least popular, who's dealt the most death blows etc. etc.?
      Jason: Yes, you can see that here: heroesofnewerth.com/heroes.php

      Cipface: As u probably know in Counter-Strike u can watch matches "live" will this be implemented in HoN?
      Idejder: We have had a lot of talk about this but it's something that is far down the line. Basically a way to become a spectator of any match you want, but it's delayed by 6 minutes. So a major tourney match could have a few hundred spectators, but everyone is watching on a delay ingame and anyone can join into watching at any time. Awesome ideas take time to produce, though, so this will take a lot of work to get to that point.

      Robus: how long does compiling the game take? :p
      Jason: Building the entire game from scratch takes about 10 minutes on my computer.

      bv`Maciejek: What was the first reaction of "DotA guys" when they got to know you were working on HoN ?
      Fielding: Naturally, there was lot of excitement by and large. Who wouldn't want DotA to be available in a stand alone engine that solves most of its issues? :) There were also some players who definitely reactived negatively, seeing HoN as a threat to the game they love. To those players, all I can say is we're also huge DotA fans which is why we made this game. We're just taking DotA gameplay to the next level, in an environment where it's not restricte

      [FATE]Lusen: Do you have any worries regarding the new COMPRESSING of psr rating?
      Jason: Compressing PSR versus just resetting it to 1500 for everyone was a tough decision, but in the end we think it's the best. No matter what we do to it, it will settle into everyone's proper rating eventually. This way we removed much of the "noise" from open beta, but gave it a good starting point.

      Jimmy-: will the option to taunt people and get smackdowns be reintroduced for everyone?
      Idejder: Taunt will be just for gold shields for now, but I know that there is going to be a way for non-gold shielders to get it in the future.

      Dario_: a fear of most of the hon lovers is: how you want to get this game surviving? i mean the one-time-fee is really great but in which way you want to keep it going if the comunity reaches its maximum? most people fear you would make it free to play and stop updating it... that would be a sad end for one of the best game projects in history, in my opinion
      Fielding: HoN's continued (LONG term) support will be paid for by HoN's sales. We've factored in the price per user and such into the $30 fee. That said, we'll have future projects which will also help us to continue to support HoN. In short - don't worry! Support for HoN is not planned to stop.

      Aira-: Was it only a beta time bug or is it intentional that unlike Chess or any DCI-based games (MtG etc) the rating system seems to punish you more and more if your rating is low. I saw frequently games where average rating was around 1600 and a 1400 rating player would lose over 30 points on loss and the higher rated guys were all +5/-5?
      Jason: The rating system right now does put a larger number of points at stake each match for lower rated players, so it isn't just punishing, it also offers more opportunity for gain. Effectively this lets under-rated players move up more quickly, but does make the lower tiers a bit noisy. We have some plans to continue to improve the system though.

      McNaab: Are you guys fans of Lost?
      Fielding: I can't speak for the whole team, but I sure am.

      jaypea: Has there ever been a bug that had you scratching your head and took long to fix.
      Idejder: Yep, many times it took a few hours to track down even a simple bug just because it was a bug and people complained about it haha. I know most bugs with Kongor make my head hurt.

      Wihl: You say your game focuses a lot on the competitive aspects of gaming. Are we likely to see systems for automating leagues and/or tournaments in-game in the future?
      Jason: Yes, we have a lot of plans in this department that we will probably be announcing soon.

      zaiderXpPP: Is maphacking possible in HoN? If no, will the best hacker be able to crack your system, and create a working maphack?
      Jason: maphacks are impossible in HoN, the server never sends the data about things that a player can't see, so it isn't there to be hacked :)

      S2 Games: OK! That about wraps up the Q&A session!
      A massive thanks to S2Fielding, Idejder and s2jason who have been on QuakeNet to answer all your HoN related questions for the last ... hour and 45 minutes
      And now... *drum roll* ... it's time for the competition!
      Up for grabs is a Heroes of Newerth account
      In a moment, we'll ask a question and the first correct answer to be /msg'd to hon will win the prize
      Get ready!
      The competition question is:
      What was the first hero ever created (fully finished) in HoN's development?
      The correct answer was: Pyromancers (first version)
      The winner is: Dario_ !
      Who will now recieve his free HoN account
      Thanks for taking part everyone!
      That about wraps it up!
      Thanky you all for taking part in tonight's devchat
      About 1400-15000 of you actively took part tonight, so a very good turnout with some excellent questions
      QuakeNet would like to thank S2 Games for their time and dedication in answering so many questions
      This channel will remain moderated and in auditorium mode for a short while (+Dm) until you lot calm down and we can remove +Dm without insane amounts of spam occuring
      You are welcome to idle in here and discuss Heroes of Newerth when +m is removed!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Sustanon ()