Test Client - Update Notes - October 10, 2012 (langweilig weil nächste Woche großer Patch)

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    • Test Client - Update Notes - October 10, 2012 (langweilig weil nächste Woche großer Patch)

      Lots of stuff happening behind-the-scenes, so a light update this week.

      - Added Meepo to Captain's Mode.
      - Added Magnus to Captain's Mode.
      - Fixed Reverse Polarity not pulling units from the right location.
      - Fixed Necromastry loss count for odd numbers.
      - Fixed Reverse Polarity stunning cycloned units.
      - Fixed Incapacitating Bite working against Wards.

      - Fixed enemy Meepo illusions displaying the wrong health bars.
      - Team profile shows tournaments that a team has participated in.
      - Fixed bugs with cooldowns and disassembling Tranquil Boots.

      - Updated Necronomicon visuals.

      - Added Templar Assassin to the list of heroes that bots will purchase invisibility-detection items for.
      - When leading a target, bots will no longer target an ability in impassable terrain.
      - Added more usage cases for Poison Touch.
      - Earthshaker and Tidehunter bots are now more aggressive when they have Echo Slam and Ravage up, which should help them initiate more often.
      - Fixed excessive lead time in Light Strike Array usage.
      - Fixed case where AoE targeted abilities could be targeted on invisible enemies.
      - Fixed bug with Shallow Grave where Dazzle bot would only rarely cast it on teammates.
      - Windrunner bot will now more often follow up a successful Shackleshot with a Powershot.
      - Ranged heroes will be slightly more aggressive when laning.
      - Fixed issue where bots with lifesteal were overestimating their tankiness.
      - Fixed Jugg's loadout to not have him buy boots first.
      - Dazzle bot is now a bit more judicious about using Shadow Wave.
    • cRUNcherNO1 schrieb:

      hier gibts nichts zu sehn, bitte gehn sie weiter

      frag mich wieso der auf den testserver und nicht direkt live geht, die sachen im hintergrund könnense auch dann so fixen...
      Ich schätze wegen der Botchanges. Solche Veränderungen könnten(!) die Co-Op Bot Match Suche zerstören. Selbst wenn nur ein Held fehlerhaft von den Bots ausgeführt wird, würde ein Großteil der Spiele ruiniert werden, da die Zahl der Helden, die die Bots spielen können noch sehr überschaubar ist.

      Außerdem wird ohnehin niemand den Patch auf dem richtigen Server vermissen ^^