[English] Epi interviews Kuroky

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    • [English] Epi interviews Kuroky

      Epi hat ein lages Interview mit Kuroky geführt.
      Da vielleicht nicht jeder die jD Coverage verfolgt, pack ichs mal hier rein.

      jD Link

      jD Auszug schrieb:

      Can you explain Alliance? Right now, when we see them play, everything looks so smooth.

      In my opinion, Alliance is a team, that plays with structure, something that we don't see too often. When you look at the top 3 from the International, I think Orange and Na'Vi are two teams without real structure compared to Alliance. Alliance's gameplan is just very solid each game and they never change their core idea - that's why they are always stable.

      The differences (XBOCT called two unnamed team mates being "useless idiots", apologized later) , I know you said you can't talk about it too much, is about the strategy? Just to know what are the roots of the differences.

      No, its not about strategies. These people have no right to complain about strategies since its only me and Puppey doing the draft. (...) About the tension between Puppey and Xboct, I think its something which goes on for quite some time. I know there were a lot of rumors around me being replaced, but rumors are rumors. My position in Na'Vi was never endangered - not even 1%. It was some other guys' position, but in the end we came to the conclusion: No point to change the roster, because we are very successful and with this new roster Na'Vi was able to win a Lan outside of Ukraine.

      What is your opinion on Mushi? Have you had a chance on talking to him at the International?

      He can't really speak English, but I talked a little bit with him - I know the guy since 2009. He's a very likeable person, a very cool guy! There is nothing to not like about him! Everyone likes him. Even my Dad likes him. When I cam back from the International, my father started talking about it and he never really talked about DOTA. It was the first time and he is a fan of Mushi.

      What did he say, after you came back from the International?

      He is very proud of me. We come from rather poor standards. My mother is not able to work because of her sickness and my father works as a cab-driver, so this whole e-sport thing was my biggest point in my life to provide for my family. He was really proud that I've achieved so much. The money I've got, is money I don't need, so I gave it to my parents so they can live an easy life. My parents, especially my father has been working a lot throughout his life to provide everything for me and my brother, and I always wanted to give something back. With this International I can finally buy them some freedom: They haven't taken any holidays for 10 years and they want to visit their home country, which is Iran to see their family they haven't seen for a decade.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von lorenzorro ()

      FREE Willy

      Doris Koch schrieb:

      gesendet von meinem GameBoyCOLOR
    • lorenzorro schrieb:

      What did he say, after you came back from the International?

      He is very proud of me. We come from rather poor standards. My mother is not able to work because of her sickness and my father works as a cab-driver, so this whole e-sport thing was my biggest point in my life to provide for my family. He was really proud that I've achieved so much. The money I've got, is money I don't need, so I gave it to my parents so they can live an easy life. My parents, especially my father has been working a lot throughout his life to provide everything for me and my brother, and I always wanted to give something back. With this International I can finally buy them some freedom: They haven't taken any holidays for 10 years and they want to visit their home country, which is Iran to see their family they haven't seen for a decade.
      Wenn das keine Weltmeister Mentalität wiederspiegelt, weiß ich auch nicht. Starker Move Kuro
      you may clip our wings, but we will always remember what it was like to fly~

    • He is very proud of me. We come from rather poor standards. My mother is not able to work because of her sickness and my father works as a cab-driver, so this whole e-sport thing was my biggest point in my life to provide for my family. He was really proud that I've achieved so much. The money I've got, is money I don't need, so I gave it to my parents so they can live an easy life. My parents, especially my father has been working a lot throughout his life to provide everything for me and my brother, and I always wanted to give something back. With this International I can finally buy them some freedom: They haven't taken any holidays for 10 years and they want to visit their home country, which is Iran to see their family they haven't seen for a decade.

      :love: :love: :love: :love:
    • Kuro einfach bester Mann. :love:
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Kuro ist echt ne verdammt coole Socke!

      Sehr viel Liebe! Gerade wegen dem Ding mit seinen Eltern :love: :love: :love:

      Deutsche Dota-Elite! Außerdem find ichs schön zu hören, dass seinem Vater wohl Dota gefällt! :thumbsup:

      Luke LaLonde schrieb:

      kurzes statement von mir:
      -sunslayer und buktus sind irgendwie so nen bud spencer / terrence hill duo, nur dass sunslayer kleiner ist und permanent irgendwelche sprüche auf kosten von buktus raus haut :D
    • Hut ab an Epi. Sehr schönes Interview. Ich hoffe du wirst in Zukunft mehr solcher Interviews machen. War wirklich genial. Und KuroKy natürlich wie immer mit tollen Antworten. Bei seinem Vater musste ich so lachen :D
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