Copenhagen Wolves disband

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    • Copenhagen Wolves disband

      Barely a week after the team formerly and most previously known as DD. announced that they had acquired a new sponsor, Copenhagen Wolves have abruptly confirmed their disbandment today, with a brief statement on team captain Mikkel 'miGGel' Berg's Facebook fanpage.

      Speculation over the team's fate began yesterday, with several conflicting rumours circulating as to what would happen. Amel 'PlaymatE' Barudzija then announced his retirement from competitive DotA on his own Facebook fanpage, which only served to heighten fears about the team disbanding imminently.

      With the ceasing to exist, what will become of their invite to the upcoming DreamHack Summer 2012 Vengeance Dota 2 Cup is currently a mystery. However, DreamHack tournament administrator Linus 'Tjernobyl' Staaf has confirmed to joinDOTA that several teams have already been approached with the view of taking the now vacant invite slot, if at all possible.

      While miGGel did offer basic reasons for the team going their separate ways in his statement, joinDOTA has contacted the players to elaborate on the sudden split, and will update you with any further information we may receive.
    • Fand das Team ganz cool.. Echt schade eigt..
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    • Mein Lieblingsteam-.- Hatten alles: Skill, Erfolge, Charme(Mania!), DotA-Oldschool-Cred und coole Games. Nur leider ficken sie halt mit jedem Sponsor, der in Reichweite kommt. Vllt ist es das beste, wenn sie erstmal aufhören, sich ein bisschen Zeit geben und dann bauen die ein neues Team auf und rocken wieder.
      Audiocomments by me

      mouz.Twisted über mouz.Drayich schrieb:

      ...our captain and team-papa Dray...

      Join #lowbob und