Test Client Update mit Bristleback

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    • Test Client Update mit Bristleback

      Der Kreis ist durchbrochen. Nach 4 Wochen Abstinenz bringt Valve ein Update mit neuem Content in Form eines neuen alten Bekannten: Bristleback.


    • Update Notes - March 27, 2013

      - Added Bristleback!

      - Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.
      - Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.
      - Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
      - Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.
      - Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.
      - Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.
      - Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.
      - Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.
      - Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.
      - Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many
      - Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.
      - Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.
      - Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.
      - Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.
      - Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.
      - Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.
      - Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .
      - Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.
      - Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.
      - Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
      - Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.
      - Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.

      - Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
      - Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.
      - Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.
      - Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.
      - Wisp name change to Io.
      - Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.
      - Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.
      - Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.

      - New Vengeful Spirit model.
      - Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards.

      - Added Bounty Hunter bot.
      - Significantly revised how Roam mode works.

      - Revised Beastmaster's voice.

      DOTA 2 STORE
      - Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.
      - Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
      - The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
      - Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.
      - Added a couple new couriers!

      Woah Bristle wirkt ziemlich klein :D

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Hundekopfjaeger ()

    • Hey sie haben tatsächlich meine Idee mit den ausführlichen Tooltips gemacht. Mit der Alt-Taste ist es sogar noch praktischer, weil man somit die ausführlichen Daten genau dann nachlesen kann, wenn man sie überhaupt sehen will. Kann man damit jetzt wohl auch Rüstungs- und Angriffstypen einsehen?

      Beitrag von Kim_Peek ()

      Dieser Beitrag wurde von ramius gelöscht ().
    • wenn ich mir die gameplay fixes angucke... doom dmg w/ pipe, attendants 1s zu wenig, etc.
      ist ja nicht so dass diese sachen erst kürzlich hinzu kamen

      was in diesem spiel funktioniert eigentlich wie es soll

      €: PL 1 illu zuviel 8o WTF

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von greystar_ ()