CCM.Zhou: My eyes are set on SMM

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    • CCM.Zhou: My eyes are set on SMM

      Das Interview wurde nach dem Sieg beim G-1 Champions League geführt, wo CCM 5.300€ gewonnen haben. Imo recht interessante Antworten bei.

      In 6.72-oriented competitions, will you expect Lycan to be a strong carry? If so, what is the approach a team should take to suppress his development in the game?
      -"Lycan is rather strong as a carry. He develops fast, pushes towers down fast and has high DPS. His primary weakness would be that he is a melee carry, and the minute he enters the battlefield he has to start planning his exit after his ultimate wears off. If you want to stop Lycan, you would have to pick heroes with magic immune spells - Batrider and Enigma are both good choices for this."

      At G-1, Syllabear has a high winning percentage in all the games. Do you still consider him an imba carry after the nerf?
      -"Well, Syllabear acts as a DPS hero that is not vulnerable to spells, resistant to 'right-clicks', and doesn't need to rush into the battlefield to do his damage. Plus, he pushes towers really fast, and so he has fallen under the watchful eye of many teams."
