Introducing the Dota Store

    • Introducing the Dota Store

      Today we’re announcing that Dota 2 will be free to play, and contain an in-game store where you’ll be able to buy fancy gear to customize your heroes. From the forum threads we’ve read over the months since The International, it’s pretty clear that this won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone out there. There are a variety of smaller details that we’ve decided to put together a FAQ to help with, but we wanted to address the two most common concerns right away:

      • Dota 2 will not be a pay-to-win game. We think Dota’s competitive metagame is crucial, and something we won’t damage with economy items. We think cosmetic character customization is a great angle, and one we’ll be focusing on.
      • No, you won’t have to buy access to Dota’s heroes. They’ll all be available for free. It’s really important for Dota’s competitive metagame that all players have access to all the heroes. We want everyone to be able to customize and have access to their favorite heroes.

      We’re really excited about this. As we’ve explored cosmetic customization for heroes, we’ve been finding that we can use it to broaden our lore, and expand on the characters. We’ve received a lot of positive responses to the unique hero voices in the game, and the window they give you into each hero’s personality. We think this will be another avenue where we can expand in that direction. Here you can see some examples:

      As mentioned above, we’ve put together a FAQ that covers concerns we’ve seen out in the community, and our plans for addressing them, and you can check that out here. As always, take a look and send us your thoughts. If we’ve missed anything, make sure to let us know.

      Dota’s always been a game where the community has had an extremely active role in driving it forward, from the huge amount of feedback that Icefrog receives to the number of suggestions posted in the hero ideas forums. We wanted to make sure that Dota 2 expands on that community interaction even further, to the point where players can directly contribute to the game itself.

      So today we’re also announcing that Dota 2 is now part of the Steam Workshop. If you’re not familiar with the Steam Workshop, it’s a place where fans can upload content they’ve created for a game, and other players can vote and comment on it. The development team then takes those uploads and releases them as official parts of the game itself, and the original fan creator gets a slice of the sales from the in-game store. In the first year alone over 3.5 million dollars was paid out to TF2 fans who’s creations are now a permanent part of the game.

      If you’re a Dota 2 fan with some artistic skills, here’s your chance to get in on the ground floor of what’s sure to be a vibrant community for years to come, and be able to contribute directly to the game you’re already playing non-stop. If you’re still working on your art skills, you can still contribute massively by looking over the submissions as they arrive, and giving the thumbs up to ones that you’d like to see in your games.

    • Man darf lustigerweise sogar jetzt Items KAUFEN :D

      Patch Update = Bugs bei Ogre Magi gefixt und Ogre Magi in CM drin :)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von matthe ()

    • Ich hab ne Schulter fur Furion und so ne Treasure Chest bekommen :) + 57 Battlepoints natürlich! :D
      Also seh ich das richtig das es jetzt zu 100% nur Kosmetische Sachen sind? Das man für die einzelnen Items nichts kriegt is mir bewusst, aber z.B. wenn man so ein ganzes Set hat?

    • Ph3n0m schrieb:

      Ich hab ne Schulter fur Furion und so ne Treasure Chest bekommen :) + 57 Battlepoints natürlich! :D
      Also seh ich das richtig das es jetzt zu 100% nur Kosmetische Sachen sind? Das man für die einzelnen Items nichts kriegt is mir bewusst, aber z.B. wenn man so ein ganzes Set hat?

      Natürlich nur kosmetisch. Ich hab ne Waffe für axe bekommen. Ist ja geil, dass jeder unterschiedliche Sachen bekommt. :thumbsup:
    • ich finds richtig cool! durch die battle points hat man ein achievement-mäßigen anreiz zu zocken, das spiel bleibt for free und jeder hat die möglichkeit zu entscheiden, ob und wieviel er investieren will. der steam workshop wird bestimmt zu einigen richtig geilen sachen führen. mir gefällt die richtung die valve in den letzten wochen einschlägt total. nur der pickscreen is immernoch totaler humbug, find ich.
      Leben so.
    • "None of the items you purchase or the progress you make will be lost or reset once the game is available for everyone."
      nice schonmal farmen um die newbies mit imba skins zu beeindrucken hue hue hue heuheuhuehueuhue
    • wie erwartet. das droppen ist einfach mal zehn mal besser als das system in LoL, weil es die leute dazu ermuntert mit vielen verschiedenen helden zu spielen. die komischen schätze, mit denen man ingame leuten was "schenkt" sollen wohl die community freundlich gestalten und dass die skins nunmal customizable sind ist einfach sexy und genial.
      hoffe alles funktioniert wie von valve geplant und wenn man tatsächlich in der console das noch ausstellen kann wäre das einfach nur hammer fürs competitive (wo ich den quatsch lieber nicht sehen würde :] )
      Nice Meme

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