Dota 2 Inventaroptionen und der Post im Dev forum

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    • Dota 2 Inventaroptionen und der Post im Dev forum

      I thought about some useful backpack improvemnts for a better overview for trading aswell for a nice structuring for oneself.

      Here are my suggestions:

      1. Being able to mark items and full pages to exclude from sorting.
      2. Being able to block empty slots and make the space available on additional pages.
      Up to 15 pages overall without the use of backpack expanders which makes 320 blockable slots.
      Pages will expand from base 10 up to 15 for the count of the blocked slots.
      (This is for creating separators for different heroes, item types, sets etc)
      3. CTRL and SHIFT selection options to move multiple items at once.
      4. Checkboxes or dropdown options to hide selected items in a trade window.
      5. Show 'equipped status' in trade window.
      6. Show items in trade like in your inventory (8x8)

      That's it for the moment being.

      Greetings form Flensburg, Germany

      Link hier

      Diskussion hier, sowie auch im dev forum, erwünscht. Need mehr Aufmerksamkeit damits wenigstens ein klein wenig Druck dahinter und damit evtl changes gibt.
      Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.