Wie gut funktioniert euer Internet?

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    • Wie gut funktioniert euer Internet?

      Da ich zur Zeit in der Uni viel damit zu tun habe, wie das "Internet" bzw. allgemein Datenkommunikation funktioniert, interessiert es mich auch, wie gut es bei mir Zuause funktioniert.

      Hier der ICSI Netalyzer. Das wurde uns von meinem Prof empfohlen, um zu überprüfen, was da so los ist.

      Bei mir ist das Ergebnis etwas meh.

      Hab die wichtigsten Sachen mal in ein Document rauskopiert und werd damit mal den Herrn Prof nerven.

      Vor allem die Sache mit dem Network buffer Uplink von 1000 ms geht mir gar nicht gut rein.
      Heißt quasi, dass ich sogut wie gar nicht, oder nur sehr schlecht, Dinge gleichzeitig hoch und runter laden kann.

      Daher kommen vlt auch hin und wieder diese Lags bei Dota und Rocket League ..

      ResultDocument(Only bad things)
      Major Abnormalities –
      Your DNS resolver returns IP addresses for names that do not exist
      Your DNS resolver manipulates results for IPv6 addresses
      Minor Aberrations –
      Certain TCP protocols are blocked in outbound traffic
      Certain UDP protocols are blocked in outbound traffic
      Network packet buffering may be excessive

      An in-path DNS proxy modifies NXDOMAIN errors. Instead of forwarding the error, the device replaces it with a response redirecting you to IP address

      Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS NS servers (port 137) is blocked.
      Direct UDP access to remote NetBIOS DGM servers (port 138) is blocked.

      Network Access Link Properties:

      Network buffer measurements (?): Uplink 1000 ms, Downlink 77 ms –
      We estimate your uplink as having 1000 ms of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large uploads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large uploads at the same time.

      IPv6 tests:

      DNS results wildcarding (?): Warning –
      Your ISP's DNS server returns IP addresses even for domain names which should not resolve. Instead of an error, the DNS server returns an address of, which does not resolve. You can inspect the resulting HTML content here.
      There are several possible explanations for this behavior. The most likely cause is that the ISP is attempting to profit from customer's typos by presenting advertisements in response to bad requests, but it could also be due to an error or misconfiguration in the DNS server.
      The big problem with this behavior is that it can potentially break any network application which relies on DNS properly returning an error when a name does not exist.
      The following lists your DNS server's behavior in more detail.
      www.{random}.com is mapped to
      www.{random}.org is mapped to
      fubar.{random}.com is mapped to
      yahoo.cmo [sic] is mapped to
      nxdomain.{random}.netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu is mapped to
      Another problem with the DNS server is its response to a server failure. Instead of properly returning an error when it cannot contact the DNS authority, the DNS server returns an address of Since transient failures are quite common this can be significantly disruptive, turning a transient failure into a wrong answer without any notification to the application doing the name lookup.
      DNS support for IPv6 (?): Warning –
      The DNS resolver you are using deliberately manipulates results. This can prove problematic, as you will be unable to contact an IPv6-only site: the DNS resolver is giving incorrect results for a system which has only an IPv6 address. We expected the client to only receive cafe:babe:66:0:0:0:0:1 (an IPv6 address), instead it received the following address:
      Your DNS resolver is not on Google's IPv6 "whitelist", which means that Google does not enable IPv6 access to their services for you.
      "I'd only suggest that you try to understand other people. Try to learn empathy"
    • kann man nicht einfach aktivieren, weil man sowas obviously nicht installiert hat

      e: fände es ja auch interessant, aber müsste dafür jetzt halt einen neuen browser installieren, dort dann noch das java plugin installieren, den test machen und dann wieder alles runterwerfen, bin ich in diesem moment zu lazy für

      eventually there comes a point where it's like the true test for your team - will he cast a spell or will he not
      - Artour Babaev

      Und wenn beide dann nicht mehr stacken und der einer 6k Boi, der vorher 4k war, mit einem anderen 4k Boi spielt, dann ist er nicht mehr 6k, weil er reverse trägert, oder?
      - User des Monats
    • So gut, dass 9 Leute in Dota2 auf Grund von Connectionproblemen droppen und man alleine zuende spielen muss :(
      Bester Satz von Max aka Genesis "Ey isch hab ebe gege braun im Armdrücke verlore - der macht alles aus dem Nacke. Ohne Witz hasch du schomma dem soi Nacke gsehe?"