Now your nightmare lasts forever.

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    • Now your nightmare lasts forever.

      Fear the dark, for you are in the presence of Bane.

      Today’s changelog is available here.

      We are looking forward to The Defense Grand Final this weekend, between Na’Vi and Quantic Gaming. Head over to for more details and times. You can also find this over there.

      As per our new release schedule, the Test Build has also been updated. You can check out its changelog inside the client itself.

    • Test Client Changelog:

      Test client:
      - Enabled Bane in Captain's Mode.
      - Bane: Fixed the attack timing on when Nightmare gets transfered.
      - Bane: Fixed Enfeeble working on Roshan
      - Bane: Fixed being unable to attack allied Nightmared heroes to transfer the debuff.
      - Batrider: Fixed being unable to easily pull units over cliffs with Flaming Lasso.
      - Batrider: Fixed timing of Firefly damage ticks.
      - Batrider: Fixed rounding error with Firefly damage ticks.
      - Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture hurting cycloned units.
      - Chen: Fixed Holy Persuation interrupting allied channeling spells on cast (rather than upon tping).
      - Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism hitting an invisible hero if the hero was hit before.
      - Death Prophet: Fixed Silence not affecting basic units.
      - Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Form's Corrosive Breath and Frost Breath working with DK illusions.
      - Faceless Void: Fixed Courier interaction with Chronosphere
      - Jakiro: Macropyre now does the correct amount of damage with a Scepter.
      - Jakiro: Fixed Macropyre not hurting siege units.
      - Omniknight: Fixed Repel canceling Ursa's Overpower.
      - Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment being able to cause you to lose mana regeneration.
      - Pugna: Fixed Netherward mana degen not showing the proper numbers for players.
      - Spirit Breaker: Fixed Netherstrike vs cycloned units.
      - Tinker: Fixed Rearm refreshing level 2 and 3 of Necronomicon.
      - Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes incrementing when the attack missed.
      - Vengeful Spirit: Fixed Wave of Terror hp loss not properly functioning on magic immune units.
      - Warlock: Fixed Golem being considered a creep for some spells like Paralyzing Casks.
      - Attributes can no longer fall below 1.
      - Fixed some issues with negative mana regeneration.
      - Fixed Basher stacking with Spiritbreaker/Slardar/Faceless Void's bashes.
      - Fixed Armlet not draining life while you are magic immune.
      - Fixed couriers not being able to use wards.
      - Fixed temporary trees (like Sprout) not respecting the pause.

      - Changed Empowering Haste passive legacy key to G to avoid stomping H (halt).
      - Captain's Mode now has 5 bans once again.
      - Added countdown when unpausing the game.
      - The spectator graph events now get correctly cleared when rewinding in a demo.
      - The tooltip for Doom now correctly updates when Doombringer has a Scepter.
      - Inventory keys are now hidden while spectating.
      - The combat log now works while spectating and in replays.

      - Dragon Knight plays a range-enabled effect when Dragon Tail is cast while in dragon form.
      - Lifestealer now has his own variation on the lifesteal effect rather than using the generic one.
      Updated Lifestealer's Open Wounds and Infest effects for clarity.
      - Updated Bloodseeker's Rupture effect (added blood trail so it's more obvious).

      - Updated Rupture effect.
      - Announcer now says "Single Draft" when starting single draft mode.
      - First Blood lines now play mapwide.

      -Added rival taunts and misc. lines to Razor, Zeus, Tiny and Tidehunter to fill out basic voice set.

      - Bot difficulty now defaults to Normal.
      - Re-added ability for bots to team-roam-and-gank enemy heroes during the latter part of games.
      - dota_bot_dump_state can now be run in non-cheat-enabled games.
      - Fixed cases where Juggernaut would use Blade Fury and Razor would use Plasma Field when there weren't enough creeps nearby.
      - Added Passive bot difficulty level, in which they won't do anything but lane.
      - Loosened the time-to-arrive constraints for deciding to defending a lane (should improve base defense).

      Kein neuer Hero, interessant halt wohl vor allem der wiedereingeführte fünfte Ban.
    • das macht..hmm.. 2 neue heroes in .. 8 wochen oder so?

      und wie hier schon im thread erwähnt: die bugfixes vom testclienten kommen jetzt nicht direkt aufn richtigen?

      5 bans sind super, aber langsam wundere ich mich immer mehr über valve. durch die ankündigung vom international 2 verspüren sie offenbar keine eile mehr?
      Leben so.
    • Das International 2 wurde doch schon vor Monaten angekündigt. Ich verstehe da den Zusammenhang nicht mit dem Satz " durch die Ankündigung vom international 2 verspüren sie offenbar keine eile mehr?" o_O

      Eine Frage zum Co-Op-Matchmaking gegen die Bots: Werden dann die Stats mit ins MM berechnet?
    • fehlen doch nicht mehr viele Helden bis das Metagame voll ist, die 5 Bans finde ich persönlich viel wichtiger (gibt ja jetzt noch Eingewöhnungszeit für paar Wochen um sich an den 5. Ban zu gewöhnen).
      Die 5 Helden die noch wichtig sind werden sie wohl schaffen, damit jeder glücklich ist.