Fancy Geomancy!

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    • Fancy Geomancy!

      Last week the Dota 2 community alerted us to the fact that the ‘Timebreaker’ weapon submission for Faceless Void mirrored the design of a weapon found in the MMO ‘Aion.’ After investigating the issue we discovered that the item was a violation of Workshop rules. In accordance to our Workshop copyright policies we are taking the following actions: The contributor of the violating asset will receive an extended Steam Community ban. We have also replaced the Timebreaker’s model with a new model designed by the Dota 2 team that we feel serves as an attractive replacement.

      Everyone who currently owns a Timebreaker will receive the replacement version of the weapon. Furthermore, the new Timebreaker is now a ‘Vintage’ quality weapon. Timebreakers that exist now are the only ones that will ever be until the end of time and thus the item rarity has been upgraded to ‘Immortal’.

      Moving forward, we need your help to ensure that the content on the Workshop is properly policed. Our ability to know the source of every idea or design is limited, but as a community we can effectively tackle this issue. We’ve posted a separate message to the Workshop blog that you can read here. Get involved in voting items up or down and let us know when you find items that represent intellectual property that is not the contributor’s own.

      Lastly, we’ve added requirements and downloadable assets for several new heroes to the Workshop Requirements page. You can now submit items for Phantom Lancer, Phantom Assassin, and a bunch of other heroes. We’ve been blown away by the quality of submissions to the Workshop and we can’t wait to see what gets created for these new heroes.

      Don’t forget! The Defense is having their finals THIS WEEKEND! Last week everyone had access to all the games and one particular game even had over 20,000 spectators. You can purchase a ticket and watch the finals (and any past games) here.

      The International page has also been updated with info on the venue and location. If you’re attending in person stop by and give it a read. In the coming weeks we’ll continue to expand that space with more information including the tournament format, Teams and Casters profiles, etc.

      Everyone wants a log!

    • Noss[I]Even schrieb:

      Fancy Geomancy!

      Wenigstens darf man sich auf Meepo nach ,,The International 2'' freuen. :)


      er kommt MITTEN im International 2

      und wird dann im Finaly Blind ausprobiert!

      geht dann 40-0, der spieler wird gefeiert und bekommt ein harem+inhalt als geschenk, inhalt kann man sich denken.