The International House of Dedication

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    • The International House of Dedication

      While some teams have a language barrier by having two nationalities on their team, LGD International lives up to the International part of their name by being based in China and having a team comprised of players from Canada, America, Denmark, Sweden, and Russia.

      With all team members moving to a foreign country where they none of them speak the language, they were forced to turn to each other. Their in-game communication might not always be pretty, but as Brax points out – they do understand each other.

      They have more than their ability to communicate on the line at this year’s International.

      Living together 24/7 for 10 months, playing Dota 2 all day, 6 days a week, in an unfamiliar country is a big sacrifice. It adds pressure to their play. Their friends and family back home are all wondering if it has been worth it.

      1437 makes it clear – yes, it was worth it.

      They could have been good players in the West but the teamwork and dedication they have learned has gotten them prepared for The International and their bid to win it all.