Angepinnt TI5 Production Value

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    • Nochmal auf die Videos zuruckzukommen : jedes Video Schema F: family oder enge Freunde crien wie toll sie es letzten Endes finden wie ihre Kinder jetzt abgehen - als die faulen Hunde wie jeder hier in der Jugend vorm Rechner hing haben die mit Sicherheit nicht gesagt follow Your dream sondern eher lernwasdufaulerhund ... So eine krasse marketingscheisse :D
      :thumbsup: Amtierender MAGIC - The Gathering Landraft Champion Sommer 2014 :thumbsup:
    • Ah und das weist du weil du ur der gute m8 von allen Pros bist und deren Eltern persönlich kennst. (Weis es ofc auch nicht, aber mir geht das ganze "uhh is alles nur marketing" gewhine am Sack
      Der Horizont der meisten Menschen ist ein Kreis mit dem Radius 0. Und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt. ~Albert Einstein~
    • Find ich jetzt nicht sonderlich überrschend dass alles nach dem gleichen Schema abläuft.

      - Eltern die nicht verstehen was eSport ist und sich nicht mit Spielen auseinandersetzen
      - Sohn ist erfolgreich, verdient Geld, fliegt zu Events in andren Ländern, Eltern "wtf??", gucken sich dass mal an
      - Eltern: okay, dann supporten wir ihn mal
      - Sohn macht es zum Beruf, wird wie Sportler behandelt, Doku Team taucht auf um Video zu machen

      Ich mein, zwangsläufig sieht man ja nur Videos von denen die ja schon beim TI sind, also mehr oder weniger erfolgreich. Mich würde es MEHR überraschen wenn diese grundlegenden Gemeinsamkeiten NICHT irgendwie vorhanden wären. Selbst Lanms Story vom anderen Ende der Welt (nicht bei TIs, die hat schriftlich mal wer gepostet) war im Prinzip das Gleiche, wenn auch ein wenig tragischer.

      Klar wird es den Eltern anfänglich nicht so gepasst haben, vermutlich kann JEDER hier seine eigenen Erfahrungen diesbezüglich posten wenn man viel Dota oder einfach games spielt, dass sich die Meinung der Eltern aber mit Erfolg/Events/Geld/Beruf relativ schnell ändern ist jetzt auch nicht sonderlich überraschend.

      Was in den Videos gezeigt wird ist zum großteil vermutlich wirklich einfach die Standard Geschichte von wirklich jedem einzelnem eSportler.
      Happiness, more or less, it's just a change in me, something in my liberty.

    • 2GD interview
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Kurzärmlige Hemden ohne Not sind tatsächlich abzulehnen. Klassiches Poloshirt. T-shirt oder einen sehr leichtes Weißes Hemd sind oft, wenn nicht gar immer vorzuziehen.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
    • Mehr Interviews:…t_iceiceice_s4_xboct_and/

      Spoiler anzeigen

      Hello Reddit!

      I come to you bearing gifts, in form of interviews!

      We (Hibbert, the magician behind all the editing, video and sound, and I, Skim) were able to conduct a bunch of interviews during the media day 1, right before the groupstage, some longer, some shorter.



      Here they are (with a few thoughts of mine)

      - It's 30mins long but if you're even remotely interested in him as a person, I'd highly recommend a watch, my favorite interview by far.

      - Some really solid and honest answers from Xboct regarding his team (bootcamp, visa issues, artstyle)

      - Well... I think Iceiceice and I get along well and I think it kinda shows. It's a lot of banter, nothing too serious but a bit of real talk here and there as well. He mentions interesting stuff regarding the majors and the transfer deadline/stand-in rules that you should check out (dat clickbait)

      - I think I couldve done better but I think s4 does a really good job of expressing himself and his thoughts on the meta

      - i dun goofed, way too short interview (with translations inbetween it felt much longer) but interesting regardless

      - solid interview i'd say, talking about the pressure on iG regarding the team hype and the clash between east/west and possible western supremacy at ti5


      **Get to know...**

      In addition to those interviews, we thought it would be a cool idea to get to know a few teams that not everybody knows about, some newcomers or just some teams that are not as hyped/reported about as others, and I'd say we picked the right ones!

      Bear in mind that these were all done on Day 1, so there wasn't much progress from us to learn from previous videos. We wanna do a few more just like them for press Day 2, so if you have any suggestions (what teams you wanna see and what questions you want ask) leave it here in the comments

      We will definitely go for something in the same direction as the previous ones, unless you think it is rly bad


      **Family Feud??**

      Thanks for all the answers, but so far timing has not really been on our side. Teams and players were busy and already reluctant doing anything with press during the groupstage and casters wanted to of course chill out after hours (with some Mafia)

      So it seems rather unlikely for us to pursue this idea, but we'll try for sure


      General feedback on our stuff is very much welcome, note though that if it comes to technical issue, we most likely know.
      'Maturity,' father had slowly begun,'
      Is knowing you're wrong and accepting it, son.
      There's prudence in pausing with patience and joy -
      And hearing the wisdom in others, my boy.
      'A person's perspective,' he said with a smile,
      'Is plain if you walk in their shoes for a while.
      And if you can do it - if maybe you do -
      You might understand, and agree that it's true.'
      I followed his reasons, and nodded, polite;
      Perhaps that was logic - perhaps he was right.
      Perhaps there was truth in his claim all along...
      'I'm twenty,' I countered: 'I'm right, and you're wrong.'
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