DTS|v1lat:I failed with keeping team together, and it was the worst thing in 2010

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    • DTS|v1lat:I failed with keeping team together, and it was the worst thing in 2010

      v1lat schrieb:

      DTS|v1lat: You know sometimes it makes me sick that everybody thinks managers are only scheduling games. Most of people can't even understand how hard sometimes this role can be. You have to make a real team with 5 different guys. Every player - has his own personality, with his real lives and problems. You have to know your players better than their parents do because maybe someone wants to be a captain, other one doesn't want to play a triple-lane, and the next one is not satisfied with practice times. It is really hard to turn this work into a winning machine. Being a Dota-team manager is like being a psychologist in high-school. And of course, I have to negotiate with sponsors, send salaries to players, contact others teams, book tickets, find a places to eat, to live, to train at LANs and a lot more stuff.

      DTS|v1lat hat mit myMYM ein Umfangreiches und sehr interessantes Interview über seine Mangagerrolle gemacht.
