Dota 2 nicht bei MLG Anaheim

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    • Dota 2 nicht bei MLG Anaheim

      It is with great disappointment that we announce Dota 2 will no longer be featured at the MLG Championship in Anaheim this June. No one is more disappointed than I am. Over the last eight months, we have been dedicated to helping grow the Dota 2 scene in North America and beyond. I personally have strived to have a very open dialogue with the players, teams, fans and leagues in the Dota community in order to deliver compelling competition and broadcasts.

      As you know, Dota 2 activity in the US and around the globe has skyrocketed over the last few months with multiple events recently announced for this summer. While we are extremely happy to see the continued growth in popularity, the vast number of tournaments greatly impacts our ability to hold a successful Dota 2 tournament at the upcoming MLG Championship in Anaheim. Holding tournaments so close together, especially before the biggest Dota 2 event of the year – Valve’s own International, puts tremendous stress on players and affects their overall performance.

      We always strive to provide our competitors with the optimum conditions to ensure they can compete at their best and ultimately deliver the most compelling broadcast to our viewers. With the current schedule, that is simply not possible and we want to avoid putting added stress on teams.

      Over the coming months we will continue to showcase Dota 2 competition via programming and will closely monitor the landscape to determine when it makes sense to bring Dota 2 back into the MLG Pro Circuit.

      I want to thank the Dota 2 community for their incredible support over the past few months and ask for your continued understanding as we assess the situation moving forward.



      finde das ganze sehr schade. das event letztes jahr war sehr charismatisch, besonders verursacht durch die direkte interaktion mit der community (dank MLGadam) auf reddit und anderen plattformen.
    • Ist zwar schade, aber eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht, da so alle Teams genug Zeit für Dreamhack + ESL haben und anschließend dann fürs ti.
      Mit MLG wärs halt einfach ziemlich stressig geworden, so ist das Ganze immerhin ein bisschen entspannter.