Kaipi in violation of EMS One rules

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    • Kaipi in violation of EMS One rules


      Kaipi fake nicking, deshalb DQ für EMS Summer
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Comewithme: i literally lost all the respect for fear
      » because all the teams knew were using bone
      » dignitas etc
      » and no one gave a ***
      » they play worse they lost live with it

      Comewithme: it was fear not maelk
      » crying

      Comewithme: to his admin friend

      ah well

      CWM twitch chat:
      comewithme: well

      » eg cry alot

      » admins believe them

      comewithme: so they look into things

      » they have no evidence

      » and then liquid manager tells bulba they got hard evidence and its a matter of time till its public

      » bulba tells envy

      » envy believes the bluff

      » and admits

      comewithme: without even asking anyone

      » just does it

      » then we wake up and read the skype

      » we lost

      » ROFL

      comewithme: dunno

      » esl should go suck a dick

      comewithme: cause they basicly forced us into doing it

      comewithme: i literally lost all the respect for fear

      » because all the teams knew were using bone

      » dignitas etc

      » and no one gave a ***

      » they play worse they lost live with it

      biatchhhhhh: typical maelk, pulling strings left right centre, guess he was the one who told icefrog to not invite kaipi for ti3 qualifiers

      Host comewithme: it was fear not maelk

      » crying

      comewithme: to his admin friend

      comewithme: maelk made it public

      » its pretty funny

      comewithme: before the game starts

      comewithme: fear asks us what do we do at finals

      comewithme: cause rules are 3 us

      » but admin told us before that we can go with bone at finals

      » we just ignored it anyuway

      » then he is talking to his admin friend

      » about how muich fun they had together at ti2

      » and they should do the same at ti3

      » and then after we won 10 mins later admin pms envy

      » about bone and ***

      » ROFL

      from cwm stream :

      cwm " » they told us
      » we cant qualify through eu
      » cause roster changed
      » so we have to play a series but it was too late

      so they force us to play na one
      » and tell us that we can use bone for finals
      » but we cant use him online
      » what ?

      eg had to qualify man
      » who cares if they win it or not ROFL
      » they expect us to apologize for using our full roster now
      » ahah
    • Heph schrieb:

      der klassiker - drama, verschwörungen und ungerechtigkeit trifft aus irgendeinem grund immer die größten vollidioten der szene.

      Die müssen 3 NA + 2 EU Online spielen und danach dürfen sie mit 5 EU-Leuten Offline spielen, falls ich es richtig verstanden habe. Auch eine lustige Regelung von der ESL.

      Hier nochmal die Quelle für die Quotes oben:


    • Imo hat Kaipi einfach gelutscht, fertig!

      Das geweine von cwm ist so lächerlich! Klar ists auch en bitchmove wenn jeder "wusste" man benutzt bone und dann schreit wenn das game rum ist. Aber sie durften so nicht spielen, punktendeaus!
      :thumbsup: Amtierende Best Witch DSDE 2015 :thumbsup:
    • Gut gemacht Kaipi, ihr seid meine Nummer 1. CWM ist sowieso der größte Spast, aber sowas? Hat man es so nötig zu gewinnen? Und dann noch so einen Kindergarten raushauen und ne Welle starten...

      Natürlich ist die Regel etwas fraglich, aber Fakt ist, dass Kaipi gespielt hat und es hat so ausgesehen hat, als hätten sie einen Standin gebraucht und somit die Regel akzeptiert. Hätte man sich rechtzeitig für den EU Qualifier angemeldet hätte sowas auch nicht passieren müssen...
    • tl;dr
      kaipi will ems lan final

      in europa haben sie durch roster changes / deadline nicht teilnehmen können
      in amerika gibts die regel mind. 3 aus amerika, sie handeln angeblich mit nem admin rum, welcher sagt sie müssen den qualifier mit nem amerikanischen standin spielen, offline isses dann kein problem mehr. sie usen clairvoyance und n anderen kanadianischen acc dafür, angeblich wusste jeder dass bone7 mit dem acc spielt, nach dem win regt sich fear bei den admins auf und kriegt (logischerweise) recht.
    • 1. Kaipi konnte nicht bei EMS.eu mitmachen (verschiedene Gründe von verschiedenen Seiten)
      2. Kaipi versucht es über den US qualifier, braucht aber 3 NA leute
      3. Bone7 fake nicked Clairvoyance damit sie die Quali spielen können
      4. Spielen alle spiele auf USE, es wird herausgefunden, dass er mit 200 ms spielt, (unmöglich für clair, da ami)
      5. Drama
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Al-Capwne schrieb:

      Da ich absolut keinen Bock habe mir ewig langes Gefasel von Faggots durchzulesen aber dennoch am Drama interessiert bin, kann jemand fix nen kleines tl;dr posten?

      KP roster ist 3 eu spieler, 2 na spieler.
      für den NA qualifier musst du aber mindestens 3 NA spieler haben.
      also haben sie ihrem offlaner (bone7) accounts von NA spielern gegeben und ihn als standin ausgegeben.
      haben also 'heimlich' mit nur 2 NA spielern gespielt.
    • Wirkt das nur auf mich so, dass man einfach Angst hatte, im EU-Qualifier zu versagen und es daher auf das NA-Qualifier ausgewichen ist?
      Statement von Clairvoyance, dessen Nick auch geused wurde:
      bOne7 was using the standin accounts (mine included) during the entire duration of the qualifiers, except one match when i actually rang very early on. this includes the finals.
      a few members of the roster had a long talk with me after they had finished winning, with arteezy having a guilty conscience regarding the matter (he's young and good hearted), which i had supported - at the end of the day, no matter fair or unfair, rules are rules.

      They had used my name for the majority since the first game i rang for them, it was a casual pass-on account that i use for messing around a bit and most importantly, kaipi had actually missed the timing to apply for the EU qualifier (i dont know why the signups were at different times, id imagine scheduling issues). Regardless, they missed their opportunity to apply for EMS, but them being a team who had missed out on a lot more as of late (TI3 qualifiers), my guess was that they really wanted an opportunity to keep playing and prove themselves. i bailed out on them at the finals unfortunately, only after ixmike gave me a message did i realize that this was a rather big deal as region locks are involved, and though my intention was to simply help a friend, i didnt want to take part on something that would be deemed shady.

      Above all however, my choice for replying is because i wanted to let people know from the best of my personal knowledge, that kaipi were not trying to "dodge" the EU qualifiers because they were scared of some teams - as a matter of fact, i think the general opinion is that EU qualifiers would have been easier because it lets through more teams and EternalNeRd is not the type of person to back down from a challenge, they acknowledge that proving their worth is the most important, which is once again why they really wanted a shot at this EMS lan event. At the end of the day, if you don't win in either qualifiers, you're probably not going win the event.

      They missed out on the short term effects of aliasing (as well as i), kept with it too deep, and are expecting consequences (DQ +, up to admins discretion, they did confess so that should alleviate things a little), but once again, i hope everyone involved looks on with a forgiving eye on the fellas who had missed out on so much, and are simply looking to make it back by playing the highest level of DotA available.
    • Ist nunmal offensichtlich ein Regelbruch und das ganz bewusst. Selbst schuld für Kaipi, auch wenn die Regel schon etwas fraglich ist und das Drama drumherum sowieso. Doof gelaufen ;)
    • EU quali ist einfacher, da man mehr Plätze hat tbh.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Comewithme: dunno guys
      » you can call me a flamer *** or whatever
      » but im honestly not apologizing for this
      » if my team wants to its perfectly fine by me

      Comewithme: i agree that breaking a rule is wrong
      Comewithme: but in this case we didn't really have another option

      Comewithme: we played most of the games with lust regardless
      Comewithme: bone only played finals i think
    • Kaipi has been found to have been in violation of EMS One's regional player restriction and has be removed from RaidCall EMS One Summer 2013. EMS One Americas requires that a minimum of 3 out of 5 players reside in North or South America to harbor growth of the scene and deal with lag issues. Due to Kaipi's standard roster not fitting this requirement, they registered with a stand in player (Lust from Canada). According to EMS One's rule set, Kaipi was required to field a majority American roster throughout the qualifying cups and group stage. However, we recently became aware that Kaipi has been using Lust's account as a smurf for Romanian player bOne7 (actual Kaipi member from Europe).

      bOne7 and Lust shared accounts in the semi finals, final and other matches throughout the season. While EMS One admins and management were aware of the allegations before the finals against team Evil Geniuses, the match was allowed to proceed to gather further evidence, including Lust's account pinging 200ms+ consistently across 3 games to US East during their games against EG. Kaipi has since admitted that they were in fact using bOne7 on Lust's account.

      Action has been taken against the two directly involved players as well as EternalEnVy for disrupting the nature of the competition, voiding the RaidCall EMS One Americas final and orchestrating an effort to undermine the residency rules in place. EternalEnVy eventually admitted to the accusations in the face of evidence.

      Kaipi: Kaipi's team license has been revoked for RaidCall EMS One Summer 2013 and Fall 2013. This ban will be upheld as long at least three current Kaipi players are registered together (even under another organization).

      bOne7: bOne7 has been banned from Summer 2013 and Fall 2013. This means, whether or not he plays for Kaipi in the Fall EMS Season he will be ineligible to compete.

      Lust: Lust has been banned from Summer 2013 and Fall 2013. This means, whether or not he plays for Kaipi in the Fall EMS Season he will be ineligible to compete.

      EternalEnVy: EternalEnVy has been banned for two cups in Fall 2013. If EternalEnvy were to leave Kaipi and join another team, he would be prevented from playing the first two cups of Fall 2013.

      Evil Geniuses has been awarded a default win from the final and will compete in Poland this Summer at the DOTA2 Finals.

      We regret this incident. Here at ESL, we value fair competition above all else and are disappointed that the team of Kaipi has neglected our rules in the way they did.

      sucks to be them
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